Chapter 823

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze smiles.

Shen Ze said: "these things are not taken for granted. If I am invincible, I will become invincible. How can this be possible?"

Qin Chao smelled the speech and blushed awkwardly. Then he said, "no matter what, I just think the master is the strongest."

Shen Ze couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words.

Shen Ze had no choice but to let Qin Chao go.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't speak any more, Qin Chao immediately said, "master, I really think it's necessary to kill the warrior in X country."

"Now the people of the country are also very hostile to the warrior of X country. They are asking you to clean him up."

"If you don't want to do it yourself, leave it to me."

It's not only Qin Chao, but many people can't stand the clamour of the warrior of state X in the territory of the state.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze pondered for a while and said, "OK, I'll go to meet the warrior of state x first."

Although Shen Ze is not emotional, it does not mean that he has no temper.

For those who clamored with him, he was also very disgusted.

Now, since everyone thinks it is necessary to teach that warrior a lesson, he should do it according to the public opinion.

Although he doesn't know the details of the other side, Shen Ze is absolutely true. He is very confident in his own strength.


Hearing that Shen Ze promised to deal with the warrior of state x, Qin Chao's face was filled with joy.

"I'm going to arrange for the warrior of X country to wash his neck and come to Yanjing to die!" Qin Chao said fiercely.

Shen Ze nodded and said, "OK, you can arrange it."

"I'll go now."

Qin Chao was very excited. He bowed to Shen Ze, then turned and left.

Qin Chao let Shen Ze's words out for the first time.

"The warrior of country x, wash his neck and come to Yanjing to die!"

Qin Chao let this out.

After Qin Chao released these words, it caused huge repercussions.

Everyone knows that Qin chaofang's words represent Shen Ze's meaning.

"Lord Dragon God, you are angry. Are you going to kill the warrior of country x?"

"The Lord Dragon God is really very temperamental. It's normal for him to kill the warrior of country x who is so provocative."

"Everyone can see that the Lord Dragon God is angry. If that country x dares to go to the Lord Dragon God, it will not come to a good end."

"The warrior of country x didn't come to a good end. He deserved it. Who asked him to challenge the Dragon God like this?"

"The Lord Dragon God is not a good man all the time, and he is a very good tempered man. It's very reasonable for the warrior of country x to provoke him so much."

"The Lord Dragon God sent out such words. I'm afraid that the warrior of country x will be too scared to shout any more. I'm afraid that he can only run away in ashes."

"The Dragon God has moved to kill the heart, anyone should be scared and afraid."

"We all know that the Dragon God is powerful and dignified, but it's really hard to say. There should be a lot of revenge factors in the challenge of the warrior of X country to the Dragon God, so it won't be like everyone thought."

"If the warrior of country x really came to seek revenge, he should not be afraid and afraid, but would readily agree to fight with the Dragon God."

"No matter whether he comes for revenge or not, if he dares to challenge the Dragon God, he will die!"

"The Lord Dragon God has made clear his attitude. We'll see what will happen in the future."

The people of the state were very excited and relieved by Shen Ze's words to let the warrior of country x die.

We can't get used to the three foreign fighters clamoring in the territory of the country, especially the warrior of country X.

Now, Shen Ze's words to let the warrior of country x go to death are a very happy thing for everyone.

Of course, we are not sure whether the warrior of country x will really go to Shen Ze, but we all believe that as long as the warrior of country x goes to Shen Ze, the end will be a dead end.

The warrior of country x suddenly received Shen Ze's meaning.

"Shen Diaolong, you have the guts to fight!"

"But it's not that I wash my neck, it's that you wash your neck and wait for me to kill you!"

The warrior of country x is very rampant and gives out the words of these battles.

The most powerful man in country x, named Ou De Fu, is recognized as the most powerful man in country X. when he came to country l this time, he came to seek revenge from Shen Ze with the will of the whole country X.

Therefore, after hearing Shen Ze's words, Ou De Fu responded immediately.

He originally wanted to fight Shen Ze. Shen Ze agreed, which was obviously a good thing for him.

Ou De Fu responded and challenged Shen Ze again. He not only wanted to fight Shen Ze, but also expressed his intention to kill Shen Ze.

"This audford is so arrogant. Does he really think he's good enough? Dare to challenge the Dragon God like this

"This odefoy just doesn't know the heaven is high and the earth is thick. He doesn't know what to do. Although he's dancing happily now, he won't be able to dance for a long time."

"This audford is dead. He dares to be so arrogant at this time. I really don't know how to write the word" death. "

"You don't have to scold me, just wait and see this Ou De Fu die!"

"Yes, let's wait and see that odefoy is killed by the Dragon God!"

"After a few days of arrogance, this audford is waiting to die."

The people of the country were very upset and angry at the fact that Ou Defu dared to yell at Shen Ze. They all scolded Ou Defu one after another.

"This odefoy is playing lanterns in the toilet, looking for excrement!"

After getting the response from Ou De Fu, Qin Chao was very upset and murderous.

"That guy is so rampant that he must die without a place to die."

Shen Ze is much calmer than Qin Chao. He is calm and calm. He said: "other people come to take revenge. It's normal to have such a reaction."

Qin Chao said angrily: "since he really came to revenge, he must not be allowed to go back alive."

Qin chaomu exposed the murdering opportunity and said coldly, "master, now that you know the grandson's intention, I don't think you need to fight him. Let us go down and get rid of him."

In Qin Chao's opinion, since that Ou De Fu really came to take revenge on Shen Ze, under this very bad intention, Shen Ze had no need to fight Ou De Fu. Instead, he could let them go down and get rid of Ou De Fu.