Chapter 816

The bloody fog soon dissipated, the sky and the earth became clear again, and the scene in the sky also emerged. You can see it clearly.

The bloody spear suddenly disappeared, leaving only the bloody sword in the sky.

The blood colored sword is in the void, just like a lonely king, standing still.

Seeing this scene, we all know that the victory is divided!

Ouyang Qingfeng's bloody spear is broken, while Shen Ze's bloody sword is still there, which shows that Shen Ze is better and has won this round.

Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng played a total of four rounds. Ouyang Qingfeng won one round and Shen Ze won three.

Obviously, Shen Ze won the competition!

In the silence, Ouyang Qingfeng looked at Shen Ze with complicated eyes and said in a very serious and sincere tone: "Lord Dragon God, I'm willing to be inferior."

Shen Ze heard the speech and said humbly, "give in."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Ze raised his hand and waved his bloody sword across the void.

With Shen Ze making this action, the bloody sword suddenly turned into nothingness.

It's very fast for Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng to fight each other.

The two played four rounds, but it took only half an hour, and the contest ended.

Or that sentence, master moves, often in a flash.

Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng have played for four rounds, which is very long.

After all, some of the strong can win or lose directly as soon as they come up, and they pay attention to one move to defeat the enemy.

Although we all feel that we haven't seen enough of the competition between Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng, we are still quite satisfied.

After all, this kind of fighting is not something you can see if you want to see it.

The competition between Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng just now is wonderful enough, shocking enough and unforgettable.

Some things need to be more than enough, not too much.

Of course, people are still in a state of mind.


Ouyang Qingfeng coughed twice, and the pale color on his face appeared more.

Ouyang Qingfeng's luck suppressed the surging Qi and blood in his body. Then he raised his head and said to Shen Ze, "if I have a chance in the future, I want to compete with the Dragon God."

Shen Ze heard the speech, nodded and said, "if you have a chance, you can compete again."

Ouyang Qingfeng nodded, and then he gave Shen Ze a special boxing salute: "Lord Dragon God, today's victory has been divided, and I can't continue to fight. I'll leave first."

At this time, Ouyang Qingfeng's condition is obviously very bad. He urgently needs to go back to adjust his breath. Otherwise, he may have problems in his health and martial arts.

Shen Ze knew what kind of situation Ouyang Qingfeng was. After listening to the latter's words, he immediately said: "OK, you go!"

Ouyang Qingfeng nodded, then did not hesitate, turned away.

Shen Ze also needs to adjust his breath. Of course, he has no plan to continue to stay. Then he turns around and walks away.

Seeing that Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng leave the scene one after another, everyone knows that the duel between them is over.

"I don't feel like I've seen enough of it. The wonderful immortal war is over."

"It's like watching the Dragon God and Ouyang Qingfeng continue to compete!"

"It's just four rounds. It's really a stretch."

"This kind of immortal war is rare in a hundred years. Don't be too demanding. Some of them are already very good."

"Yes, it's a great honor to see Shen Diaolong fight with Ouyang Qingfeng. We should be content."

Although that's true, most people still feel that they are not satisfied. After all, such a wonderful immortal war will not end in a short time.

Of course, because both Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng have left the field, we have no choice but to give up the idea of continuing to watch them compete.

"Sure enough, today's competition was won by the Dragon God."

"I have said for a long time that the Lord Dragon God is the first God of war in the world. He is the peerless pride of heaven and the peerless monster. He can't lose at all."

"At the peak of martial arts, I don't think anyone in the world can defeat the Dragon God."

"I also think that the Lord Dragon God is really too strong. Five people can compete."

"Even Ouyang Qingfeng, the leader of martial arts and Taoism, is not the opponent of the Dragon God. Surely no one in the world can defeat the Dragon God."

"Now the Dragon God is worthy of being called the number one martial arts in the world!"

"Lord dragon is invincible now!"

"Although the Dragon God didn't defeat all the powerful martial arts in the world, in my eyes, he is the number one in the world!"

"It's normal that the Dragon God is the number one in the world. After all, he had the title of the number one God of war in the world before, and it's universally recognized."

"Anyway, from now on, the Dragon God is the number one in the world in my mind!"

Before Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng fought each other, there was a dispute about who was the best in martial arts.

Today, after Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng competed and won, there was no such dispute.

From then on, Shen Ze is the most upright martial arts in the world!

After Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng left the scene, the martial arts on the scene also left one after another, and the audience in front of the studio also began to break up.

It's over.

However, for Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng this battle, we are still in a heated discussion.

Because the scene of Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng's Duel has also been broadcast abroad, foreigners are also discussing this matter.

"Shen Diaolong is so powerful that he defeated the martial arts and Taoism leader in their country."

"Shen Diaolong's title as the world's first God of war is not in vain. If he didn't have such strength, people would not recognize him as the world's first God of war."

"From the fighting scenes between Shen Diaolong and Ouyang Qingfeng, Shen Diaolong's martial arts realm has reached a very terrible level. In today's world, no one should be his opponent."

"Shen Diaolong is now the first God of war in the world. No one will dispute his title any more."

"Shen Diaolong is less than 30 years old, and his martial arts strength has already been respected in the world. If he is given more time to grow up in martial arts, it's hard to imagine how far he will grow in the future."

"I think Shen Diaolong is really a God coming down to earth. He is a kind of peerless evil that is hard to encounter in a thousand years. If he grows up again, maybe he will become a God."

"Shen Diaolong is now half human and half god. If he grows up again, I really don't know what kind of existence he will become!"