Chapter 2105

Li Lingtian left the disordered world of time and space and left quickly.

Now, he has been trapped for six years. He should have a good rest for a few days before taking action.

He didn't know that the place he was trapped was the nine forbidden areas called by the strong men of mankind, but he really didn't want to meet such a terrible place again. After all, he wasn't so lucky to leave every time.

This is a place where time and space are disordered. I have time and space eternity.

If you encounter other terrible places next time, what else can you do to leave safely?



The five elements move out, and each blink directly spans 50000 miles.

After a short span of ten minutes, I don't know how many miles I left. Finally, I smashed into a mountain and found a hidden Canyon in the mountain.

The divine sense moved, and the Dragon appeared in front of him. Then he used an array to hide the dragon.

With his body flashing, Li Lingtian has entered the Shenlong.

When the array is opened, the canyon becomes a mountain. Even ordinary peerless array masters cannot find that it is a canyon rather than a mountain.

"Although the time here is only six years, it is 60 years in the disordered time and space."

"I haven't rested for a second in 60 years. I have to rest for a few days."

After Li Lingtian put the Dragon into stealth mode in the main control room, he entered the next room, half lying on the big bed, poured out a glass of fruit wine and tasted it slowly.

After drinking a cup of fruit wine, he directly lay down and slept for five days.

After waking up, shennian controlled the Shenlong to leave and began to look for the target.


"Calculate my points, there should be 100000. There are still two years to get another 20000 points."

"In that case, my ranking will be higher."

"What are the top 400? What I need is the top 100. "

Liu Qingfeng stood in front of a cliff with a confident smile on his face.

After entering the ruins for several years, except for several super terrorist opponents, others were destroyed in his hands.

With his cultivation strength, he went to the top ten, but he didn't have such great ambition after meeting several terrible opponents.

Because he met those terrible demons, he almost had no chance to escape. Finally, he used his secret skills to escape.

The place of returning to the ruins is so large that he can meet several people who let him turn around and escape. This time, the competition for the list of super demons genius must have countless demons, and there must be many stronger than himself. His goal is to win 100.

He was in Beiye holy land, but he was known as a super genius on his first day. If he could enter the Taiyue God court and get the training of the Taiyue God court, he could soar to the sky.


"An opponent appeared."

"I hope you won't let me down. Kill you. At least let me increase 10000 points."

Liu Qingfeng looked at the keepsake in his hand. There was red on it.

Seeing this, he was immediately excited.

It's hard to meet a strong human being in the place of returning to the ruins. Basically, they meet ancient gods and beasts. Moreover, the more they go to the back, the more powerful the remaining strong people are and the more points they have.

Then the whole person turned into a residual shadow and disappeared in the air.

A flying warship appeared in the air, and the flying warship flew away quickly.

The inferior God class flying warship is extremely fast, with a speed of one million miles per hour, and the most powerful attack can kill the great and powerful of the true God, but it takes a long time to brew energy.

It can be said that the inferior flying warship, that is, it is equipped with force, and another advantage is flight and defense.


In the air, there was a constant roar.

In an hour, Liu Qingfeng's flying warship crossed a million miles and stopped far away. It was difficult to see the extreme on his face.

Because the crystal screen in the main control room shows that the other party is an ancient class flying warship, and it is also a middle-class ancient class flying warship.

It's hopeless to find that the other party is an ancient flying warship. Now, it's impossible to escape.

His inferior God class flying warship is just a piece of garbage in front of the ancient class. The other party's random attack will destroy the inferior God class flying warship.

In terms of defense, one's own divine class warship can't even shake the other.

In terms of speed, one's fastest speed is one million miles, the other's slowest speed is three million miles, and the fastest speed is tens of millions of miles.

Escape, the only choice. You can't wait to die here.


"Give you a fair chance to fight."

"Otherwise, I will kill you."

Li Lingtian ran away as soon as he saw each other. A faint smile appeared on his face. This is the difference between warships.

When he woke up from sleep, he left the mountains and began to look for his goal.

He found a target at the first time. When he found the target, the other party soon flew towards him. Looking at the moving speed, it should be a flying warship.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian stopped the dragon and waited for the arrival of the other party.

I didn't expect the other party to turn around and run away at the first time after seeing his Shenlong. He didn't even have the idea of struggling.

"Who is your excellency?"

Liu Qingfeng looked pale and desperate.

I used to kill many strong people by flying warships. I didn't expect to meet such a day.

The other side can always be an ancient flying warship. It must be the terrorist existence in the super demon. If you want to win, you have no hope at all.

Hearing the other party's words, he quickly stopped the flying warship. If he ran away again, the other party would directly destroy him together with the flying warship. Now his only chance is to leave the flying warship and find a chance to use his secret skills to escape.

"Come out."

Li Lingtian spoke, and the voice came out of the dragon.

If the other party doesn't come out, just kill it.

In this world, the strong survive. If you want to go further, you need 99% of your strength and 10% of your luck. Obviously, your opponents are unlucky people.

While talking, Li Lingtian had left the dragon and stood in the air.

He is not afraid of the other party to attack him with flying warships. The other party is a lower God flying warship. Even the most powerful attack can not shake him. This is the gap between warships and the gap in strength.

Their own defense can resist even the attack of the powerful God King. Naturally, they will not be afraid of the attack of the inferior God class flying warship.

It can be said that God class flying warships basically pose no threat to the true God's great perfection of super genius.

The most powerful attack of the inferior God class flying warship is to kill the true God.

The ancient class and inferior ancient class flying warships can kill the God King, even the God King.

The ancient level of middle grade can kill the true God, the God King and the God King.

The top-grade ancient flying warship can kill the God King and God King. God will kill him if he is not careful.

A unique ancient flying warship that can kill any God.

As for the congenital level and the supreme treasure level, they exist in legends and can be regarded as taboos.

Even if there is a spirit stone, you can't buy it, because if such a flying warship needs to be purchased, it has to be decided by countless super strong people at the top of Taiyue shenting.


"Go to hell."

Liu Qingfeng saw that Li Lingtian left the flying warship, and he was just a superior true God.

The superior true God cannot be bigger, more complete and stronger than the true God.

He is a super demon. Only a few super demons can threaten him. Although all the characters who enter the place of returning to the ruins are at the level of true gods, their comprehensive strength absolutely surpasses the true gods and can be comparable to the lower gods, and even compete with the middle and upper gods.

With a roar, Liu Qingfeng launched the most powerful attack, and suddenly a terrible attack rolled over Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian looked at the destruction of the flying warship, and his face was calm.

He began to scold, and immediately time and space were running forever. Time and space were expanded, and time and space within a radius of ten thousand miles were absolutely controlled. Then, with one hand, a bloody long sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword crossed towards the attack of the flying warship. The blade broke through the air, cut through the space, and finally bombarded the attack of the flying warship.


Within the absolute control of time and space, the attack of flying warships became slow and almost stopped. While time and space recovered, the sword had cut through the attack of flying warships.

Space, restore calm.

Liu Qingfeng looked at the scene in the air in horror. Li Lingtian's action was beyond his imagination.

He didn't expect his attack to become slow in front of Li Lingtian. The inferior flying warship attack was completely destroyed. This face is too terrible.

It was ten thousand times more terrible than the demons that forced him to escape.

"The opportunity has been given to you."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand and expanded the space-time field at the same time.

The blood red sword cut through the space, and the sword appeared and bombarded Liu Qingfeng's flying warship.




With a loud bang, the inferior flying warship was directly destroyed by a sword. Liu Qingfeng in the flying warship was completely frightened. The scream sounded and the vitality quickly disappeared. Finally, it fell completely, and the flying warship was destroyed and turned into two halves. With the blessing of time and space, space is not blocked, time is static, and the attack has no distance at all. There will be no space friction. Its power has reached an extreme. Li Lingtian looked at the pure Yang immortal sword in his hand. It was a unique congenital treasure. Even if he didn't insist in the field of time and space, he could easily destroy the inferior God class flying warship. What's more, I use the space-time field to make the attack power to the extreme, which is more powerful and magical than the usual attack. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.