Chapter 884

In the view of Ye Tianhao, the new hall master, the hall of Yan Luo really needs to stay away from Shen Ze.

Because, the current strength of Yan Luo temple, can't meet with Shen Ze hard, if hard, the final end will be completely destroyed!

After all, Shen Ze alone can't stop them!

If it's hard, it's really not a fair fight!

Therefore, ye Tianhao also thinks that the hall of Yan Luo should first obey Shen Ze's idea, dissolve first, let everyone save their lives, and then let everyone gather to rebuild the hall of Yan Luo when they have a chance.

With this idea, ye Tianhao began to yell: "everyone is quiet!"

Hear ye Tianhao's scolding voice, everyone shut up, quiet down.

All of them turned their eyes on Ye Tianhao, waiting for his speech.

Ye Tianhao glanced at the crowd, and then said in a deep voice, "we can't compete with Shen Diaolong in the current strength of Yanluo temple."

"If it's hard, we'll be the only ones who suffer, and the worst is that we'll all be sent to see Yama by Shen Diaolong."

"If all of us are gone, the hall of hell will no longer exist!"

"We need to be more rational now. We really can't be impulsive!"

"If you still want to see the day when the temple of Yan Luo will rise again, you should bear it now."

"According to Shen Diaolong's idea, we will disband the Yanluo hall first, and then rebuild it when we have a chance!"

"I know that there are many people who don't want to disband the hall of hell, and I don't want to disband the hall of hell, but for the sake of the hall of hell, for the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of everyone's lives, we have to do this. There is no other good choice."

After listening to Ye Tianhao's words, everyone looked thoughtful.

Some people frowned tightly, while others' faces became dignified.

Ye Tianhao is the new Lord of Yanluo hall. His meaning is obviously very important and can play a decisive role.

If ye Tianhao thinks that Yanluo hall should be dissolved according to Shen Ze's will, then the final result is very likely.

This is very good for those who want to avoid war and don't want to fight with Shen Ze, but it's not good for those who want to fight with Shen Ze to the end.

Therefore, ye Tianhao's words immediately aroused opposition.

"Lord, you can't make a decision like this! If we accept the advice, we will have no chance to turn over in the future! "

"Some things are just because there is a breath. If we lose that breath, it's really over."

"If we are really disbanded, there will be no chance to rebuild in the future."

"I think we should unite now, and firmly choose to work hard with Shen Diaolong to the end. Only in this way can the hall of Yanluo have a chance of vitality."

"Shen Diaolong is trying to nibble at us step by step. If we really disband according to his will, he will be better able to eradicate us all."

"Shen Diaolong is not a kind-hearted man. In order to prevent future trouble, he will surely eradicate us all. Even if we are dissolved according to his will, he will kill us all. He will not give us the chance to rebuild the Yanluo temple and make a comeback. Don't think about it too simply."

"I don't think Shen Diaolong is sure that he can completely destroy our Yanluo temple. That's why he proposes to let us dissolve ourselves. We can't be fooled by him."

"We can imagine that after the dissolution, when there is a chance to rebuild the Yanluo temple, Shen Diaolong will certainly be able to think of it."

"If Shen Diaolong thought of this, he would not give us the chance to set up Yanluo temple again, so he would kill us all."

"If we really listen to Shen Diaolong's idea and dissolve the Yanluo temple, then our power will be completely dispersed, which will make it easier for Shen Diaolong to solve us all. If we continue to unite, Shen Diaolong will not be able to deal with us."

"Although Shen Diaolong sent the Silver Dragon carving, he didn't come to the door at the first time. He just wanted to solve us all in a way that was easier and cheaper."

After someone said these words, those who chose to avoid war suddenly showed a thoughtful look, and their looks became a little dignified.

Because we realize that it's really possible!

No matter what Shen Ze did or what he did before, it shows that Shen Ze is not a good person.

It's really possible that he will wipe out the hall of hell.

With Shen Ze's wisdom, he was able to think of the things that people in Yanluo hall thought of.

If Shen Ze can think of the idea that all the people in Yanluo hall should be dissolved first and then reorganized, how can he make them happy?

Even if they think from Shen Ze's point of view, they will feel that they should be killed and not given the chance to make a comeback in the future.

Thinking of these, people's faces became more dignified.

After listening to these words, ye Tianhao obviously changed his mind and thought more.

Ye Tianhao said in a deep voice: "Shen Diaolong is not an ordinary person. We can think of it, and he certainly wants to get it. If we want to prevent future trouble, he should kill us all."

"Yes, Lord, Shen Diaolong is not that kind of good man. In order to prevent future trouble, he will kill us all!"

"We really can't disband ourselves and disperse the power of the Yanluo hall, because that will only accelerate the destruction of our Yanluo hall."

"And if we unite as one and gather our strength to the maximum, we can resist Shen Diaolong as much as possible."

"From the fact that Shen Diaolong dispatched the Silver Dragon carving to our territory instead of calling directly, we can judge that Shen Diaolong was afraid of our strength."

"Shen Diaolong should also know that if he wanted to destroy us completely, he would pay a great price, so he didn't do it directly."

"When Shen Diaolong asked us to disband ourselves, he wanted to disperse our strength and then eat us away step by step. In doing so, Shen Diaolong would obviously pay a much lower price."

"Therefore, we can't follow the meaning of Shen Diaolong and follow his way."

"What we can do now is to maintain unity. We can not take the initiative to pick things, but we can not be afraid of things. If Shen Diaolong really wants to kill us all, we will fight him to the end!"

When they heard these words, they all nodded as if they agreed.

For Yanluo temple, there is no good choice!