

「ええ、植物の魔物は通常の植物に比べてとても強靭ですの. そしてその強靭さは病に対しての抵抗力にも適用されますのよ」





「植物の魔物の持つ病への抵抗力を麦にも与える事ができますわ. それは文字通り、植物用の薬と言えますの」



「簡単に言わないで下さいまし! 植物の魔物にとって樹液を渡す事は、人間にとって血を差し出すのに等しい行為なのですわ! コレだけの麦畑に樹液を与えたらトレントがどうなるのかお分かりになりませんの!」


確かに周囲のすべての麦畑のトレントの樹液を与えればトレントはかれてしまうだろう. 更に言えば人間と同サイズのドライアドなら尚更だ.


「はぁ、貴方はもっと反省するべきですわ. 貴方がもっと良く麦の様子に注意していれば、ここまで悪くなる前に気付けたのではなくて? そうすれば被害もずっと小さく済みましたのよ? 目の前の小銭に目が眩んで大切な麦の病気を見逃してしまったのが貴方の失敗ですわ. しかも自分の畑だけではなく、他の方の畑まで. 」




「……まぁ、この辺りの畑の麦はとても良く育っています. それはちゃんと愛情を持って育てられているからですわ」



「植物はとても繊細な生き物なんですの. 自分で動けない以上、彼等を糧とするのなら人間がこまめに手入れをしないといけませんわ」


「けれど、まだ萎れていない畑の麦からは喜びを感じますの. それは貴方がたがちゃんと麦の手入れをしているからですわ」


「だから、畑の麦達を助ける為に特別に私も手伝って差し上げますわ. 感謝なさい!!」



「ではトレントの樹液を採取しますので、水を汲んだ桶をなるべく沢山用意してくださいませ. それと同じ数の柄杓も!」





結局のところ、樹液を取りすぎたらトレントの命に危険が及ぶ問題は解決していない. それが気になったライズはドライアドに声をかける.

「ええ、原液をそのまま使ってはトレントが死んでしまいますわ. ですので樹液を水で薄めますの」


「水!? それって薄めて良いものなのか!?」

「魔物の体液なのですから、寧ろ薄めた方が良いくらいですわ. 只の植物には刺激が強すぎますの」

「ああ、成る程. だから水を汲んで来いといったのか」



特に植物の魔物の樹液は、強靭な肉体を持つ魔物に比べて植物への負担が大きい. 希釈して効果を弱めるくらいだちょうど良いのだろう.

「あの方にはちょっと反省してもらう必要がありましたから. よく考えずに安易な選択を行なうと大失敗を起こすとしっかり理解してもらわないと、今後の畑の植物達が心配でしたので」



「それと、この病気、この辺りのモノではありませんわね. 同族から伝わってきた情報なんですが、本来ならもっと南方の土地で起こる病気みたいですわ」

上位の植物の魔物は、遠方の同属と情報の共有が可能だ. 理由は不明だが、おそらくは声を発することの出来ないが故に植物達が手に入れた得た力ではないかと魔物研究家達は考えていた.


「さぁ? もしくは仕入れた荷物に付着していたのかもしれませんわね」








As Trent brought the branch down, Lasse sliced into the branch with his dagger.

Then the sap slowly poured out of the wound.

Trent, pour the sap into this vat.

"I'm on it.

Trent slowly moves the roots and walks over to where the tub is located.

'Oh, oh ......'

John is overcome by the sight of a giant tree walking by.

Then Trent sticks the end of his branch into the vat.

That's all right, I'll take the next one, please.

After a ten-second count, the dryad gives the word.

"All right.

Trent is shoving branches into the tub one after another.

That's enough. All we have to do is mix the vat's water with the sap and sprinkle this potion on the roots of the wheat and let the roots suck it out. That will finish the treatment.

"Oh, really? Oh, thank you!

John squeals with delight at the unexpected ease of healing.

"Well, shall we get on with the sprinkling?

As soon as that happened, several long pieces of ivy grew out from under the skirt-like petals of the dryads, grabbing the vats one after the other and lifting them up.


I guess that's when they finally realized the dryad was a demon. John screamed.

"And I'll start sprinkling water.

The dryad ivy is growing rapidly and watering the surrounding fields one by one.

Then the watered fields of wheat are raised and the wilted stalks quickly become thick and magnificent.


John looked at the dryad with a stunned look on his face at the all too unrealistic scene.

(After all, fear wins when you see something different from a human being. ......)

It feels a little lonely in Rise .

After a while, the dryad ivy comes back, seemingly having been watered.

"We've successfully treated you. But the disease may still be on the grass around here. If you're experiencing similar symptoms, please come to us immediately. If you don't contact us sooner, the disease could spread again, so stay in the field with us for a while. That's a promise.

"Ha, ha!

John is warned by a dryad at close range and winces back.


The dryad's face is slightly clouded by the blatant rejection.

"Anyway, since you're done with your treatment, let's pull out for today.

Deciding that it would be no good to stay any longer, Lasse orders you to pull out.

The dryad nods and makes a detour to come to Lasse so as not to frighten John.

We'll take our leave, then. We'll be back later to discuss the subject.

John nodded with a smile.

And that's when the three of them were about to leave.

Oh, uh!

John drawled and held Lasse and the others back.

What is it?

John choked on his words as he tried to speak, and was silent for a moment before he took a deep breath and said the words again.

Oh, thank you!

It was a word of thanks.

'I couldn't cure Barley's disease alone! So thank you all!

From John, a dryad, and a word of thanks to Trent.

A clumsy but straightforward thank you.

You're welcome at .......

"Don't worry about it.

The dryads and Trent also responded to that feeling.

At this moment, their feelings were indeed connected.

It crossed tribal boundaries.

And if I let the wheat shrivel up again: ......

John continues.

"When you do, you'll have to punish me with Mr. Dryad's whip!


The dryad looks at John with a pouty face, wondering what he's talking about .

"That ivy, Mr. Dryad! I'd like to think that the gallant Mr. Dryad would beat me with that ivy! Already! I can't stand it!

John looks at the dryad ivy with an ecstatic face.

It seems that he's just a pervert.

What do you mean, you're a pervert?

Oh, your face! The look on your face when you scolded me earlier was great too, thank you!

"Hey, hey master, Trent! Please tell this person something!

Love is a personal choice.

Hang in there.

Apparently, their feelings were not connected.

(Could be symbiotic besides)

Lasse felt optimistic as he watched the sight of John clinging to the petals of the dryad in a fit of emotion, trying to shake it off and being beaten with ivy in ecstasy.


"But hey, traveling merchants. ......

On the way home from work, Lasse mumbles to himself: "What's the matter with you?

What's wrong with you?

A dryad, looking a little tired from dealing with John, asks me.

"What's the matter with you?

When approached by the dryads and Trent, Lasse answers with a wry smile.

." "No, I just figured the traveling merchant would have paid more than the market price for some old wheat,

What about it?

The dryads and Trent nod their heads, wondering what's so funny.

No, I'm wondering if you don't really want wheat, but rather use it as a cover to make the town's wheat sick.

"Does that mean someone deliberately made the wheat sick?

The dryad's eyes widened in surprise.

She couldn't believe that someone would do such a thing to an innocent plant.

"Keep your voice down! It's just a possibility. It's just a possibility that it's possible.

Lasse remonstrates with a shouted dryad.

Lasse, who fought on in the war, subconsciously distrusted the merchant in his story.

It was a suspicion necessary to survive in a battle that could end at any moment.

Lasse chuckles at himself for doubting a mere merchant he'd never met.

"You startled me.

"I didn't expect to be that surprised, either.

"There are bad people?

Trent also seethes with anger at the possibility of a being who treats plants with malice.

So it's just a possibility.

"Oh yeah.

Lasse chuckles that even Trent has overreacted.

Due to his longer life span than humans, Trent is usually more laid back and doesn't talk much.

But when plants are in danger, he is also very angry.

Seeing this, Lasse suddenly becomes concerned that if plant diseases continue to increase, it will have a negative impact on the dryads.

"Hey, dryads!

"What is it master?

Do these dryads ever get any plant diseases or anything like that? Earlier, you said you don't get sick because you have sap in your body that can be used as medicine, but aren't there some diseases that don't work?

Lasse could not help but question the dryad, even though he knew it was pointless.

I see. We have a resistance to just about every disease. But that doesn't mean there aren't diseases for which it doesn't work.

I see.

Lasse is disappointed to hear that the dryads' resistance is not a panacea, after all.

But if we have a disease that causes us to collapse, then I think every plant in the world will get the same disease and die, and that will be the least of our worries.

With a chuckle, the dryad laughs off Lasse's concerns that it won't come to that.

"So don't even think about it.

I'm not so sure. I think we should be prepared for this.

Plants don't have medicine, which means that there is no medicine that can be applied to Arraune and the other plant-type demons.

Lasse was afraid that the lovely demons would fall ill from an unknown illness.

''That's right! Just in case, let's research a potion that works against plant monsters like Alraune and his friends!

Lasse thought it was a nice idea.

"Well, that's nice! That's the master!

Dryad is delighted by Lasse's kindness in looking out for them.

"Then I guess I should study the composition of Trent and his friends' sap.

It's also good to see the addition of some herbs and other things.

We have a lot of work to do.  

Lasse chuckles at the thought of what's to come.

"Speaking of which...


You used Trent's sap as a potion, and you said that nectar can be a potion, too. You have some of this honey in your dryads?

"...... Yes, I have it.

Somehow the dryads stain your cheeks.

"What kind of honey is that? There are no flowers in the dryads, are there?

As Lasse wondered, the dryad leaned over him and whispered in his ear with a lusty voice.

"If you wish, I can always provide it for you.

"...... soon, please.

Somehow I felt it was better not to know the Rise.