Chapter 864

Although Rosen and the old man in black robe resisted the purple sword, there was still sword Qi in their bodies.

When they were suppressing the sword Qi, they still suffered a lot of injuries.

Of course, those two martial arts masters really can't bear it. They were injured originally, and then they were cut off by the purple sword. Their injuries became worse and more miserable.

The two martial arts masters vomited blood, and their breath became more and more dispirited. If it wasn't for the help of Rosen and the old man in black robe, they would both fall from the high air.

And even if they could still stand in the air, the two martial arts masters had no fighting power, just like a useless man.

Obviously, the two martial arts masters were seriously injured and could not use any more force.

Such a situation, for Rosen they, is a very bad thing.

Because of this, they have lost a lot of fighting power, and it is even more impossible to deal with Shen Ze.

Now this kind of situation, don't say to deal with them, it's good not to be killed by them.

Now it seems more impossible to run away.

If the two martial arts masters can't play their combat effectiveness, then Rosen and their side obviously can't fight with Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng any more.

Rosen, what they can do now is to run away, because only in this way can they have a chance of survival.

However, it's not easy for them to escape now, because Shen Ze and Ouyang Qingfeng have caught up. How can they escape?

Standing next to Rosen, the old man in Black said in a deep voice, "Lord, in the present situation, we can't all leave here."

"I feel that I need to make a decision, make a choice, abandon the car and protect the coach."

The meaning of the black robed old man is very obvious, that is to sacrifice two martial arts masters and let him and Rosen escape from here.

After hearing the old man's words, Rosen frowned and hesitated.

The two seriously injured martial arts masters' faces changed rapidly, and the color of struggle appeared in their eyes.

At the moment, the middle-aged man and another martial arts master are very clear that they can't escape here in their present situation, as long as Shen Ze really wants to kill them.

After all, the two of them can't play any combat effectiveness now. They are seriously injured, and even the imperial air flight is a little difficult.

Moreover, without the help of Rosen and the old man in black, they would not have left here.

So, for both of them, the end seems to have been doomed to die here.

Although the members of the Yanluo temple are ready to sacrifice at any time, people do not want to die when they are alive, unless their brains are abnormal.

Driven by the instinct of survival, both middle-aged men and another martial arts master want to live well.

It's just that their chances of survival are slim.

And even if again dim, still want to seize.

Another martial arts master was an old man in Zhongshan suit. He said to Rosen in a pleading voice: "Lord, don't abandon us. Take us with you to escape!"

When Rosen heard the speech, he didn't make a sound for the first time, but a strong color of struggle appeared in his eyes.

The black robed old man glared at the old man and said coldly, "now the situation can't let everyone leave safely. For the sake of the overall situation, what's the matter with you sacrificing?"

"Why, do you want me and the Lord of the temple to stay and bury with you?"

"If all our troops are destroyed today, the whole Yanluo hall will be finished."

If they all died here today, the hell hall would be almost over.

After all, this time, they mobilized the strongest fighting capacity of Yanluo temple.

Three top martial artists and two martial arts masters, if they all die here, with Shen Ze's strength, they can really destroy the hall of Yama.

And if someone can go back alive, it is to leave the Castle Peak without worrying about firewood. There is still a ray of life in the hall of Yama. If no one goes back alive, there is really almost no life.

Now the situation is that the middle-aged man and the old man in Zhongshan suit have been seriously injured, while the old man in black robe and Rosen still have fighting capacity and the ability to escape here.

Therefore, the best result is to sacrifice the middle-aged man and the old man in Chinese tunic and let Rosen and the old man in black escape.

Of course, it's good for Rosen and the old man in black robe, but it's not good for the old man in Chinese tunic and the middle-aged man.

Although the old man in Zhongshan costume knew this truth and understood the meaning of the old man in black robe, he still didn't want to die.

"Lord of the temple, only people are still alive. Everything is possible. If we work together, we may not be able to find a way out."

The old man in Zhongshan costume didn't want to give up and continued to beg Rosen.

"Lord of the temple, you can't give up on us. As long as we go back alive, it will be a great help to the hall of hell."

"And if we die here, it's really a huge loss to the hall of hell!"

In the time of life and death, human nature is more likely to break out.

At the moment, everyone wants to live.

The old man in black was afraid that the old man in Chinese tunic would really persuade Rosen, so he interrupted the old man in Chinese tunic.

"Shut up, you know what's going on now, and you want to escape together. It's just wishful thinking!"

"If you are really good for Yanluo hall, you should take the last breath to stop Shen Diaolong and Ouyang Qingfeng, and let the hall master and I escape here safely!"

Being scolded by the old man in black robe, the old man in Chinese tunic suit was very excited and discontented. He said, "why let you run away and let us stay and sacrifice?"

"You want to live, we want to live too!"

"You can't be so selfish, you can't leave your colleagues behind!"

When he said these words, the old man in Zhongshan suit seemed to have lost his mind and was very excited.

Seeing the old man in Zhongshan suit, he seemed to be crazy. The old man in black robe gave a cold hum and didn't pay any attention to the former.

He then turned around and said to Rosen again, "Lord, don't listen to this guy. We must preserve our strength in the hall of hell, or we will really perish."

"Don't hesitate, Lord. Give the order quickly." Urged the old man in black.

At the moment, Rosen is really in a dilemma.

As the Lord of Yanluo hall, Rosen wants to bring all the members back to Yanluo hall.

But at this time, as the old man in Black said, there is no choice.

For the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of the whole Yanluo hall, we can only discard some things and preserve our strength, so that the Yanluo hall can continue to survive.

So Rosen made a decision after all.