Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Difficult for me?

Qi Zixiao fiddled around with the mobile phone after she finished watching the video, her lips curling up slightly as she muttered, “In other words, I look stupid to you?”

“Still, I did not expect that there’s something so astounding in this world…”

“One tiny mobile phone actually has such complex functions and effect, even allowing voice communication over miles away. This thing would be in great demand even in a world of immortals!”

She was in slight awe.

Having cultivated to Divine Separation, and even though she had no cultivation after her soul transmigrated here, her outstanding spiritual strength was still with her. While she could not use her mind to kill, her memory and comprehension far surpassed the average human countless times.

As such, even if she had not used a mobile phone before, she only needed to watch the video walkthrough once to remember everything vividly.

In other words, she felt no pressure even now as she felt around the phone!

“I’ll check out other videos to understand more about this world…”

“Though I assumed this world to be mundane and corrupted, it does not seem to be the case now.”

Of course, in no way was she admitting that she liked the food of this world, or that she had taken a liking of the little gimmick called a mobile phone…

She opened video after video, and her understanding of the world and the house increased.

Sofa, coffee table, lights, TV, dollars…

Kitchenware, bathroom tools, and even a demonstration of peeing and flushing, which left Qi Zixiao rolling her eyes.

Aside from that, there was another video he had taken outside, mainly introducing how to use mobile phone scan codes for payment.

It was already noon when she reached the last video.

“I’ll get some food after watching this one…”

Feeling the hunger in her stomach, Qi Zixiao decided to finish watching the last video before getting food.

She had become very familiar with the mobile phone since then.

When she clicked on the last video, Lin Fan appeared onscreen once again.

“If you had been watching all the videos, it would probably be noon, right? Now look here.”

The video switched to show a paper box.

“There’s a delicacy I’ve prepared for you inside, and this is how you prepare it.”

“Open the pack, take out the fork, pour in the seasoning packs and soak the contents in boiling water, and close the lid.”

“After three minutes, enjoy…”

“Finally, a serious warning. Do not step outside unless absolutely unnecessary.”

“Do not let anyone know that we are transmigrating, or we won’t survive!”

With that, Qi Zixiao had watched every video.

Won’t survive?

Qi Zixiao lifted a brow but said nothing. After all, without a single whiff of innate qi in her body now, it was no exaggeration that their lives were at stake.

“A delicacy, huh?”

She rose and found the paper box in the kitchen—the so-called delicacy Lin Fan spoke off.

“These letters… it means… instant noodles?”

“Let’s try it.”

Hence, she got to work as Lin Fan had instructed.


Back to the moment when Lin Fan transmigrated.

Lin Fan was a little used to it, despite it being his second crossing.

Even as he looked at the suddenly changing environment, he longer thought about the construct of the universe, or how two souls could cover endless distance in such a short time.

What he was thinking right now is, “That tigress should have transmigrated over by now, right?”

“I hope I could hold her with the instant noodles… or my paltry wallet would not survive!”

Even so, his mutterings were extraordinarily melodious, and he himself could not help feeling an irrepressible impulse.

“The tigress really has everything laid out for her…


Even as he muttered, he suddenly realized someone was standing right in front of him…

“What the hell!”

Lin Fan exclaimed in shock, but there was a different feel to it when the exclamation left Qi Zixiao’s lips.

“What is going on?!”

Qi Zixiao was standing quietly right in front of him, her cold face showing rage…

A twin?

Regardless, the other ‘Qi Zixiao’ spoke, “My name is Qi Zixiao. What you are seeing now is my astral shadow.”

“I have placed a bound field around this room that silences any voices, so you won’t have to worry about being heard.”

Astral shadow? A cultivating immortal’s technique, similar to holographic technology?

‘This tigress is not stupid, and at least came up with a way to talk to me…’

And that name, Qi Zixiao… such an impressive name.

But even as Lin Fan pondered, Qi Zixiao seemed to have no intention of allowing him time to digest the information, and her shadow spoke again, “I don’t care what your purpose was or what you would do, nor do I care what you did last time.”

“Nonetheless, from the very moment when you are in control of my body, you must obey the following rules or I’ll kill you!”

Kill me?

Lin Fan pursed his lips.

With the current situation, he really was not afraid—after all, who would know if one of them dying would lead to the death of the other?

Sure, Qi Zixiao was a little ‘tigerish’ from his current understanding, but she wouldn’t go so far as to resort to suicide.

And yet, Qi Zixiao’s shadow spoke again as if she could read his mind. “Are you thinking that killing you is equal to suicide?”

“That’s true.”

“So, let’s change things up. If you would not follow my rules, I’ll make you a eunuch…”

While Qi Zixiao’s shadow appeared nonchalant as she spoke, Lin Fan almost utter the word ‘bitch’.

‘Screw me!

‘Aren’t you being too ruthless?!

‘How vengeful could you be?!’

Meanwhile, Qi Zixiao’s shadow continued. “Well, I am a woman in the first place, and it has been inconvenient when I was in your body. Things might get smoother if you become a eunuch…”


“You are a demon, aren’t you, lady?!”

Lin Fan could not help retorting. Even though he was in a woman’s body now and it felt breezy between his legs, he was still a little shocked and afraid, and his legs were turning soft.

‘You would castrate me over there if I don’t follow your rules?!

‘You are too much!’

“Listen. These are my rules, and you must follow all of them to the letter!”

“First, do not bathe…”

So, she did notice in her last transmigration?

Lin Fan felt a little embarrassed. Even if it was just a shadow that stared at him, the rage in her eyes was obvious.

“Secondly, do not change my clothes.”

“Thirdly, do not be intimate with men… or women.”

“Fourth, do not tell anyone about our souls switching.”


One after another, all thirty-six rules were dictated—each more rigid than the last and leaving Lin Fan dumbstruck…

And yet, Qi Zixiao showed no signs of stopping.

“Thirty-seventh… I hadn’t thought of it yet. Forget it, I’ll add it on after I come up with something.”

“You must follow each of the thirty-six rules I mentioned. Or else!”

“Apart from that, before we switch places again, you must record everything you did over the last few days regardless of importance so that I have an idea.”

Lin Fan: “…”

“Oh, right! Why hadn’t I thought of it?! I should have made a record when she’s in my body too, so that I don’t have to suffer so much next time!”

“Alright, I’ll add that on next time.”


Qi Zixiao’s shadow vanished then.

But suddenly, it appeared again after another flash.

“By the way, I have a question…”