Chapter 900

For leixuan to go to Liu Yuan to do things, Su Shiman is very disgusted and conflict, the impression of leixuan is getting worse and worse.

After listening to Su Shiman, Liu Yuan knows that the former doesn't like Lei Xuan.

Thinking that she promised leixuan to come to the wedding tomorrow, she was a little remorseful.

Liu Yuan coughed two times, and then said with a guilty heart, "Shiman, I didn't know you hated Lei Xuan so much. I thought he was really your friend."

"I didn't promise that guy to be the best man, but I agreed that he would come to my wedding tomorrow."

"Don't blame me, seaman."

Hearing Liu Yuan agree to Lei Xuan's wedding, Su Shiman obviously doesn't like it. However, she can't blame Liu Yuan. After all, the latter doesn't know.

Sushman thought about it, and then said, "next time you encounter this kind of thing, you can ask me first."

"All right." Liu Yuan said.

Then, instead of mentioning leixuan, Su Shiman said, "we are on our way to your new house. We plan to help you decorate your new house. Do you want to go there?"

Liu Yuan pondered for a while, said: "since you are past, then I'll go too!"

"OK, we'll talk when we meet." Su Shiman said.


Liu Yuan answered and hung up.

After the end of the call, Liu Yuan said to herself, "I really didn't get it wrong. That guy named Lei Xuan is not a good bird!"

"How dare you cheat me and say that you are a friend of Shiman? It's a rubbish."

Liu Yuan reprimanded Lei Xuan and vented her emotion.

Of course, Liu Yuan didn't think much about it. Now that things have been done, she has nothing to think about.

After that, Liu Yuan cleaned up, then went out and drove to Xinfang.


Shen Ze sits next to Su Shiman. He hears the conversation between Su Shiman and Liu Yuan.

For Lei Xuan, the man who runs to Liu Yuan to do things and wants to pursue Su Shiman, Shen Ze is not happy.

Among them, the main reason is that it's hard to say which one.

Shen Ze didn't say anything, but he was thinking that if Lei Xuan really came to the wedding of Leng Feng and Liu Yuan tomorrow, he would have a good look at the latter.


Leng Feng and Liu Yuan bought a small villa in a wealthy area of Shudu and used it as a new house to live in.

Leng Feng is in Xinfang.

Shen Ze and they arrived at their new house in Lengfeng first.

Get married tomorrow and decorate your new house today.

After they arrived, Shen Ze began to help Leng Feng set up.

At the beginning, Shen Ze married Su Shiman as his son-in-law, so when they got married, it was very simple.

Even because of being disliked and looked down upon by others, they didn't even hold a banquet. It can be said that as simple as it is.

That wedding has always been a pity for Shen Ze. At that time, he was thinking of giving Su Shiman a grand wedding in the future, but later he divorced, and the regret can only be a pity.

Su Shiman also felt sorry for the wedding.

After all, many people have only one wedding in their lives.

When Su Shiman and Shen Ze got married, they didn't even wear a wedding dress or decorate their new house.

This is a very failed wedding for sushmann, who is full of romantic fantasy.

No matter Shen Ze or Su Shiman, they are not satisfied with the wedding.

In the process of helping to decorate the wedding room, the two of them were quite impressed.


Before long, Liu Yuan also came to the villa.

After seeing Su Shiman, Liu Yuan pretended to be pathetic and said apologetically to Su Shiman, "honey, I'm sorry. I didn't know you hated that guy."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to block you up again tomorrow."

After listening to Liu Yuan's words, Su Shiman gave the former a white look. She gave a cold hum and said nothing.

Seeing that Su Shiman didn't want to worry about himself, Liu Yuan chuckled and said, "honey, you are really beautiful and kind-hearted. You won't worry about me in general."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he glared at Liu Yuan and said coldly, "stop talking nonsense. I don't want to hear it."

"Well, I'm not talking anymore." Liu Yuan nodded very cleverly.

Later, Liu Yuanlang said: "thank you for your help. I'll treat you to a big dinner in the evening."

It's obvious that it takes some effort to decorate the wedding room. Shen Ze and his wife have been busy all day, and they didn't finish everything until about 5 p.m.

At about 7 pm, they drove to a very famous and high-end western restaurant Liu Yuan had reserved in advance.

Half an hour's drive, people arrived at the western restaurant.

As Liu Yuan had made a reservation in advance, they went directly into the store and sat down, waiting for the meal to be served.

I don't know if it's because Shu capital is too small, or because there is a narrow road for the enemy.

This evening, leixuan also came to this western restaurant for dinner.

Of course, leixuan this playboy, will not come alone, but with a young beauty.

Leixuan is still driving his global limited edition Bugatti Veyron, carrying young beauties to the door of the western restaurant.

Leixuan has never been in the habit of looking for a parking space, so he directly wants to park his car outside the western restaurant.

Unfortunately, not long after Shen Ze arrived, Lei Xuan arrived.

Shen Ze and he drove two cars, one Bentley and the other Dashen.

The two cars were parked together, and there was a big gap between them, but they still couldn't park in.

When leixuan stopped, he was surprised to see the gap.

"Which two grandsons don't park well and drive like this?"

Lei Xuan first reproached, and then he said to the young beauty sitting on the co pilot in the tone of command: "you go to the restaurant and tell them to find the owners of the two cars and move the car away."

The woman sitting in the co driver's seat is Feng Xue. After listening to Lei Xuan's words, she immediately answers the question. Then she gets out of the car and walks towards the restaurant.

Leixuan also made a reservation in the western restaurant in advance, so when Feng Xue came to the restaurant to look for the front desk, he was impressed by the name of leixuan.

Playboys like Lei Xuan like to arrange noodles. They are very high-profile wherever they go. Even when they reserve a place in the restaurant, they are clear about their identity.

The western restaurant knows that leixuan is the master of Yanjing, so the western restaurant can't help meeting the requirements of leixuan.

After listening to Feng Xue's request, the western restaurant immediately agreed to do what Lei Xuan said.

Soon, the manager of the western restaurant appeared in person and found them.

The manager of the western restaurant came to the table where Shen Ze was. With a smile on his face and a kind voice, he said, "three gentlemen and two ladies, excuse me. I have something to ask you for help."