Chapter 895

From the beginning to the end, Su Shiman didn't like Lei Xuan at all. He was totally uninteresting.

Therefore, every time leixuan expresses her admiration, she will very frankly refuse to leave leixuan any illusion.

This time, Su Shiman is still very directly refused leixuan, not to leave the latter face.

As a playboy, Lei Xuan has a thick skin.

Although leixuan is uncomfortable with Su Shiman's direct refusal, he pretends that nothing has happened.

"Well, since you don't like it, I won't insist on giving it to you."

Lei Xuan said with a smile: "next time I send other things, try to send Miss Su's favorite things."

Su Shiman said indifferently, "Mr. Lei doesn't have to."

Leixuan laughed and said nothing more.

Su Shiman immediately said, "what Mr. Lei wants to say can be said now."

"Oh, yes, I forgot to get down to business."

Then leixuan put on a serious look and said to Su Shiman: "I accidentally know that Tianze group under Miss Su's name has some problems in the capital chain recently. I want to help Tianze group solve this problem and cooperate with Tianze group by the way."

Su Shiman knew that leixuan didn't know that there was a problem in the capital chain of Tianze group by accident, but definitely investigated Tianze group specially, so he knew that there was a problem in the capital chain of Tianze group.

As for Lei Xuan, if he wants to help Tianze group, he has nothing to do but be gallant and either cheat or steal.

Generally speaking, leixuan just wants to get in touch with Su shimandou, so he is willing to take the initiative to help Tianze group solve problems.

Although Su Shiman hasn't met Lei Xuan several times, he still knows that Lei Xuan is from a rich family in Yanjing. His background and family background are very different.

Leixuan doesn't boast or lie. He really has the capital and strength to help Tianze group solve problems.

Although Su Shiman doesn't want to have too much contact with Lei Xuan, for commercial reasons, as long as she can solve the problems of Tianze group, she will still consider talking with Lei Xuan.

Therefore, Su Shiman asked Lei Xuan: "how does Mr. Lei plan to help Tianze group and how to talk about cooperation?"

Lei Xuan didn't sell the ball either. He said frankly, "I can inject some capital into Tianze group, and then get some shares of Tianze group, so that I can become a shareholder of Tianze group."

After listening to Lei Xuan's words, Su Shiman didn't speak for the first time, but fell into meditation.

Leixuan is obviously a smart man. He doesn't help Tianze group in vain, but wants to get shares of Tianze group and become a shareholder of Tianze group.

Su Shiman is now the chairman of Tianze group and the largest shareholder of Tianze group. Almost 100% of the shares of the group are in her hands.

Tianze group is not listed, it can be said that it is a private group, and sushman is the only one.

Today, leixuan wants to become a shareholder of Tianze group, which is not bold.

If Lei Xuan becomes the shareholder of Tianze group, it will be the second largest shareholder and the second shareholder of Tianze group, which can disperse part of Su Shiman's rights.

If Lei Xuan really becomes a shareholder of Tianze group, there will be a lot of places he and Su Shiman can contact, which also gives Lei Xuan a lot of opportunities to tease Su Shiman.

This result is obviously not what Su Shiman wants, whether it is to give leixuan more opportunities to contact her, or let leixuan become the second shareholder of Tianze group.

At the beginning, Shen Ze created Tianze group and presented it to Su Shiman for free.

Shen Ze handed over the complete Tianze group to Su Shiman. Naturally, Su Shiman wanted to keep the integrity of Tianze group and did not want others to become shareholders of Tianze group.

So, after pondering for a moment, Su Shiman shook his head at Lei Xuan and said, "Mr. Lei, I can't let you become a shareholder of Tianze group."

After hearing Su Shiman's words, Lei Xuan frowned.

Leixuan is surprised to know that Tianze group is a private enterprise, and Su Shiman is the only shareholder of Tianze group.

The reason why he wants to become a shareholder of Tianze group is to have a substantial relationship with Su Shiman.

Because, if Lei Xuan becomes a shareholder of Tianze group, then he is equivalent to becoming a partner with Su Shiman, and has a common relationship of advance and retreat.

Facing Su Shiman's refusal, leixuan obviously doesn't want to give up.

He looked at Su Shiman and said in a deep voice, "does Miss Su want me to be a shareholder of Tianze group, or does she want anyone to be the second shareholder of Tianze group?"

"I don't want anyone to be the second shareholder of Tianze group," he said without hesitation

Leixuan smell speech, brow wrinkle of deeper some.

He pondered for a moment, then said to Su Shiman with a smile: "Miss Su doesn't want me to be a shareholder of Tianze group, does she want me to inject capital into Tianze group for nothing?"

"If I can't get any benefit, it's a bit unreasonable."

Su Shiman seems to have thought of what Lei Xuan would say. After listening to Lei Xuan's words, she immediately said, "I won't let Mr. Lei inject money in vain."

"As long as Mr. Lei injects funds into Tianze group to let Tianze group solve the problem of current capital chain, then I will repay all the funds injected into Tianze group by Mr. Lei and give Mr. Lei a generous reward."

Sushman's idea is obviously reasonable.

Leixuan helped, she also gave leixuan reward, will not let leixuan help in vain.

It's just that Lei Xuan wants more than that.

If only get some money above reward, leixuan is obviously not reconciled.

For Lei Xuan, he doesn't need money, and he doesn't need money. What he wants is to have a further development with Su Shiman and make the relationship between them further.

Lei Xuan said to Su Shiman with a smile, "Miss Su, I'm not short of money."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he said calmly, "I know Mr. Lei is not short of money, but that's all I can do."

Leixuan smell speech, deliberately revealed a pair of embarrassed appearance.

"Miss Su, the reason why I want to be a shareholder of Tianze group is to help Tianze group better, not to do anything else."

Su Shiman nodded and said, "I appreciate Mr. Lei's kindness, but Tianze group has always been a private enterprise. I don't want anyone else to be a shareholder of Tianze group."

After hearing Su Shiman's words, Lei Xuan knows that Su Shiman doesn't mean to change his mind at all.

As a result, Lei Xuan couldn't think of any way to make su Shiman change his mind.

However, Lei Xuan did not give up.