Chapter 3434

The man's departure did not attract people's attention. Except Li Lingtian, all the others put their minds on the abyss of heaven.

At this time, the treasures flying out of the abyss are no longer all primary chaotic treasures, but many top chaotic treasures gradually appear, and even the breath of peak chaotic treasures is filled with them.

At this time, all the people hiding in the dark could not bear it, and joined the snatch of the treasure of chaos one after another.

At high altitude, Zhou Xun winked at the other people. Immediately, they bent down and rushed into the crowd and competed with them.

After all, if they do not participate in the robbery, others will certainly find that there is a problem here!

"Bang bang!"

For a moment, the abyss was full of fierce spiritual power fluctuations, surging power broke out, and human figures fought together one after another.

The attraction of chaos treasure can be seen from this!

In the high air, Dao Feiyang stood behind Li Lingtian, looking at the fierce struggle, but also eager to get up.

He is not only eager to get those chaotic treasures, but also eager to participate in the struggle. He knows that only between the crisis of life and death can he improve himself faster without leaving any sequelae.

Aware of the impulse of the flying knife, Li Lingtian said with a smile: "why, your hands are itching, and you want to participate?"

"Brother Ling Tian..."

Although Dao Feiyang didn't say it, the look on his face was completely revealed.

Li Lingtian nodded slightly and said softly, "if you want to go down. However, your strength is too weak. Try to pick some weak chaotic treasures, so that the competition will be smaller. "

"Don't think I'll help you. I'll keep you alive at most. If you lose, I'll pull you up!"

"Hey, thank you, brother Ling Tian!"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Dao Feiyang was ecstatic. He didn't want Li Lingtian to help him win the treasure. It's enough that Li Lingtian can protect him once.

After all, if Li Ling had been naive enough to protect him, the so-called experience would be useless to him.

Anyway, I won't die. Why do I have to work hard?


The body dived, the knife flew, and quickly rushed to a group of people from level 4 to level 6 of the domain master. Suddenly, the violent power broke out, and the people were fighting.

They have no so-called goal. They will attack whoever stands in front of them.

In this case, Dao Feiyang's own strength is not the strongest. He immediately fell into a crisis. His spirit is highly concentrated. If he doesn't pay attention, he will die here!

However, Dao Feiyang is not a fuel-saving lamp. After a moment, he just stabilized and began to fight back.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian nodded slightly and immediately made a move with his right hand. An ice blue light quietly flew to Dao Feiyang not far away, silently guarding him.

Li Lingtian turned to look at other places and found that the whole sky over the abyss was surrounded by people. Nearly a hundred people were competing for the location of almost every chaotic treasure.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

From time to time, there is a treasure of chaos.

As a result, the previous battle was separated, and the figures around them fought again around the new chaotic treasure.

Li Lingtian couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, people's hearts are always greedy. It is because of their greed that they didn't find the changes around them and gradually fell into the trap of Zhou Xun and others.

"Boom, boom!"

Not long after, the sound of thunder gradually sounded. Li Lingtian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down. He saw a circle of light emerging from around the abyss and slowly surrounded it, just like a cage, which imprisoned everyone.

Of course, Li Lingtian was not imprisoned. At the moment when the light touched him, Li Lingtian's body turned into a virtual shadow and let the light penetrate.

Not far away, Zhou Xun noticed this and his eyelids jumped violently. Although he expected that this array could not trap Li Lingtian, he didn't expect that Li Lingtian could ignore this array!

So it seems that Li Lingtian's strength is much stronger than they guessed!

Otherwise, it will never be possible!

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

At this time, the abyss suddenly trembled, and the bright light bloomed.

The violent fluctuation is just an instant. Those chaotic treasures in the air have scattered one after another. At the same time, the light on those chaotic treasures has also weakened a lot.

"Hahaha, good chance!"

Everyone was ecstatic and shot one after another. Just in a moment, dozens of chaotic treasures were accepted.

Of course, most of those who are still taking over the chaos treasure are under the level 7 realm of the domain master. They know they don't want to get the strongest treasure in the abyss, so they don't compete with them at all and continue to take over the ordinary chaos treasure.

For them, one of the best chaotic treasures is enough to enhance their strength. As for Zhou Xun and others, they rushed to the bright light one after another. That's the real play! For people of their strength, the ordinary best chaotic treasure is of little use. Only the peak chaotic treasure can help them. Therefore, they would rather give up everything before than give up the array eye in the abyss“ Hum! " With the bright light dispersed, a stone seal appeared in front of everyone in the air“ "Buzzing, buzzing!" In the stone seal, the surging spiritual power erupted“ Top chaos treasure! " After feeling the spiritual power in the stone seal, everyone's eyes were full of greed. The treasure of chaos is enough for them to use the domain master's nine grades and the peak state will not fall“ It seems that everyone is unwilling to let go this time! " Zhou Xun suddenly looked at the people around him. At this time, those qualified to stand around him happened to be the people who attended the party yesterday. It has to be said that cangyanzong had a strong control over the city. They found all the information of the strong, except Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang“ Ha ha ha! " They looked at Zhou Xun with contempt. Previously, Zhou Xun could control the large array of cangyan sect in the city. They didn't dare to resist Zhou Xun, but now Zhou Xun couldn't control the large array. Many of them were stronger than Zhou Xun. Naturally, they wouldn't care too much about Zhou Xun at this time“ Treasure is a place where people with virtue live. Why don't you let go? "“ Hey, hey, let's play fair! Fight with your own ability! " The people laughed and looked at Zhou Xun's eyes, full of bad intentions“ Ha ha ha! " The corners of Zhou Xun's mouth stirred up and his face smiled strangely. For a moment, the people couldn't help being surprised. Could it be that Zhou Xun still had a backhand? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.