Chapter 2975

Han Li's third form of crazy God has been played to a certain extent and is extremely crazy.

At the last moment, Li Lingtian finally let the field of Wansheng XuanHuo evolve.

It has reached the fourth level in the field and formed an independent world.

Li Lingtian knows that the best time has come and can't wait any longer.

The Tianlong Temple erupted directly at this moment.

The power of terror, falling from the sky, and Han Li, who is already crazy, are clearly felt,

Han Li looked frightened. Although he had fallen into madness, the subconscious instinct was still there.

Li Lingtian shouted, "go to hell!"

Han Li's crazy God three moves, the automatically activated crazy God formula, immediately took Han Li to attack from other directions and immediately took refuge.

Li Lingtian goes all out and leaves no spare force. The world's most precious treasure has broken out and must be decided quickly.

Even in the realm of all saints' mysterious fire, it will not be found, but we should avoid long dreams at night.

Han Li doesn't know what happened, so he has been suppressed by Li Lingtian town.

Li Lingtian controlled the Tianlong temple and began to bombard Han Li with terror.

Before long, Han Li was seriously injured and spread on the ground.

Li Lingtian immediately led the eight or nine heaven destroying sword array. This is to play.

When Han Li was surrounded by the eight nine annihilation sword array, Li Lingtian directly withdrew from the field of Wansheng XuanHuo.

What everyone saw was the moment when Li Lingtian's sword array killed Han Li.

On the other side of Dayan puppet, with the help of LV Zichen, Dayan puppet got out of trouble and erupted into terrorist forces again.

As soon as Han Li died, Dayan puppet got out of trouble. Everything was going in a good direction.

Li Lingtian didn't stop to rest. He won't be at ease until the matter is solved.

Immediately bombarded the other strong ones, and Li Lingtian consumed a lot.

However, Li Lingtian was able to catch the second-order strongman of the domain master. There was no accident.

The master of the Chu family knows that the overall situation has been decided today. He is sure to win.

Dayan puppet's rescue was the first time he destroyed the net of heaven and earth. The so-called body of ten thousand dragons could not resist Li Lingtian's crazy bombardment at all.

One wave is stronger than another. The power of terror, absolute madness, the physique of Dayan puppet, even the medium chaos treasure, can't hurt Dayan puppet.

Completely suppressed, lengwushuang and Longyu, when suppressed.

Finally, he felt that it was absolutely impossible to go on like this. Long Yu said to Leng Wushuang, "our situation is gone. What should we do?"

"Han Li is also dead. We have to run away. The green mountains are here. We are not afraid of no firewood."

Long Yu also plans to do so. Now the gap between the two sides is not a bit.

Long Yu and Leng Wushuang met at once, and then the two immediately turned on the rampage mode.

Li Lingtian's Qianyan holy wing opens, and Feng Buwei's popularity also breaks out. Li Lingtian pursues Leng Wushuang, and Feng Buwei pursues Long Yu.

LV Zichen could see that Li Lingtian had consumed a lot, and immediately followed Li Lingtian behind him,

Cold unparalleled speed is really fast compared with the strong masters in other domains.

But Li Lingtian's all-round outbreak is not an opponent at all. It can be said that it is far from it.

Li Lingtian stood in front of Leng matchless, and LV Zichen was behind him.

Leng Wushuang finally stopped, looked at Li Lingtian and said, "can't we let go today? There should be no such hatred between us. "

Li Lingtian looked at lengwushuang and said with a sneer, "it's useless to say more. Today you're all going to die. If you want to plunder other people's things, you'd better be prepared for destruction."

Li Lingtian didn't procrastinate. As soon as his voice fell, he rushed over directly, and LV Zichen started at the same time.

They shot together. There was no suspense at all. After a while, they died under Li Lingtian's God killing flame.

Feng Buwei also intercepted Long Yu. Liang Zi had already married, so he didn't hesitate to kill Long Yu directly.

The Han family, Han Li, the Moon Palace is unparalleled, and the dragon family, long Yu, the three leaders, are dead.

People's hearts are in chaos. They have no fighting spirit and no power to fight again. The master of the Chu family and the master of the Xia Hou family led their families to wipe out all of them.

The domain master level strongman also didn't run out and killed all of them.

The master of the Chu family was like a new life. There was no hope at all.

But the sudden turning point is to make a person seem to go from heaven to hell.

The battle is over, that is, this Dayan puppet with the fifth level strength of the domain master.

The others began to clean the battlefield quickly, and the master of the Chu family thanked everyone.

Gather all the booty together, nearly 20 chaos treasures, and distribute all the star crystals and treasures.

What Feng shouldn't do has been done. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. He said goodbye to Li Lingtian and left. LV Zichen got jiuchonglang from Chu Yu, thanked Chu Yu, and then walked to Li Lingtian“ On the day of goodbye, we must make a difference! " Li Lingtian also admired LV Zichen. He had no spiritual root and could not absorb the power of the source law, but he still didn't give up. Star level strong, but can get the main third-order strong in the force field. Li Lingtian suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he had obtained a prescription of the pill of the living root. He looked at LV Zichen and said, "you've got the inheritance. If you still can't break through the domain master level, maybe you can come to me. I may be helpful to you." LV Zichen took a meaningful look at Li Lingtian and left. Some things should not be understood now. Therefore, LV Zichen will not waste this time, and those who should leave have left. The head of Xiahou's family, because he was a family, was given a lot of treasures, so he left. Finally, only the Chu family and Li Lingtian were left. The Chu family leader looked at Li Lingtian. He really didn't know what to say. Kindness is as heavy as heaven“ I remember the Chu family without thanking him for his kindness! " Li Lingtian said with a smile, "Chu Yu and I are brothers, which is what I should do." After this battle, it is definitely a big reshuffle between super forces for the whole celestial spirit star. The Moon Palace, the Han family and the long family are all dispatched, and there is no domain master level strong, so this super force is completely abolished. This is a rising era, which will also make disputes fly, but it's nothing to Li Lingtian. The existence of Dayan puppets in the Chu family will certainly stand out from the crowd. Lingtian palace is also developing steadily, and no one can provoke it. Especially after this battle, Li Lingtian's three words are famous for the whole Tianling star, making Lingtian palace appear in the world's vision. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.