Chapter 871

"I'm the Lord of Yanluo hall. I can decide all the actions of Yanluo hall."

"What's more, we still failed to kill you with our strongest fighting power this time, which proves that we will only be a kind of death if we come to avenge you."

"The members of Yanluo hall understand this, so they will not come to you for revenge, and they will not want to revenge the Dragon kingdom!"

Rosen said in a deep voice: "this time, we will admit the trouble in the hall of hell!"

"Shen Diaolong, I think it's a win-win situation for you to let me go and stop making trouble in Yanluo temple."

"Everyone can reduce a lot of trouble, and I think you need to."

After hearing Rosen's words, Shen Ze fell into meditation.

If, as Rosen said, he does not allow the hall of hell to take action against him after he returns to the hall of hell, it will really reduce a lot of trouble.

However, Shen Ze is not afraid of trouble!

After pondering for a moment, Shen zeruo said thoughtfully, "I think I'd better leave you here forever, which will also reduce a lot of trouble."

"What you said really makes me feel a little excited, but what you said can't make people sure."

"If I kill you all today, the other members of the Yanluo temple may not dare to kill me."

"And, as I said before, I'm going to destroy your Yanluo temple."

"So, I won't let you go today. You don't have to waste any more words."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Rosen's brow was more tight, and his face became very gloomy.

Shen Ze's meaning is obviously not to talk about it, but to insist on killing him.

Realizing this, Rosen was in a bad mood.

If Shen Ze doesn't give him the chance of peace talks, all this will be in vain.

"Shen Diaolong, you can believe what I said."

Rosen did not give up, continue to persuade, said: "if you let me leave, for you and me is really a win-win thing."

Shen Ze shook his head and said nothing more. Obviously, he didn't want to hear what Rosen said.

As for what Rosen said, he would not listen.

Seeing that Shen Zeming doesn't want to listen to himself, Rosen's face looks gloomy as if he can drip ink.

"Shen Diaolong, are you sure you will leave me alone?"

Rosen face a horizontal, voice extremely cold said: "if really fight endlessly, you don't want to better."

See Rosen put up cruel words, the corner of Shen Ze's mouth raised a radian of disdain.

"Even if you say so much about you, let's have a try and see if you can do anything for me."

Shen Ze was arrogant, and his words were arrogant.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, the corners of Rosen's mouth twitched a few times, and his eyes burned with anger.

Shen Ze did not look down on him when he said that.

As the leader of Yanluo hall and the strongest of Yanluo hall, Rosen naturally has his own pride. He can't accept Shen Ze's contempt for him.

So, after listening to Shen Ze's words, he was a little angry, very unhappy and dissatisfied.

Rosen looked at Shen Ze coldly and sharply, and said coldly, "Shen Diaolong, if you insist on killing me, I will fight with you to the end."

"Even if I die, I won't let you live!"

Shen Ze heard the words, noncommittal, a faint smile: "don't be like a woman like mother, if you want me to do, just do it!"

Rosen smell speech, no longer words, but look at Shen Ze's eyes suddenly become fierce.

To this, Shen Ze disdains a smile.

The next moment, Shen Ze moved first.

Shen Ze clenched his right hand into a fist and smashed it at Rosen's head.

They are very close, Shen Ze's speed is very fast, Rosen is too late to avoid.


Shen Ze's fist fell on Rosen's left face and made a dull sound.

Shen Ze's fist contains a very terrible power.

The next moment, Rosen was like a shell, shooting backward.

Rosen flew back more than 100 meters to keep his shape.

At this moment, Shen Ze raised the purple dragon sword in his hand and cleaved down toward Rosen.


Shen Ze's sword fell down, and a huge purple sword roared out of the purple dragon sword to destroy and pull the decaying power and cut it toward Rosen.

This purple sword is very terrible. It's like cutting heaven and earth in half. It's extremely sharp!

Rosen raised his head. He looked at the purple sword, and his face became more dignified than ever.


Rosen roared and burst out with all his strength.

He released a very majestic momentum, which was like a surging wave, sweeping towards the top.

The next moment, the powerful wave of the sky is collided with the purple sword.


It's like Mars hitting the earth, producing a very terrifying force.

It's like shooting a case in a storm, with stones flying through the air.

The night was torn to pieces, and there were ripples of energy in the void.

It's like a missile explodes, with a radius of 1000 meters. Everything is destroyed!

Whether it's the purple sword or the powerful wave, it's all smashing in the collision, converging and vanishing into nothingness!

Of course, it's not over yet.

Just as the purple sword collided with the powerful waves, Shen Ze took action again.

He is impressively the heart reads a move, controlling the purple dragon sword, toward Luo Sen roar but go.


The purple dragon sword turned into a sword light and broke through the sky at an incredible speed. Almost in the next moment, it came to Rosen.

Purple dragon sword is like an arrow, shooting at Rosen's head!


The purple dragon sword is a peerless magic weapon. It's extremely sharp. With Shen Ze's strength, it's impregnable.

Everything is broken by the edge!

Rosen didn't have time to make a redundant response, and he didn't know whether he could resist the purple dragon sword.

In order not to be pierced in the head by the purple dragon sword, he could only stretch out his hands and forcefully clamp the purple dragon sword with two palms with incredible reaction speed.


Every strong warrior's body has been strengthened. It's as strong as steel.

At the moment, Rosen's two palms were like iron pincers, holding the purple dragon sword.

It's an incredible phenomenon, but Rosen did it.

Obviously, Rosen's martial arts strength is very strong.


Of course, although Rosen has caught the purple dragon sword with both hands, it's not over yet.

The purple dragon sword was shaking violently, trying to break free from Rosen's palm.

The tip of purple dragon sword is very close to Rosen's head. If you break free from Rosen's palm, you will pierce Rosen's head!