Chapter 893

Shen Ze can be indifferent to anything else, but he can't be calm and indifferent only when it comes to Su Shiman.

All encounters are either gifts or disasters.

For Shen Ze, Su Shiman is his disaster, which he can't escape.

However, some things missed is missed. It is obviously impossible for the injured heart to recover to its original state, or it takes time to cure.

Shen Ze gazed at the two portraits hanging on the wall, full of thoughts.

Although he was calm on the surface, his heart was full of ups and downs.

In the matter between Su Shiman and Shen Ze, after all, he still can't be calm.

However, Shen Ze did not think much.

Shen Ze has suffered a lot in this matter.

As the saying goes, Shen Ze has no expectation of feelings. After all, without expectation, there will be no disappointment and no harm.

It can be said that Shen Ze was hurt too deeply at the beginning, and he had a defensive mentality towards this kind of thing, so he had some resistance.

Shen Ze soon regained his mind, and did not think about it any more.

Then, with an appreciative attitude, he carefully observed this portrait of him made by sushman.

After looking back and forth at his portrait for a while, Shen Ze sat down on the chair and casually took a book to read.

Wutong and cold front, after the instructions of Shen Ze, finished the kitchen and went to the hotel to get their luggage to the phoenix garden. So Shen Shen and Qin Chao lived in Wutong yuan.

Liu Yuan chats with Su Shiman, but does not leave for the first time.

Around ten p.m., Liu Yuan and cold front left Wutong garden.

Su Shiman first went to wash, and then wore a floral skirt and went upstairs.

Because of her work, sushman usually goes to bed around 12 o'clock. Therefore, due to her biological clock, she didn't go back to her room.

Sushman also wanted to go to the study to read books, so she went to the study.

When he came to the study, Su Shiman was surprised to see Shen Ze sitting on a chair reading a book.

Su Shiman thought Shen Ze had rested. She was surprised to see Shen Ze here.

"You haven't rested yet?"

When Shen Ze heard the speech, he turned his head and took a look at Su Shiman. Then he calmly said, "I can't sleep, so I come here to read."


Sushman nodded, and then said, "I want to come here to read, too."

Shen Ze said nothing more.

Su Shiman is not formal either. She takes a book from the bookshelf, then sits next to Shen Ze and turns it over.

Sushman had just finished taking a bath, her hair was still a little wet, and her whole body was emitting a faint fragrance.

Su Shiman was sitting next to Shen Ze, who could naturally smell the fragrance of the former, which made his mood more or less ups and downs.

Shen Ze doesn't spend much time dealing with women. It can be said that he spends the longest time with Su Shiman.

As a matter of principle, sushman's sitting next to him will not have much influence on him.

But at the moment, I don't know if it's because I haven't seen him for a long time that Su Shiman still has a great influence on Shen Ze.

However, with Shen Ze's determination, this influence was not worth mentioning, and his mood soon recovered.

Later, Shen Ze and Su Shiman both read books silently.

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

Shen Ze was sleepy, so he put the book down.

Shen Ze knew that Su Shiman was still reading, so the action of putting the book was very light, which did not disturb Su Shiman.

After putting the book, Shen Ze turns his head and looks at Su Shiman.

At the moment, sushman seemed to be absorbed in reading, slightly hanging his head and staring at the book.

At this moment, sushmann looks very intelligent and beautiful.

It's just like a picture scroll, which is pleasing to the eye.

Normally speaking, Shen Ze has been with Su Shiman day and night, so he has seen Su Shiman for a long time.

But at the moment, when Shen Ze looked at Su Shiman again, he was still unconscious.

Perhaps for Shen Ze, Su Shiman is the kind of existence that he never tires of seeing.

Although Shen Ze is staring at Su Shiman, he is looking with an appreciative eye, and there is no impurity in his eyes.

So, after a while.

Because of reading for a long time, Su Shiman's eyes are a little sour. She inadvertently raises her eyes and diverts her eyes. Then, she goes up to Shen Ze's deep and bottomless eyes.

When Shen Ze's eyes, Su Shiman was directly stunned for the first time.

Then, their eyes were opposite.

Time and space seem to be static at this moment. Shen Ze and Su Shiman only have each other in their eyes.

Their eyes intertwined, like sparks in the air.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little delicate.

In this way, Shen Ze and Su Shiman looked at each other for a while. Finally, Su Shiman was the first to lose the battle, and his face was slightly red and his head dropped.

Seeing Su Shiman move, Shen Ze came back to himself, and his face was burning for no reason.

At the moment, both Su Shiman and Shen Ze, who have a very good determination, have their heart pounding and their mood fluctuates greatly.

Both of them have that kind of heart pounding feeling now.

In the study, all of a sudden, there was a sour smell of love.


Shen Ze coughed twice, then took the lead to open his mouth, broke the silence and said, "it's a little late. I'll go back to my bedroom and have a rest. You should have a rest early too!"

At the moment, sushman was a little shy. Instead of raising her head, she kept her head down and gave a gentle hum.

Seeing Su Shiman's shy appearance, Shen Ze hooked his lips. He didn't stay much and said nothing more.

Then, Shen Ze stood up from his chair and walked towards the outside of the study.

After going out of the study, Shen Ze went to his bedroom.

After hearing the footsteps go away, Su Shiman in the study slowly raises his head.

Sushman touched her hot cheek with her cold hands. Then she whispered to herself, "what's wrong with me? How can such a big man be shy? "

Although Su Shiman issued such a question, but in fact her heart is very clear why, just because of the face of Shen Ze.

When facing other men, Su Shiman is as cold as ice and has no mood fluctuation. Only when facing Shen Ze, will she be so shy and her heart beat faster.

Sure enough, you can't keep calm and calm in front of the people you care about.

So is Su Shiman and so is Shen Ze!