Chapter 836

Huang Shiping draws in all the contacts he can, but he finally finds out that he is still inferior to Shen Ze and them.

Moreover, when he learned that Shen Ze had pushed for a re-election, Huang was very anxious and flustered.

On this day, he called together the main figures of his camp and held a meeting to discuss.

"When Shen Diaolong, Lei Ming and Ning Yansong join forces, they will attract more contacts than we do. If this goes on, I will definitely lose to them!"

Huang Shiping glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

When they heard the speech, they all frowned, and their faces became very dignified.

We are all very clear about what Huang Shiping said.

As we all know, Shen Ze's contacts are more than Huang Shiping's, and Shen Ze has promoted the re-election. If they can't come up with a good plan, Huang Shiping is likely to step down.

For the people present, they do not want to see Huang Shiping retire, because Huang Shiping retired, they can not have the current status and identity.

There is a good analogy, that is, from frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.

We have been in the current position for such a long time. Naturally, we are not willing to go down, or our status has been reduced.

After having the right, we can't put it down so easily.

Therefore, people who are in the same camp with Huang Shiping do not want to see Huang Shiping step down, so that they will suffer as well.

Seeing that everyone was frowning and dignified, Huang Shiping said in a deep voice: "we must think of a good way to reduce Shen Diaolong's contacts, or we should think of a way to make more people support us."

"It's time to do these things."

As soon as Huang Shiping's words came to an end, some people agreed with him.

"Yes, we really should try to attract more people to support Huang Lao, or reduce the number of people who support Shen Diaolong."

"The combination of Shen Diaolong, Lei Ming and Ning Yansong covers almost every aspect. I don't think we can match them in terms of their contacts."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong is the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, and Ning Yansong is the former generation. Even though Huang Shiping is still the first person in the country, his will can affect many things, but some things are the trend of the times and can't be stopped.

As we all know, even if Huang Shiping is bent on preventing Shen Ze and his colleagues from pushing for a re-election, if most of the members of the national assembly support him, this will still happen. Moreover, now Huang Shiping hates public opinion, which is the most fatal.

Even if Huang Shiping blocks the re-election, he may be suspended at that time. There is a high probability that he will be disintegrated step by step without real power.

Think of these, people are frowning, talking, talking, there is no voice.