Chapter 838

Shen Ze and Huang Shiping have always been old enemies. Before, they both fought secretly and would not put everything in the open. Relatively speaking, the fight was not very serious.

Now, Shen Ze wants to let Huang Shiping back down and push thunder up, which has touched the bottom line Huang Shiping can't accept.

The two men met head-on and put everything in the light.

Now, Huang Shiping really wants to kill Shen Ze and make Shen Ze disappear from the world.

Huang Shiping has always had a strong desire for power. He finally got to his present position. It's more painful to let Huang Shiping step down from this position than to kill him.

Even if Huang Shiping died, he didn't want to retire from his present position.

Therefore, in the face of Shen Ze trying to get him down from his current position, Huang Shiping is hard to accept.

In order to keep his identity and status, Huang Shiping can do anything.

Huang Shiping's eyes showed a strong murderer. He looked ferocious and said: "if there is no other solution, I will kill you Shen Diaolong."

At the moment, Huang Shiping is a little crazy.

He has made a plan. If he can't find a good solution, he will kill Shen Ze at all costs!


Whether it's soft power or hard power, Huang Shiping's side can't match Shen Ze's side.

The current situation is that Huang Shiping is hard to fight, unable to cope with Shen Ze.

People in Huang's camp can't come up with a good solution. They have to go step by step and try not to let Shen Ze push for a re-election.

Huang Shiping gave those people half a day to think, but the group obviously did not come up with a good response within the prescribed time.

Huang Shiping said at that time that if people couldn't think of a good way, he would let everyone go.

While no one has come up with a good way, Huang Shiping can't let everyone go.

To put it bluntly, Huang Shiping now needs these people to help him. If he really lets these people go, he will become a lonely man, and even less likely to fight against Shen Ze.

Therefore, even if he was very angry and unhappy, Huang Shiping could only swallow his anger and not let everyone go.

"It's all a bunch of booze bags!"

"I don't care if you can come up with a good solution or not, you must take concrete actions to suppress Shen Diaolong and prevent them from promoting the re-election."

Huang Shiping angrily gave orders to all his subordinates.

"If I lose in the end, I won't let you all go, and you will suffer as well!"

"Think about it for yourself and do everything you can to prevent me from losing!"

"If you can't, you can't have any good fruit to eat!"

Although Huang Shiping is angry, it is in line with common sense.

After all, the reason why they have everything now is because they follow Huang Shiping.

The fight between Huang Shiping and Shen Ze will not cost people their lives, but after all, it's a fight. The defeated party will surely be punished.

If Huang Shiping really loses in the end and retreats from his present position, even if Huang Shiping doesn't deal with them, they will also suffer. Not to say, they will lose everything they have now, but at least they will lose a lot of things.

Of course, they will take Huang's words to heart and dare not ignore them.

After all, even if Huang Shiping retreats from his present position, he still has great power and strength. If he really wants to deal with them, he can still do it.

Therefore, it is a headache for Huang Shiping to order them to solve the problem and prevent Shen Ze from promoting the re-election.

Even if we can't think of a good way, we can only do it.


Shen Ze knows exactly what Huang Shiping thinks and what actions he has taken.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles.

Shen Ze impressively asks people to stare at Huang Shiping all the time.

"Master, that old guy Huang Shiping has been flustered. Now it's almost like jumping over the wall in a hurry, asking his people to keep looking for trouble, trying to stop us from promoting the re-election."

"Whether it's hard power or soft power, Huang Shiping can't compare with us. If Huang Shiping can't find a good way to stop us, he can only mess things up. It's ridiculous."

"Now that the overall situation has been decided, no matter what Huang Shiping and others do, they can't stop what we are going to do."

Qin Chao said in a positive tone: "Huang Shiping will eventually retire, which will definitely become a matter of certainty."

Shen Ze also thinks that the overall situation has been decided. No matter what, Huang Shiping will definitely lose in the end, but he is not as optimistic or relaxed as Qin Chao.

"No matter what happens to Huang Shiping, we have to do our job well. We can't be careless."

Shen Ze said, "Huang Shiping will continue to stare there. If there is any news, he will continue to report it to me."

"Yes, master."

Qin Chao nodded, and then said: "master, you said that we have forced Huang Shiping. Will he do anything drastic?"

"The old guy Huang Shiping only has power and status in his eyes. I think he can do anything to keep his position."

"I think if Huang Shiping doesn't see a chance to turn the tables over, he'll be caught dead and burned."

It's obviously normal for Qin Chao to have such an idea. It's not random thinking.

After all, Huang Shiping is really that kind of person, and he has taken some radical actions against Shen Ze before, trying to kill him.

Qin Chao was surprised that he was worried that Huang Shiping would do drastic things and endanger Shen Ze's safety when he didn't see the hope of a turnaround.

Although Qin Chao believed in Shen Ze's strength and strength, Huang Shiping was not an ordinary person. He was the first person in the Dragon kingdom.

Huang Shiping's power is very great. If he really wants to do harm to Shen Ze, even if he can't do substantial harm to Shen Ze, he will cause a lot of trouble to Shen Ze.

Shen Ze understands Qin Chao's worries because he knows Huang Shiping and what kind of person he is.

Without changing the situation, Huang Shiping could do anything for his own interests.

Huang Shiping is very dissatisfied with Shen Ze. They have always been enemies. Huang Shiping always wants to get rid of Shen Ze.

Now these things are all done by Shen Ze. Huang Shiping is forced to do something bad to Shen Ze.

However, although he can think of these, Shen Ze is not worried at all.