The situation of these people in the conference room is obviously abnormal. It's like the throat is controlled by the invisible power, and it's like the dark malice in the heart is magnified infinitely, unable to control their own spitting out vicious words. And it seems that the deeper the degree of participation, the deeper the trap.

It's like a vicious circle.

But from them, Jiang Jiu didn't find any evil or evil breath. At present, they don't have any other adverse reactions except coughing, but it doesn't mean there's no danger, or the more serious consequences haven't been revealed.

After he came out of the conference room after the lecture, Jiang Jiu had a look and had plenty of time. I'm going to have a look at the cellar well where the accident happened.

The manhole is on the left side of the gate of the community, which is the only way to enter the community. There are luxuriant trees on both sides of the road. There are flower beds and leisure benches every other section. This area used to be a place for entertainment in the community, but because the street lights around are broken and the trees are heavily shadowed in the dark, it seems a bit gloomy, so few people are willing to stay here more.

Because of human life, the manhole has been re installed with a manhole cover and surrounded by a conspicuous yellow warning belt. Jiang noticed that people who passed by occasionally walked around to the opposite side, obviously because they thought that there was bad luck for human life here.

He drilled through the warning zone and lifted the manhole cover away while there was no one around for observation.

The diameter of the inspection well is about one meter. The bottom of the well is connected with the sewer. It is full of muddy and smelly sewage. The depth of the sewage can not be seen. However, the water surface is two or three meters away from the wellhead by visual inspection. The wall of the well is embedded with ladders every twenty or thirty centimeters, because it is covered with mottled rust in the dark and humid well all the year round.

The well wall is also covered with thick mud, moss and an unknown red mushroom.

After reading the good part, the shaft wall should have been smooth, because Chen ruomei fell and was rescued. The mud and vegetation on the shaft wall were rubbed and mottled, and the dark red blood could be seen on the dirty wall.

According to the news, after falling into the well, Chen ruomei was unable to climb out of the ladder by herself because she hurt her head and drowned. It was her cry for help that attracted the attention of the three aunts who came home from the square dance. The three aunts found a rope to pull her up, but she had been in the well for quite a long time, and she was soon out of breath after being pulled up.

By the time 120 arrived at the scene, she had completely lost her vital signs and could only regret to confirm her death.

Chen ruomei was finally identified as an accidental death. The road management personnel of Changhong Road are responsible for her death.

At present, it seems that this is a very common accident.

But if this matter is so simple, there should be no subsequent series of things. Although Jiang Jiu has not found any trace of ghosts or demons, it's really targeted and can't be explained by a few coincidences.

"Did you find anything?" Jiang Jiu asked the lion dragon in a low voice.

Although the lion dragon can only maintain its young state now, its five senses are also very keen.

He poked his head out of his bag and sneezed twice before he could observe it. He sniffed and said, "I can't see it, but I feel there's something bad in the well."

He can't say exactly what's bad, but he thinks it's bad.

Unable to find a clue from the well, Jiang Shu had to put the well cover back. He was about to get up and leave, but a sharp voice stopped him,

"A chopper, it's surrounded there, don't you see? I'm not afraid that the ghost will drag you down and suck you up! "

The voice came from across the road. It was a woman in her forties, dressed in a floral dress and wearing pointed high heels. When speaking, the eyebrows are raised high, and the friendly face appears to be a little mean.

Before Jiang Jiu could answer the call, the woman on the opposite side strode forward. Her face was full of anger. With one hand in her waist, she almost poked Jiang Jiu's face: "did you hear that?"?! What are you looking at here? "

Her mouth keeps opening and closing, just like a huge black hole, vicious words come out of the black hole.

Jiang's attention fell on her frequent opening and closing mouth. Just now, he vaguely heard the abnormal sound hidden under the sharp words. The sound of "rustling" was like the rubbing sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.

But when I listen, it's gone.

It's like his delusion.

"Ma, what are you doing?"

The middle-aged woman scolded vigorously. Jiang Jiu didn't know where her nameless anger came from and didn't respond to her. On the contrary, a young girl from across the road ran over, pulled her arm hard and stopped her unhappily: "Mom, that's enough! What's the matter with you these days? "

After that, he apologized to Jiang Shu with an apologetic face. Jiang Shu shook his head and said he didn't mind. He only said politely, "does your mother need to see a doctor?"

The young girl laughed awkwardly: "she was not like this before, or she was born sick in recent years. Maybe she was in a bad mood..."

Then he grabbed the middle-aged woman's arm and tried to pull her away.

The middle-aged woman was still cursing. She turned her head and glared at Jiang GUI fiercely. She said darkly, "there are people dead in this well. You can be careful."

Shasha, Shasha

Jiang Jiu hears the rustle of her voice again. He is sure it is not his own illusion.

There must be something hidden in her.

It's just that the middle-aged woman was dragged away by her daughter without further study. They turned and went into hongjingyuan. They were really the residents of hongjingyuan.

Jiang Jiu thought about it and took a picture of mother and daughter with his mobile phone.


Before returning to the unit, Jiang Gu called his elder brother. He had never seen some demon tribes, but he might know.

When I got through, I came out first, but there was another voice that was jumping off: "little five? Why did you call big brother again? I didn't see you call me. "

The tone sounds sour.

"Fourth brother?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Shu laughed in surprise: "are you not busy?"

The fourth brother is a lawyer. When he's busy, he's in a daze. He often has to fly around the country. It's harder to see people than the elder brother.

"I'm busy. There's a case to collect evidence in Haicheng. I'll stop by to see elder brother."

Longgong was in Nanhai, and most of its business was related to the ocean. Therefore, he set up the company's headquarters in Haicheng.

He opened a law firm in Shencheng. It is said that the firm is well-known in human society, so it undertakes many businesses. Even the big boss is very busy every day.

But he himself enjoyed the busyness.

"When are you free to come to Jiangcheng?" he muttered

"I'm busy. I'll go to Jiangcheng to see you when I have time."

He put his long legs on the coffee table, turned on his mobile phone and continued to babble with his younger brother: "where's little eight? Call Xiaoba to meow for me. My elder brother told me that he's very good at pretending to be a kitten. "

When the lion dragon in the bag heard this, he immediately let out a voice of displeasure.

"It's not like that," he said with a smile

Lion dragon complains angrily: "big brother, fourth brother bullies me again!"

He glanced at him quietly. He immediately raised his hand and motioned to himself to shut up

He then said, "Xiao Wu is calling at this time. What's the matter?"

Jiang Jiu gave a "ah", and then he thought of the main thing.

Sure enough, big brother is reliable.

He quickly repeated the story of hongjingyuan to the point: "is there any demon clan that can control people's speech or release the darkness of the adult's heart?"

After thinking about it, he said, "there are a lot of demons who can control people's speech or release their inner darkness. But as you said, there are not many demons who can control people just by participating in topic discussion or even just contacting. There are even fewer who are still alive."

The cultivation of the demon clan is strong or weak, so is its control ability.

The cultivation of a demon clan that controls so many people in secret must not be weak. But now the great demon Mian, who is active in human society and has advanced cultivation, basically knows that none of these people he knows has such ability.

It sounds as if he is in a deadlock, but Jiang Jiu is not discouraged. He says, "then I'll look for other clues. If it's really the demon clan, it's impossible not to leave a trace."

"If you want to influence so many people, this demon tribe is either hiding in the affected humans, or there are other media to spread the influence, but you just ignore it."

After hearing this, he said slowly, "these people can't be affected and manipulated out of thin air. Do you think about the details again?"

Jiang Gu seriously recalled that there were many places that were ignored.

He thought he could look back at the inspection well!

"Thank you, fourth brother!"

Chuo Chuo's voice with a smile: "I'll thank you when I come to Jiangcheng. Now let Xiao Ba meow to me. Isn't he the one who listens to you most?"

Lion dragon hiding in the bag:!!!

Four elder brothers how so bad!

Jiang Jiu felt that the lion dragon in the bag was puffing up and down. He patted him placidly, but said, "you bully Xiao Ba again. Be careful, he will ignore you when you come to Jiangcheng."

"I'm afraid that two big meals will be enough."

Then he said with a smile: "Xiao Ba, give me a meow, I'll pay you."

The lion dragon that arched to and fro suddenly quieted down and poked out a small head: "how much do you fight?"

He is rich and ambitious: "call one million, do you call?"

Lion dragon: "meow, meow, meow..."

He called many times in a row, then changed his breath, and said angrily, "I called twelve times, quick pay!"

Then he happily said to Jiang Gu, "brother five, we have money!"

This discrimination is too obvious.


Why don't I feel happy at all?


Long long:??? Meow a million, the goblin give me meow?

What are you thinking about?


The dragon who doesn't appear should also have a name.

100 red packets, jomi~