Chapter 859

In the eyes of the old men in Qingshan, no matter who they are, they will lose their lives in the face of the full attack of two top martial artists and two martial arts masters.

And Shen Ze can survive, and has not been seriously injured, which makes people feel too abnormal!

At this moment, the old men in Qingshan suddenly found that Shen Ze was more powerful and terrifying than they thought.

Aware of this, the old man's face became a little dignified.

Shen Diaolong is so powerful, how can he be killed?

Although the old men in Qingshan are aware of Shen Ze's power and think it is a very difficult thing to kill him, they have to fight now.

Now that we have decided to kill Shen Ze, there is no turning back, even if it is very difficult to do!

"Don't give Shen Diaolong a chance to breathe, just press him to death!"

The old man said coldly, "let's do it together again!"

When the other three heard the speech, they all nodded.

Then, the old men in Qingshan suddenly attacked Shen Ze again.

The old men in Qingshan knew that Shen Ze was very powerful, so they took another shot, still without reservation, still with all their strength.

At this time, Shen Ze has suffered some injuries. Although the injury is not very serious, it is obviously impossible to say that it has no effect at all.

So, in the face of the old men in Qingshan, they attack again. Instead of choosing hard resistance, Shen Ze reacts quickly and begins to evade.

Of course, the old men in Qingshan will not give Shen Ze a chance to escape. The four of them suddenly launched a fierce attack on Shen Ze,

Ouyang Qingfeng knows that Shen Ze is not in a good condition. He wants to help Shen Ze, but Rosen will not give Ouyang Qingfeng this opportunity.

Ouyang Qingfeng wants to help Shen Ze, but he is stopped by Rosen.

As a result, a battle began between Ouyang Qingfeng and Rosen.

Shen Ze knew that in the face of the siege of the four old men in Qingshan, no matter how well he dodged, he could not keep on dodging.

There is an old saying that it's good to stand by the river without wet shoes. No matter how well Shen Ze dodges, he will be attacked by the old man in green shirt.

Therefore, Shen Ze knows very well that he has to fight back in the process of avoiding, which is also his style and will not always be passive defense.

Shen Ze has just said that he will kill the old man in Qingshan first, so the first target of his counterattack is the old man in Qingshan.

After evading the first round attack of the old man, Shen Ze came to the old man like a ghost.


Shen Ze clenched his right hand into a fist, and then concentrated all his strength on the right fist.

Then, he suddenly raised his fist to the old man's chest.

All this happened between lightning and flint, so fast that people can't react.

Shen Ze's level of martial arts is higher than that of the top martial artists, and higher than that of all the martial arts masters present.

His speed is even faster than that of the old man in Qingshan. The old man in Qingshan has no time to escape.

The old man in green shirt could only subconsciously burst out his whole body strength and gathered a light shield in front of him to resist Shen Ze's blow.

However, the mask obviously can't resist Shen Ze's fist.


The next moment, Shen Ze's fists were bombarded on the mask that the old man in Qingshan condensed.

There was a loud noise.


The mask of the old man in green shirt could not bear the power of Shen Ze's fist. It broke apart.

The light shield broke, turned into a strong wind, and the storm dissipated.

Although Shen Ze's fist was hindered and weakened, it was still terrible.

Now in the case of close distance, the old man in Qingshan has no time to escape.

Seeing that the light shield was broken, the old man could only cross his hands and block his body.


At the next moment, Shen Ze's fist fell on the old man's crossed arm and made a deep dull sound.


Then, like the sound of ceramic cracking.

The old man's arms crossed in front of him were abruptly broken.

Shen Ze's fists were irresistible. After breaking the old man's arms, he suddenly fell on the latter's chest.


With a dull sound, the old man's chest was directly depressed.


At the same time, the old man's body was like a shell, shooting backward to the rear.

The old man in Qingshan shot back more than 100 meters, which was the shape of his lower body.

Just as he stabilized his figure, the old man opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and an abnormal pale color appeared on his face.

By Shen Ze's blow, the old man in Qingshan not only broke his arms, but also burst his chest. He was seriously injured.

At the moment, he had no momentum, his breath was very disordered, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

"This guy can even play such a powerful fighting force!"

For Shen Ze in the case of injury, still played such a strong fighting power, let the old man completely overwhelmed, this let the old man feel very angry.

Damn, it's just too strong!

Before that, before they fought with Shen Ze, the old men in Qingshan didn't think Shen Ze was so powerful, or they didn't think Shen Ze was so strong.

Now, after dealing with Shen Ze, the old men in Qingshan are aware of Shen Ze's strength and begin to attach great importance to it. They dare not be careless.

Shen Ze didn't give up after he hurt the old man badly with one blow. He was in a flash and disappeared in the same place.

The old man in Qingshan knew that Shen Ze was going to kill him, so even if he was seriously injured, he was still staring at Shen Ze.

Seeing that Shen Ze's figure disappeared in the original place, the old man's pupils contracted violently, his body suddenly tensed and fell into a state of extreme tension.

The old man in Qingshan knew that Shen Ze was coming to him, so he was flustered when he saw Shen Ze disappear.

In heyday, he can't resist Shen Ze's attack. Now he is seriously injured. How can he resist Shen Ze's attack?

The old man in Qingshan knows very well that if he is attacked by Shen Ze again, he may lose his life.

At this time, the old man in Qingshan didn't have time to think much. He had to ask for help from the other three colleagues and said, "Shen Diaolong wants to kill me. Come and help me!"

The other three strong men of martial arts in the hall of hell leaned over to the old man without hesitation.

The three of them knew very well that if Shen Ze really killed the old man in Qingshan, they would lose the power of World War I and the situation would become worse.