Time goes back to when Xia Tong just entered the bedroom with hall.

She was shaking all over, so hall held her carefully on the road. To be exact, it was half hug and half hug that took her to the bedroom.

Xia Tong has never been close to hall, so her sudden closeness makes hall as soft as stepping on cotton. She doesn't know what to do.

When Xia Tong returned to his little bed, he sat there shaking his knees. Clear eyes, now full of fear of hall.

This makes hall look more distressed. He turned to pour himself a glass of red wine and drank it slowly.

When the cool liquor went down his throat, the flames in Hall's heart were watered out. He looked at Xia Tong and narrowed his eyes. He found something wrong in his mind.

She's a member of the cheetah organization. How could she be so afraid to see a prisoner?

Just on the way, hall was rendered by Xia Tong's state all the way. He was tempted by the beauty trick and didn't think so much.

But now when he returned to the bedroom, there were only Xia Tong and him. He drank another glass of red wine. The cold wine made him sober and suspicious again.

The more she thought about her performance, the more Hall felt Xia Tong's sense of protection for the man. But she only met this man for the first time. How could she carefully protect him from being injected with poison again?

The more you think about it, the more Hall feels wrong. He narrowed his long and narrow eyes, looked at the woman sitting on the bed with her knees, and held his breath.

Xia Tong didn't know he was looking at her, but she couldn't move. Just now she was forced to take the bad policy in a short time. Now she knows she should be more careful.

Sitting on the bed with his knees is a kind of protection for himself. If he wants to do it, I'm afraid he doesn't know how to do it.

"Are you still afraid?"

When Xia Tong was thinking hard about what to do, the man's cold and evil voice sounded in her ear. Xia Tong trembled and raised his eyes just to Hall's narrowed eyes.

He was evil and handsome. He was like the night prince from hell. But looking at him so close, Xia Tong had the illusion that he was confronting a poisonous snake.

"Speak, or I will think you are a mute and take measures to make you sound."

Seeing Xia Tong looking at him foolishly, hall was even more angry. His white fingers suddenly picked up Xia Tong's chin, and the meaning of flirtation was obvious.

This damn man!

The feeling of cold white fingers still lingered on his chin. Xia Tong almost wanted to bite off the man's fingers. But looking at his flirtatious look, she was forced to endure.

Forget it, she can't fight with this man, otherwise she will suffer.

"I was just a little scared when I saw the dungeon and didn't want to stay there. Now that I'm out of the dungeon, I'm not so afraid. Thank you for bringing me out of there. "

Finally, she was patient with her low mouth, with a taste of gnashing her teeth.

This is the little pepper he knows. She can stand any provocation and give you a bite at the critical moment to defeat you under her canine teeth.

"Really?" He smiled low, his cold palm crossed Xia Tong's collar, "but I heard your heart. That's not what I said."

Men move quickly and have a strong hint. Xia Tong blushed and shrunk briskly towards the back, ready to avoid his poisonous hand.

"Xia Tong, you were a military doctor in the cheetah organization before. Are you still afraid of the pediatric scene of Dungeon. Tell me, why on earth did you lie? "

Unfortunately, Xia Tong didn't completely avoid it, so hall slowly picked away her hands holding her knees with white fingers and grabbed them in her hands.

Xia Tong was shocked. She tore it away from him twice, but it was useless. His strength was not what she could resist, so she had to give up angrily.

Seeing the depressed look of the woman, hall was more interested.

"Military doctor Xia Tong, you haven't explained to me why you are afraid of the dungeon. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid I can only take you to the dungeon again. "

The smell of Datura flowers on his body is very strong, which makes people smell more at a close distance. He only feels dizzy for a while. And his voice was very light, with a kind of bewitching magic.

Even if it is firm like Xia Tong, there is no way to be completely immune to his bewitchment. Can only try to look down and avoid his sight.

"Bad memories happened in the dungeon. After all, I'm also a woman. How can I be completely immune?"

"Ha ha, well said, you are also a woman. Yes, how can you be completely immune to such things?" Hall seemed to hear some big joke and kept laughing.

Laugh, laugh, when you're done laughing, just be honest and go to bed. Don't bother me. I'm right!

Xia Tong silently calculated the time to exert the medicine on him, and was ready to see him fall.

Hall doesn't like drinking, but he only likes red wine. Especially when he wants to be calm or more crazy, he will bring himself a glass of red wine.

In Hall's mouth, red wine is called a desperate aristocrat. The bottles of red wine he put in his bedroom are his favorite taste, and the temperature is always kept below zero.

However, if the materials in red wine are combined with black pine steam dew, the negligible effect of low concentration alcohol will be infinitely amplified.

Black pine steam dew is a kind of perfume that can be extracted from food. The aroma is quiet and imperceptible, and can be quietly distributed for several days before it completely subsides.

This is a small skill Xia Tong learned when he was a military doctor in the cheetah organization. Ever since she could act freely in Holzer's castle, she has extracted this perfume in her kitchen as her perfume.

Because she knows that hall likes red wine. Now she is resting in his bedroom compartment. If she doesn't take precautions, she may lose her virginity accidentally.

Unfortunately, hall was taken to the pharmacy by Jacka to drink medicine, which made her preparation useless all the time. But the glass of red wine he drank inadvertently just now made Xia Tong's preparation useful.

"Xia Tong, I'm in the pharmacy these days. You're alone..."

Hall laughed enough and reached for Xia Tong's collar. But before he touched her, his face became a little pale and his mind became more confused.

The scene of the whole room began to spin in Hall's eyes, a blur. He wanted to make a sound, but he couldn't use his strength in his throat.

Hands and feet kept clutching. At the last moment when hall lost consciousness, he threw a cup to the ground and smashed it.

Then he fell heavily to the ground and couldn't make any sound again.

"Hum, I finally fainted. I knew I would sprinkle more black pine steam dew on my body and get closer to you."

Looked at hall with disgust. Xia Tong stretched out his foot and kicked him. After confirming that he really fainted, he struggled to drag him to his big bed.

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of this bedroom is good. In addition, hall told no one to go near his bedroom, so the breaking of the cup didn't attract anyone's attention.

Then Xia Tong found what she needed. The nylon rope I met was soaked with enough water to tie Hall's knot firmly to the head of the bronze bed.

With a bath towel soaked in water, he strangled his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue or making any noise. Xia Tong finally checked his body, which was a relief.

During this period, she has always been very careful. Her anklet was still tinkling on her feet, but it didn't hinder her speed of the doing it.

"The key, should have a backup on him?"

Reminded by the jingling sound of the anklet, Xia Tong began to search hall for the key of the anklet. But after searching many times, even his intimate underwear was searched, and there was no trace of the key.

It seems that Jack didn't deceive her by telling her that he had only one key.

After giving up the search for the key, Xia Tong took the time to contact Xiao mo. Huo Rao has repeatedly urged her to return her mobile phone to Huo Rao, but Xia Tong has found a reason to refuse.

When the phone is connected, Xia Tong takes the time to give Xiao Mo a complete confirmation of the castle's defense map again, and tells him his current situation.

According to Xia Tong's estimation, even if hall could sleep for three hours, plus the hemp drunk gun she secretly put away, it would be enough to keep him quiet for two days.

"Don't worry, I will meet you outside the castle with Xiao Yixiao er at the first time. They are waiting outside the castle now, but I didn't let them act privately. "

After listening to Xia Tong's orders, Xiao Mo replied simply. There was a warm current in Xia Tong's heart, but he still bit his teeth and nodded without saying anything.

With Xiao Mo's affirmation, Xia Tong will have no worries at home if he acts in this castle!

For her parents to find a plan, those soldiers who paid their lives, and Xiao Mo's Revenge of being seriously injured by hall, all her defiled were replayed in front of her like a movie.

Turning his eyes to hall, who was lying in bed and didn't know himself, Xia Tong suddenly held his fist.

Hall, when you wake up, the sky of the castle will be changed to Xiao, not Huo. Those who are imprisoned by you are destined to be liberated!

When Xia Tong looked at him, Hall's eyes suddenly opened.