Chapter 798

Shen Ze, Ning Yansong and Lei Ming are all people with extraordinary identities.

One is the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, the supreme Dragon God, the second person, and the former elder.

All three of them have a lot of contacts and resources.

If United, the force formed is obviously extraordinary.

Of course, Huang Shiping is not a fool. He also thought of what Shen Ze and his family thought of. Since he returned to Yanjing from the Northern War Zone, he began to pull people up.

And because some things have been pointed out, we all know how to stand in line. Without Huang Shiping's solicitation, we went to Huang Shiping's side.

Of course, Huang Shiping took the lead in this kind of business, but this advantage is not great.

No matter whether it's Huang Shiping or not, or those who didn't stand in line, Shen Ze and others all went to win over.

The final result is that Shen Ze has an advantage on their side.

After all, Shen Ze's side is more powerful than Huang Shiping's, and it's a matter of conforming to public opinion. Everyone can think of it, so they will choose Shen Ze's side.

For such a situation, Huang Shiping is shocked to feel a very strong crisis, and he is also very angry and unhappy.

Shen Ze, they are just like fighting against him!

In this case, Huang Shiping also directly began to be ruthless, and began to use all kinds of means.

Even though Huang Shiping used some mean and shameless means, it did not create an advantage for him. The final result seems to be settled and can not be changed.

Seeing this situation, Huang Shiping was very unwilling, but he was helpless.

"This Shen Diaolong is really a shitty stick. It's not good at all. It's so bad. He's responsible for all these things!"

"It was he who joined hands with Lei Ming and Ning Yansong. If it wasn't for him, none of these things would have happened!"

"I really hate this Shen Diaolong. I want to kill him now!"

Huang Shiping is impressively blaming Shen Ze for everything.

He felt that all this was caused by Shen Ze. It was because Shen Ze wanted to retire that these things happened.

Nothing would have happened. It was because Shen Ze wanted to do it that these things happened.

"Damn it, I must kill Shen Diaolong, otherwise I can't swallow the evil spirit in my heart."

This time, Huang Shiping had a strong desire to kill Shen Zesheng.

The current situation is very unfavorable for Huang Shiping. Huang Shiping is very clear that if he does not take some substantive actions, he will not be able to reverse the situation.

The way Huang Shiping thought of was to attack Shen Ze.

Only when Shen Ze is solved, everything will be easier.

After having such a plan, Huang Shiping impressively called the black robed old man and Ouyang Qingfeng again.

"This time, no matter what you do, you are going to kill Shen Diaolong for me!"

"If you don't kill him again, it will only make more trouble for him!"

"You must go and kill Shen Diaolong!"

Ouyang Qingfeng and the old man in black robe obviously know what happened recently.

They are very clear, now Huang Shiping and Shen Ze in their contest, has fallen into the downwind.

If no way can be found to turn the situation around, Huang Shiping will really step down from above.

It is also normal for Huang Shiping to urge them to kill Shen Diaolong.

"Shen Diaolong is now in the courtyard where he lives. You have a chance to kill him." Huang Shiping said murderously.

Ouyang Qingfeng and the old man in black robe frowned tightly when they heard the speech, and their faces showed the color of embarrassment.

No matter when it is, Ouyang Qingfeng and the old man in black robe don't want to kill Shen Ze.

Because in their view, it is not only a very difficult thing to do, but also a bad thing rather than a good thing.

If Shen Ze really committed a serious crime and needed to be punished, then it would be fair for them to kill Shen Ze.

And just because of the personal grudge between Huang Shiping and Shen Ze, or the fight for power, they are asked to kill Shen Ze, so this thing is impossible for them.

The name is not right.

Moreover, in their view, Shen Ze is the kind of person who can't be killed.

Shen Ze is very important to the nation, and he is an immortal.

In the eyes of Ouyang Qingfeng and the old man in black robe, Shen Ze really can't die!

For Huang Shiping so determined to kill Shen Ze, both feel very inappropriate.

"Mr. Huang, you'd better think it over carefully."

Ouyang Qingfeng said in a deep voice, "it's not a good name to kill Shen Diaolong like this."

"Moreover, Shen Diaolong is very important to the nation. He should not be killed. He should be allowed to live well."

"Mr. Huang, you really can't ask us to kill Shen Diaolong just because of some personal grudges."

Ouyang Qingfeng said with a very serious look: "if Shen Diaolong really committed a capital crime, it's Fair for us to kill him. There's no such thing. We're going to do such a thing."

Although the old man in black robe didn't say anything, after listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's words, he nodded in agreement.

Obviously, the old man in black robe also holds the same views and opinions as Ouyang Qingfeng.

They really can't kill Shen Ze!

Understanding that they both meant this, Huang Shiping frowned tightly and his face became very gloomy.

"You are all subordinates of Huang Shiping. I am your master. You can do whatever I ask you to do, instead of refuting my meaning and shaking my mind."

Huang Shiping glared at Ouyang Qingfeng and the old man in black robe, and then said, "I think it's right to do this. You should do it according to what I say."

"I am the master, you have no right to refuse!"

Obviously, Huang Shiping regarded him as the master of giving orders, and regarded the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng as slaves.

As a slave, naturally we should obey the master's arrangement!

Huang Shiping said this truth, but for the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng, it is still unacceptable.

Both of them fell into silence.

Seeing that the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng are still unwilling to kill Shen Ze, Huang Shiping's face is black and his eyes are burning with anger.

Huang Shiping was impressed by the fact that he couldn't make sense of it.

He said angrily, "if you don't want to lose your reputation and be doomed, do what I mean and kill Shen Diaolong."

Huang Shiping's remark is obviously a threat from the land of red fruits.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, both the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng frowned tightly, and their faces became very gloomy.