Chapter 1569

11 billion inferior spirit stone!

12 billion inferior spirit stone!

13 billion inferior spirit stone!


86 billion inferior spirit stones.

The fierce competition exceeded Li Lingtian's imagination, and Beiming snow looked at these strong men in horror.

Don't take the spirit stone as one thing at all. For the sake of ten Jue flowers, don't care about the spirit stone at all, unless you use up all the spirit stones on your body.

You know, this ten unique flowers is a genius treasure that can directly improve the realm of the strong below the demigod realm. It can be found in the auction house. It must not be easily missed.

The price soared violently, and the whole auction house was boiling.

Such competition is more terrible than the war of hundreds of strong people in the false god realm.

Invisible oppressive force and invisible smoke spread throughout the auction house.

After the competition, the higher the price, the fewer the number of competitors, because most of the strong were stopped in front of the spirit stone.

The latter competitors are basically the strong ones in the middle and late stage of the hypocrisy realm and the great fullness.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue look at these strong men and don't want to compete now.

He has to wait until the last to compete, because they don't want to raise prices slowly. If a price increase is too strong, it will inevitably attract the attention of other strong people. It's definitely not a good thing to attract the attention of other strong people in such a place.

"Two ten flowers should be enough."

Beiming snow whispered in Li Lingtian's ear and looked at Li Lingtian with beautiful eyes.

This ten Jue flower is the most important thing for Li Lingtian. Their realm is stuck, that is, waiting for the eclosion pill to break through and want the eclosion pill. This ten Jue flower is one of the most important medicinal materials.

"Ten Jue flowers are enough."

"I just want to know where I got this ten wonders."

"Because Shijue flower is integrated with several other medicinal materials, if you can get the source of Shijue flower, you will have a chance to get several other medicinal materials."

"When the auction is over, find a way to get the place where the ten unique flowers come from."

Li Lingtian nodded. The more herbs, the better. Although two ten Jue flowers are enough, they are not many. Now it is beyond his expectation to have two. It is an accident to see ten Jue flowers.

Now, what he wants to know more is where the ten Jue flowers come from.

If he gets the source of Shijue flower, no matter where it is, he has to look for it, hoping to find other herbs.

Only by finding these gifted earth treasures can he have the opportunity to refine the eclosion pill. He doesn't know whether the eclosion pill is successful or not. Anyway, it will be in the future.

"163 billion inferior spirit stones!"

"164 billion inferior spirit stones!"

"165 billion inferior spirit stones!"


When Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue were talking, the price had soared to more than 160 billion yuan. At this time, the strong competitors were basically the strong ones in the later stage and Da Yuanman.

Only these strong people can come up with more than 100 billion spirit stones.

Because if the later strong get the ten unique flowers, they may reach the peak of great fullness, and the great fullness strong may reach the semi divine realm. Naturally, they try their best to get such a magical thing.

"Well, it's been long enough."

Li Lingtian said faintly, with a smile on his face.

Beiming snow sees Li Lingtian like this and knows that Li Lingtian is about to start.

After Li Lingtian finished, he asked for a price increase.

"300 billion inferior spirit stone."

The sound sounded in the auction house. The original boiling auction house is now quiet.

The price of 300 billion inferior spirit stones in the auction house is not high, not as high as the price of the previous 3000 items, but now someone has added more than 100 billion at once, directly doubling the price, which is really beyond everyone's imagination.

This is a spiritual stone, a hundred billion, not a thousand spiritual stones.

"300 billion!"

"Add 130 billion at a time."

"300 billion inferior spirit stone."

"It's overbearing to add so many spirit stones at once."


For a time, countless strong people talked and looked at Li Lingtian at the same time.

In the early and middle stage of the hypocrisy realm, there were not so many spirit stones to compete for the ten Jue flowers, but they liked to watch the excitement. The spirit stones were not theirs and naturally would not be distressed.

When I saw Li Lingtian, there was nothing special about seeing Li Lingtian. It seemed that I could catch one in the street.

But I didn't expect that the young man would crush it directly with a spirit stone.

"310 billion!"

"320 billion!"

"330 billion!"


When all the strong were surprised, the price increase continued again.

Three hundred billion, simply can not stop other strong people from pursuing the opportunity to improve the realm. The price is still soaring, and the soaring speed is more intense than at the beginning.

In a moment, the price has reached 500 billion.

This price is close to the price of the first three items.

Li Lingtian began to shout out the shock of 300 billion, which had long been submerged. In the eyes of other strong players, Li Lingtian just accelerated the competition, because after 300 billion, the price reached 500 billion.

"A trillion!"

Beiming snow opened his mouth, with a faint smile on his face. Although his appearance changed a little, his temperament did not change at all, and his appearance did not change much. Such a smile would not fascinate all sentient beings, but it was very exciting.

A little spirit stone is nothing to them.

During this period of time, Li Lingtian killed countless super strongmen and obtained countless wealth. The spirit stone alone is nearly 300 trillion. With the previous 300 trillion, the spirit stone has reached 600 trillion.

Moreover, they spend very little time with Lingshi. Lingshi will only be more and more, not less.

When you can exchange what you need with a spirit stone, you will not be stingy with the spirit stone. Only in this way can you reflect the value of the spirit stone. Moreover, only at this time can the spirit stone be of some use to them.

"A trillion?"

"A trillion? "Inferior spirit stone?"

"A trillion inferior spirit stones!"

Suddenly, the whole auction house was silent, which was too overbearing.

It's crazy to go straight to $1 trillion.

This price has exceeded the previous maximum price of 700 billion.

Now, some people have doubled from 500 billion to twice. All their eyes look at Beiming snow. Seeing Beiming snow and Li Lingtian tired of being around Li Lingtian, they immediately understand their relationship and they are together.

Both bids are amazing. This is to make a fuss. If you don't make a fuss, you'll make a fuss.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue both felt countless powerful divine senses scanning, but such divine senses were directly ignored by Li Lingtian. The hypocrisy state was scum in his eyes.

Not to mention now, even in the past, the king was all slag in front of him. At the beginning of the semi divine realm, he should not take it seriously.

"One hundred and ten billion."

"One hundred and twenty billion."

"One hundred and thirty billion."

After the price of Beiming snow came out, it shocked countless strong people.

The auction house was once quiet. After a while, some strong people who had reached the peak did not mean to give up, nor did they raise the price, increasing by 10 billion as at the beginning.

After all, this is a spirit stone, and they are not Li Lingtian. There is only Li Lingtian in this Shenwu continent.

"Two trillion!"

Li Lingtian looked at some big round top strongmen who were still raising prices, and his face didn't have the slightest emotion.

Without asking other strong players to raise prices several times, they directly raised the price to $2 trillion.

Two trillion.

For him, two trillion yuan is just a drop in the bucket. If he needs a spirit stone, he can just refine some pills. He won't worry about the spirit stone at all.

There was another sound of horror and discussion. Such a strong rolling caused several hypocrites to be full, and the strong looked ugly on their faces. They were more angry and looked at Li Lingtian angrily, as if they were going to eat Li Lingtian.

But at this time, the higher the price, the money is the last word.

Even if your strength is against the sky, you can't compete without spirit stone.

"Two hundred and one hundred billion!"

"230 billion!"

"260 billion!"

The three hypocrites are full, and the strong have been angry, and the price increase is no longer the beginning.

The price increase is 100 billion. In this case, the strong people present know that these strong people are angry. This is not the competition of treasures, but several strong people are angry.

Li Lingtian has been crushing them with price, which makes them feel oppressed. If they don't teach Li Lingtian a lesson, they can't vent their anger.

"Four trillion!"

Li Lingtian didn't have any emotional fluctuation. He said faintly and said the price.

This bid suddenly increased by more than one trillion yuan, and the price reached four trillion yuan. Such a price immediately silenced the auction house. The auction house was full of oppression, and the strange atmosphere was almost breathless.

"Four trillion!"

"Four trillion spirit stones?"

"This is four trillion."

"It's really four trillion inferior spirit stones."

"That's crazy."

"Domineering, domineering." "..." In the short silence, countless voices broke out in the auction house. The whole auction house is boiling. For this $4 trillion, the value is terrible. I heard such a big data for the first time, and only competed for two ten unique flowers. This price is overbearing, and it is even more overbearing in competition. Directly competing with billions of dollars is completely beyond everyone's imagination. All eyes looked at Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue. They didn't know what their origins were. They had such means. For a time, every strong man had a lot of speculation in his heart. The more he did, the more he dared not say anything, because he was afraid of provoking super strong men or super forces. Whether they were super forces or super strong men, they could not provoke them. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.