Chapter 821

"Before so many people clamored to challenge you, if they all ran to challenge you, then you are not too busy?"

When Ning Yansong said these words to Shen Ze, there was a kind of schadenfreude.

After listening to Ning Yansong's words, Shen Ze looks at Ning Yansong in disgust.

This old guy, who used to be such a serious person, is like an antique, but now he has become an old urchin.

I really have more leisure. I only know how to have fun every day.

After a few words, Shen Ze said to Ning Yansong, "it's all a little trouble. It's not worth mentioning."

Ning Yansong, hearing the speech, nodded his head and said, "yes, after all, you are the best in martial arts. No one is afraid."

Shen Ze light said: "in this world, fear of death or more people."

Shen Ze means that he has said that many people will not challenge him because they want to save their lives.

What Shen Ze said is obviously reasonable, and Ning Yansong can't refute it.

Then, Ning Yansong seemed to think of something, and reminded: "it's important to do business. If you can't do other unimportant things, don't do them!"

Shen Ze nodded and said, "I know it."

Ning Yansong knew that Shen Ze knew the overall situation. After listening to Shen Ze's words, he nodded and said nothing more.

We talked about the promotion of thunder, and then nothing else.

After dinner, Ning Yansong and leiming went back to their homes.

Having nothing to do, Shen Ze went to the yard to enjoy the moonlight.

Tonight, the moon in the sky, stars all over the sky, the night is very beautiful and charming.

Shen Ze is lying on the bamboo chair, quietly looking at the starry sky.

The evening breeze is refreshing.

This moment is very peaceful and comfortable.

After a while, after cleaning up the kitchen, Qin Chao came to Shen Ze.

Seeing Shen Ze lying on the bamboo chair showing a very enjoyable expression, Qin Chao also found a bamboo chair to lie down.

Of course, enjoyment comes to enjoyment, and Qin Chao never forgets to get down to business.

"Master, despite reliable information, there are three strong warriors who come to l country and want to challenge you." Qin Chao said softly.

Shen Ze hears speech, slightly some surprised ground picked pick eyebrow.

He didn't expect that after he gave out his cruel words, someone would dare to challenge him.

Moreover, even one has been surprising. Unexpectedly, there are three.

Shen Ze's tone with a hint of ridicule, said: "I did not expect there are three who are not afraid of death."

Hearing the speech, Qin Chao sarcastically said, "these three guys are here to die. They dare to come to l country and challenge you."

Shen Ze said calmly, "have you investigated the details of these three people?"

"The investigation is clear."

"One is from a small country and the other two are from a super power," Qin said

"These three men are all the most powerful of all the States."

Shen Ze was calm and calm when he heard the speech. He said in a light tone: "they are all the strongest fighters in all countries. They must have some strength."

Qin Chao said with disdain: "I don't think they have any strength. Compared with the master, they are all rubbish."

Shen Ze said, "I can't say that. I'm really strong, but I'm not strong enough to ignore all the martial arts."

"I don't know much about foreign martial arts strongmen. Maybe they really have the strength to compete with me."

Shen Ze is obviously very reasonable. He doesn't understand the three strong warriors who came to l country to challenge him, so he can't jump to a conclusion.

As the saying goes, there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people.

Although not everyone is a warrior, it is obvious that the most powerful warrior in every country is a real and unfathomable fierce man.

Shen Ze doesn't know about the other side, so he doesn't know what the other side is capable of. The other side is probably more powerful than him.

After all, before the competition, everything is uncertain.

"I don't believe there is anyone in the world who can be more powerful than the master."

Qin Chao tone is very firm said: "in my eyes, the master is the strongest."

Qin Chao is a fanatical admirer of Shen Ze. In his eyes, Shen Ze is the best one. No one can compare with him.

Shen Ze knew this, so he didn't make a theory with Qin Chao. The latter insisted on thinking so, and he couldn't help it.

After pondering for a while, Shen Ze seemed to think of something, and said faintly: "the strong warrior of country X came to me. Did he take this opportunity to find me for revenge?"

Before that, Shen Ze led the army to attack country x, which suffered huge losses and killed many people.

Moreover, because Shen Ze did these things, country x got into a huge dilemma.

Now, country y wants to become the only superpower in the world. It is desperately engaged in country x, which is under great pressure.

Because of Shen Ze's troubles, country x is in an unstable situation. Coupled with the efforts of another superpower, country x is now very angry.

It can be said that Shen Ze led to this situation in country X.

The whole country of X hates Shen Ze to the bone and wants to kill him.

Now, the strongest warrior of country x comes to China to challenge Shen Ze. It is very likely that he is avenging Shen Ze, because the other side has such a motive.

Qin Chao also thought of what Shen Ze thought of. He said coldly, "if that warrior comes for revenge, he is completely innocent and wants to die."

"If the other party really thinks that way, the master is welcome. Just kill the other party."

Shen Ze light said: "I do not care what they think of me, as long as they challenge me, I will not be merciful."

In Shen Ze's opinion, no matter who it is, as long as it's to challenge him, it's a provocation to him. There's no need to be merciful, just go to death.

He has never been a good man. Naturally, he will not be soft hearted. As long as the other party dares to challenge him, he will kill him.

Of course, this is also his way of acting courteously before serving. After all, he has given up cruel words before.

When you know that he will be a killer, you can't blame him for being cruel.

"These three guys are ungrateful and deserve to die. The master really doesn't have to show mercy."

Qin Chao said: "master, should we send someone to watch them? I'm afraid they will mess up after they enter the country. "

Obviously, this kind of thing that Qin Chao said might happen, so Shen Ze immediately said, "OK, send someone to watch and pay close attention to the actions of the three of them."

"Good." Qin Chao answered.