Chapter 807


Under the gaze of countless people, the golden palmprint collided with the tornado.

The two collided fiercely, producing a continuous thunder and explosion.

"Bang Bang..."

It's like one missile after another exploded, and the momentum was astounding.

Whether it's the golden palmprint or the powerful storm, it's all the full strength attack by Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng. The power is very terrible and extraordinary.

Even if any master of martial arts comes, he will be destroyed in an instant when he is involved in this confrontation, which can be seen from this.


It's like the earth is shaking. Because of the collision between the golden Palmprint and the tornado, the whole forbidden city is shaking. It looks terrible.

The power tornado suddenly swallowed the golden palmprint, and wanted to smash the latter completely.

However, the firmness of the golden palmprint is unimaginable. Even if the tornado can destroy everything, it still can't crush the golden palmprint.

Whether it's golden palmprint or tornado, it's all controlled by Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng.

Both of them are trying to break each other's offensive.

No matter Shen Ze or Ouyang Qingfeng, they are all increasing their offensive, making their own means more terrifying, in order to break the other side's offensive.

At the moment, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng are in the strongest state. Their martial arts strength can be said to be very close.

Of course, even if the strength of martial arts is similar, the combat effectiveness can be different.

Now, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng are obviously in this situation.

When it comes to actual combat, there is obviously a difference between the two men's combat effectiveness.

Of course, it's not a battle of life and death. Although Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng don't spare any effort, they don't attack each other. Instead, they try to see who is more aggressive.

The first round between the two men was a standoff for a long time.

It's a good match.

And because of the long-term stalemate, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng are a little weak.


In the end, both the golden Palmprint and the tornado couldn't hold on, and they all broke.

Golden Palmprint and energetic tornado both contain terrible power. If they are allowed to collapse and sweep, they will be enough to destroy the Forbidden City.

Therefore, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng have a tacit understanding to remove the storm of destruction, and the golden Palmprint and the energetic tornado are calm.

"In the first round, they were tied!"

"It's a terrible attack for them when they come up."

"Sure enough, as imagined, the two men's fight is very wonderful, even without those fancy, it looks very simple."

"There's a saying that it's called Dao Zhijian. Top martial artists like Shen Diaolong and Ouyang Qingfeng have very simple means, but their power is extremely terrifying."

"I don't think it's their simple offensive that ordinary martial arts masters can't resist."

"Ordinary martial arts masters can't resist. Don't forget, Shen Diaolong is a super fierce man who has killed two martial arts masters."

"Don't see don't know, a look startled, Shen Diaolong and Ouyang Qingfeng are too strong!"

"Today is really a peak battle, I think they should be the strongest people in the world!"

"Not to mention the strongest in the world, we should really know the strongest among them."

"It's a pity that they don't decide between life and death, but just win or lose. If life and death face each other, they will play better."

"Don't decide on life or death. Shen Diaolong and Ouyang Qingfeng are all from our country. It's a huge loss to lose them."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong and Ouyang Qingfeng are treasures of our country. They can't be lost!"

"Even if it's not a matter of life and death, this battle will be very wonderful. Just look at it. Don't have so many demands."

"Stop talking nonsense here and continue to watch this wonderful battle!"

When Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng fought each other, no matter on the spot or in the studio, the discussion never stopped.

All the spectators were very excited, staring at Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng, waiting for them to fight again.

As soon as Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng came up, they put on an offensive with no spare force, but they just tried the water. They didn't use the most powerful move, they used very common moves.

Before that, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng did not fight each other. With the first round, they both knew something about each other.

It has to be said that there is not much difference between the two men's martial arts strength, and it's really hard to tell the difference between them.

If we insist on a result, I'm afraid it will take some time.

In this regard, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng are tacit, and they are not eager to win or lose, but slowly.

After all, they just came to fight each other, not to fight each other.

Shen Ze's face was calm. He looked at Ouyang Qingfeng standing opposite and said faintly, "it's not good to show on the ground. We'll fight in the sky."

"Good." Ouyang Qingfeng smell speech, without hesitation nodded.

Then, they rushed to the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the air.

With Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng in the air, all the cameras on the scene, as well as the crowd, have shifted their attention.

Everyone's eyes are focused on the air.

After arriving in the air, Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng started their movements again.

This time, Shen Ze was still the first to launch the offensive.

Shen Zexin read a move, and all the energy in his body immediately poured out.


A loud sound of the sword sounded in the air, and a sense of the sword filled the world in an instant.

The energy poured out from Shen Ze's body was suddenly condensed into a golden sword in front of him.

This huge sword is about three feet in size. It's full of gold. It's like substance. It gives people the feeling that it's a real huge sword.

Moreover, both the warriors present and the audience in front of the studio felt that the golden sword was extremely sharp, as if it could cut open the sky.

All the people who saw the golden sword were shocked and awed.

This is really a terrible sword!

Although we all know that the golden sword is virtual, it still doesn't prevent us from thinking that it is more terrible than a bomb!

Everyone felt that everything in front of the golden sword was vulnerable and could only be chopped.

For Shen Ze condensed such a terrible golden sword, everyone was very surprised, one by one.

The world's number one God of war deserves its reputation!