Chapter 855

Ouyang Qingfeng is very clear that Shen Ze is more powerful than him. In his opinion, Shen Zegen didn't need his help.

As Qin Chao said, Shen Ze wanted him to be a helper, but he didn't understand.

Qin Chao did not say things too directly, but said: "Ouyang boss, the master certainly does not casually ask you to be a helper, it must be because of some things, so he did it."

"At least I can't tell you exactly what it is. Can you tell me whether you agree or not?"

Qin Chao was very straightforward and didn't talk much nonsense.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng pondered for a while and said, "OK, since the Lord Dragon God has got my place, I will help myself."

"Well, that's settled."

Qin Chao said: "that Ouyang elder brother, you have time to come directly to my master's residence!"

Ouyang Qingfeng smell speech, picked pick eyebrows, asked: "you mean let me go now?"

Qin Chao replied, "yes, I need you to come here now."

Since he has promised to be a helper, Ouyang Qingfeng didn't refuse such a request. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll be there later."

Then, Ouyang Qingfeng asked again, "how long do you want me to stay?"

Qin Chao said: "it may take some time. As for how long it will take, I still don't know. You can come here first."

Qin Chao said so, Ouyang Qingfeng is not good, what more to ask, he should be a, and then the two ended the call.

After that, Ouyang Qingfeng took some clothes and went to the siheyuan where Shen Ze lived.

See Ouyang Qingfeng really came to the courtyard, Shen Ze slightly surprised.

"I didn't expect that you would really help me."

Ouyang Qingfeng said to Shen Ze, "it's my honor to help the Dragon God."

Shen Ze said with a smile: "you are too polite. If you can help me, it seems that I have a big face."

Ouyang Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, but he couldn't help his doubts. He asked Shen Ze, "I don't know what happened to the Dragon God. Do you need me to help you?"

In Ouyang Qingfeng's opinion, with Shen Ze's strength and power, he doesn't need to be a helper at all. He can handle anything.

Now that Ouyang Qingfeng has been called to help, Shen Ze doesn't hide it. He says truthfully, "Huang Shiping has contacted Yanluo hall and wants to do something."

"Huang Shiping may want to ask the killers of the Yanluo temple to assassinate me, so I ask you to be a helper to prevent the killing of the Yanluo temple."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ouyang Qingfeng picks eyebrows in surprise, and then his face becomes a little dignified.

Huang Shiping knew that Shen Ze would not lie. Since Shen Ze said so, the matter is true.

Thinking of Huang Shiping's contact with Yanluo palace, Ouyang Qingfeng takes this matter seriously.

Although he didn't deal with Yanluo hall, Ouyang Qingfeng still knew how powerful and terrible Yanluo hall was.

If Huang Shiping really contacted Yanluo hall to make things, then things would be a little serious.

Previously Ouyang Qingfeng also wondered why Shen Ze would come to him as a helper. Now when he learned about these things, he immediately had no doubt.

If Yanluo Temple wants to assassinate Shen Ze, it can ask him to be a helper, because it will be safer.

After all, the hall of Yan Luo deserves such attention.

Ouyang Qingfeng pondered for a while, then said: "Huang Shiping because of personal enmity, really went to contact Yanluo hall?"

Shen Ze nodded gently.

Getting the exact answer, Ouyang Qingfeng's face became more dignified.

Ouyang Qingfeng was contemptuous and contemptuous of Huang Shiping's contact with Yanluo palace to solve domestic problems.

In his opinion, we should handle our own affairs and not let external forces get involved.

Of course, Huang Shiping would do so, and Ouyang Qingfeng didn't feel surprised, but felt normal.

After all, Ouyang Qingfeng knows Huang Shiping very well.

He has dealt with Huang Shiping a lot and knows that Huang Shiping is a narrow-minded person.

This time, Shen Ze and Huang Shiping were brought down by them, which made Huang Shiping lose the power he dreamed of. Huang Shiping felt resentful and wanted to kill Shen Ze and take revenge on others, which was normal.

However, Ouyang Qingfeng didn't expect that Huang Shiping was so crazy that he went to ask Yan Luodian, the biggest terrorist killer organization in the world, to do something.

If we deal with it by ourselves, we may know how to handle it. However, if we let the power of Yan Luo temple be involved in it, the situation will become very uncontrollable.

At that time, there may be a very bad situation that people can't control.

As a dragon, Ouyang Qingfeng naturally does not want to see that happen.

Therefore, Ouyang Qingfeng scoffs at Huang Shiping's request for Yan Luodian to carry out his revenge plan, and looks down upon him.

If Huang Shiping really called Yan Luo temple this time, and caused a very bad influence, then Huang Shiping is not worthy to be a dragon, and will become a sinner of the dragon!

Ouyang Qingfeng pondered for a while, as if he suddenly thought of something. He said to Shen Ze, "since the Lord Dragon God already knows that Huang Shiping has contacted the Yanluo hall, why not control Huang Shiping in advance, cut off his contact with the Yanluo hall, and organize the subsequent events?"

Obviously, Ouyang Qingfeng and Qin Chao want to go together. If they control Huang Shiping now, they can control some things, but they think too one sidedly.

Shen Ze said calmly, "we don't have any substantial evidence yet. Even if we control Huang Shiping, if he doesn't admit it, we can't help him."

"What's more, he has already contacted the Yanluo temple, and we don't know what he will do. Now we have Huang Shiping under our control, and we will only scare the snake."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ouyang Qingfeng also thought of the reason. He nodded and said nothing more.

Shen Ze took a look at Ouyang Qingfeng, and then said, "I'm not sure if Huang Shiping contacted the Yanluo hall to assassinate me. In order not to scare the snake, you should live near me."

Both Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng can imagine that if Huang Shiping really asked Yanluo hall to assassinate Shen Ze, then Yanluo hall would pay close attention to Shen Ze's actions and wait for the opportunity.

If Yanluo hall finds out that Shen Ze has called Ouyang Qingfeng as a helper, he won't do it so directly.

Shen Ze seems to want to lead the snake out of the hole, so he is going to let Ouyang Qingfeng hide.