Chapter 845

After Lei Ming was pushed up, Huang Shiping lost the election. The result of the latter's defeat was that he lost all his positions and became an ordinary person and went behind the scenes.

For such a result, Huang Shiping is hard to accept, very angry and unwilling.

"Shen Diaolong, you son of a bitch, if you hadn't done these things, I wouldn't have been forced to step down and become a joke. I would have been in disgrace for the rest of my life!"

"Shen Diaolong, you and I will not live together. If you don't let me live better, I won't let you live better. If you destroy me, I will also destroy you!"

Huang Shiping is impressively blaming Shen Ze for everything.

In Huang Shiping's eyes, it is because of Shen Ze's efforts that he will lose everything he has.

Huang Shiping hated Shen Ze so much that he wanted to cut Shen Ze to pieces!

For Huang Shiping, power is his dream. After having it, he can't accept losing it.

It's worse than killing him.

Therefore, Huang Shiping, who has lost his power, is now like a madman with almost no reason.

In Huang Shiping's eyes, Shen Ze destroyed him, so he wanted to destroy Shen Ze.

He wants to kill Shen Ze, no matter what price he pays, even if he loses his own life.

Now, Huang Shiping is like a crazy devil.

If he doesn't kill Shen Ze, he will never stop.


Huang Shiping's heart is full of violence. Shen Ze can't live a day without death.

Therefore, after retiring, Huang Shiping immediately used his own strength to summon the powerful warriors to assassinate Shen Ze.

The old man in black robe has always been Huang Shiping's retinue. Huang Shiping was the first to find the former.

"Liu Feng, no matter what, I'll let you kill Shen Diaolong this time. If you don't promise me to kill him, you're sorry for me!"

Huang Shiping said these words to Liu Feng in a very low voice.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, the old man in black robe frowned tightly and his face became extremely dignified.

The old man in black robe knows how bad Huang Shiping's mood is after he is brushed down. He knows that Huang Shiping really hates Shen Ze to the extreme and wants to kill Shen Ze.

If he doesn't agree with Huang Shiping, Huang Shiping can really do anything.

Of course, the old man in black robe didn't want to kill Shen Ze in his heart, because he thought it was wrong to kill Shen Ze from the beginning to the end, so he didn't want to do it.

But now, Huang Shiping is determined to kill Shen Ze. There is no room for him to turn around. As Huang Shiping's retinue, how can he not listen to the master's orders?

The old man in black robe was once again trapped in a difficult choice.

For the first time, the old man in black robe did not speak, but fell into silence.

Seeing that the old man in black robe did not speak, Huang Shiping knew that the former did not want to kill Shen Ze.

Realizing this, Huang Shiping frowned and his face became very ugly.

"Liu Feng, you must listen to my orders!"

"I tell you, if you don't promise me to kill Shen Diaolong, I can do everything. Don't regret it then!"

At this time, Huang Shiping was almost a madman, and directly threatened the old man in black robe.

The old man in black robe knows that Huang Shiping has lost his mind now. If he doesn't agree, the latter can really do everything.

Nowadays, the old man in black robe really has no other choice.

Even if he didn't approve of it, he had to do it. After all, who called him a slave!

After hesitating for a while, the old man nodded heavily and said, "OK, I promise to kill Shen Diaolong!"

After listening to the old man in black robe, Huang Shiping's face was filled with satisfaction.

Later, the old man in black robe said, "Mr. Huang, if I were the only one, I would not be able to kill Shen Diaolong."

"I know that."

Huang Shiping said in a deep voice, "I will go to some foreign martial arts strongmen to kill Shen Diaolong with you."

Hearing Huang Shiping's words, the old man's face became more dignified.

After pondering for a while, the black robed old man said, "Mr. Huang, are you sure you can invite foreign people to kill Shen Diaolong?"

Huang Shiping said in a deep voice: "as long as enough conditions are given, naturally, please get them."

"Moreover, there are many people abroad who want to kill Shen Diaolong."

The old man in black robe frowned more tightly when he heard the words.

"Mr. Huang, are you really not afraid of swearing on your back when you do this?"

"We all know that Shen Diaolong is very important to the Dragon kingdom. If he dies, it will be a great loss to the Dragon Kingdom and even cause the rise and fall of the nation."

Knowing that Huang Shiping wants to invite foreign martial arts strongmen to kill Shen Ze, the old man in black robe is quite surprised that he is really worried that Shen Ze will be killed.

After all, although Shen Ze is very strong and is now recognized as the number one martial arts in the world, it was a one-on-one situation. If several top martial artists attacked and killed Shen Ze, Shen Ze would be very vulnerable.

If Huang Shiping invited the foreign martial arts strongmen, he might have killed Shen Ze.

If Shen Ze dies, the country will surely fall into turmoil.

Huang Shiping looked crazy and ferocious and said: "Shen Diaolong destroyed me, I will kill him, as long as I can kill him, I will not take care of other things!"

Listening to Huang Shiping's words, the brow of the old man in black robe twisted into a line.

Obviously, Huang Shiping is very irresponsible.

In order to avenge one's own personal enmity, regardless of the overall situation, regardless of the country, is really completely lost wisdom!

The old man in black felt that Huang Shiping's idea was very dangerous and uneasy, but he also knew that Huang Shiping would not listen to advice now, so he did not say anything.

Then, the black robed old man asked thoughtfully, "Mr. Huang, are you going to invite some foreign martial arts strongmen?"

Huang Shiping said in a deep voice, "please as much as you can."

In Huang Shiping's opinion, it is natural that the more powerful people are invited, the better, because they have the greatest chance to kill Shen Ze.

After listening to Huang Shiping's reply, the brow of the black robed old man frowned a little tighter. He suddenly realized that even if he did not allow Huang Shiping to kill Shen Ze, Huang Shiping would still find a strong warrior to kill Shen Ze.

And if Huang Shiping really invited several martial arts strongmen to kill Shen Ze, then Shen Ze's end is really likely to die.

Aware of this, the black robed old man suddenly felt that things had become a bit serious.

If Shen Ze is really killed, what kind of situation will Guobang fall into? It must be very bad!

After all, Shen Ze's previous attempt to return to the motherland has aroused the opposition of the two superpowers. If Shen Ze dies, the consequences will be even more unimaginable!