“Isn’t that simple?”

Qi Zixiao blinked, but soon remembered that this world was not a world of immortals and became relieved.


Wu Guodong chuckled bitterly.

How was that simple? If it was really that simple, how did Qiu Shufeng manage to slip around most of Hua Nation?

It’s so difficult he could die, please!

“It’s quite simple,” Qi Zixiao said earnestly. “I put my fingers together and calculated…”

Wu Guodong: “…”

What do you mean, put my fingers together and calculated!?

Is this a movie?!

He wanted to retort good naturedly, but eventually decided to play along. “Who is your master? The straw-clothed seer?”

“Who is the straw-clothed seer?”

Qi Zixiao thought about it—did she not learn the Heaven and Earth Calculus on her own?

Hence, she answered, “I don’t have a master.”

Damn it!

Wu Guodong threw up his hands.

They were really digressing.

Still, it was a fact that divination was a global concept, just as there were believers and non-believers.

Being a public servant, Wu Guodong was one of the non-believers, but its existence did make sense, and he had even thought before, ‘what if such people exist?’

And now…

No master? Could this stuff really be learnt by nature and without instruction?

“It seems to be a coincidence. He might have gotten some clues about Qiu Shufeng by chance but isn’t willing to show me, which was why he is unwilling to tell me?”

That was what Wu Guodong thought.

It was one way or explanation. What if Qiu Shufeng, despite all his prudence and wariness, left behind some clues that Lin Fan managed to find?

Still, Wu Guodong soon paused.

“That’s not right!”

“The reason why Qiu Shufeng would show up at Swan Lake and impersonated a recovery personnel was because the most dangerous place was the safest.”

“Secondly… maybe the pay is good?”

“Whatever the case may be, there is one condition for both reasons: Lin Fan had to ‘commit suicide by drowning’, and only then would the recovery personnel show up.”

“In other words, after everything has been connected, Lin Fan had lured in Qiu Shufeng with his ‘suicide’, making Qiu Shufeng walk into a trap on his own.”


Wu Guodong was utterly astonished.

He looked at ‘Lin Fan’ who sat opposite him, his eyes widening into circles.

How could that be explained?


But would that not be too much of a coincidence? In fact, how many coincidences are involved in this matter?!

Moreover, when too many coincidences converged, it becomes an inevitability!

In that moment, even if Wu Guodong earnestly did not want to believe in divination or whatnot, he could not help asking, “You really could divine?”

“Of course.”

Qi Zixiao was still waiting to continue her ‘money deals’ with Wu Guodong, and certainly would not hide.

One must always behave honorably without losing dignity.

So, that fellow (Lin Fan) would belittle me and tell me not to earn money? I’ll do it to show him what’s what, even earning more and quicker than he could!

That was Qi Zixiao’s present thought.

Moreover, from her experience in catching the wanted criminal this time… it was obvious that she did everything faster and better, earning more than his ‘grand brick-moving scheme’.

With that being the case, she needed to seize her opportunities.

“For real…”

Wu Guodong frowned slightly, and said nothing for two minutes.

His thoughts were in disarray, unsure of what to believe. It was too mystifying to trust Qi Zixiao’s story, as it would go against his lifelong beliefs…


Wu Guodong let out a long breath after a period of silence and said, “That’s it for today. You should go home—I still have much work to do.”

Qi Zixiao appeared upset at that. “Should I catch you more wanted criminals? I’ll divine for you to see…”

“Of course, I’ll need to get paid for it. If I don’t… I’ll miscalculate! Yes, I’ll miscalculate!”

Her Grace the Saintess seemed to have fallen prey to greed, promptly leaving Wu Guodong between laughter and tears. “Bro, do you think wanted criminals are lettuces that come in batches?”

Sure, there were wanted criminals and fugitives, but most were running away from online scandals and whatnot. They would not have committed capital crimes, let alone be worthy of bounties.

After all, why would there be such ruthless, vicious criminals in this new age?

And what does ‘miscalculation from not getting paid’ even mean…

Unsure of what to say just then, Wu Guodong eventually replied, “Alright, I’ll contact you if there are more cases like this, but there’s really none at the moment.”

“Very well then…”

Qi Zixiao answered reluctantly before they parted.

Still, now that she was rich, Qi Zixiao would naturally not hold back, and hailed a cab to Cyan Hill Town.

Meanwhile, Wu Guodong thought about many things on his way back to the police station.

“He really divined it? That’s so mystifying, and I also have this nagging feeling that it’s impossible…”

“Whatever. I really felt like I had a rug pulled out from under me after just a few words with him… it’s better to avoid talking to him in the future.”

That was what Wu Guodong had decided on to avoid his world view of materialism from falling apart.


Qi Zixiao returned home.

There was less than a day and a half until she returns to her body, and she was very content with the money she earned.

After taking a bath cheerfully, she once again continued the pursuit of her shut-in lifestyle of watching dramas.

It was worth mentioning that Her Grace the Saintess was now used to bathing with Lin Fan’s body and whatnot.

After all, it was not the first time—even if she felt awkward about it, doing it more would allow her to familiarize herself and get accustomed to it.


Meanwhile, Lin Fan was hard at work!

The astral shadow Qi Zixiao left contained a full in-depth analysis of her cultivation and techniques, ranging from detailed to general.

But how ‘detailed ‘was it?

For example, to quote Qi Zixiao word-for-word on how to release her Innate Qi, “Innate Qi Release is the mark of a cultivator who is laying out their foundation. With the foundation established, Innate Qi Release would be possible, and the method is such: control the Innate Qi within the body, rise beyond the limits of the flesh, and then…”

“With a ‘whoosh’ and a ‘bang’. That is all.”

Lin Fan: “_(¦3」∠)_…”

He had already learnt the basic control over Innate Qi within the body.

However, he was stuck for two days on Innate Qi Release and only had some clues now, all because of that ‘detailed’ cultivation instruction!

“I’m so done with this…”

“Is that wastrel Naruto or something? Who instructs others like that?”

“What on earth is with a ‘whoosh’ and a ‘bang’? I’m a genius to even get anything out of it!”

Lin Fan felt a migraine when he remembered the scene where Naruto taught Konohamaru about the Rasengan…

He had been amused by that sight back then, but his migraine was very serious now that he himself encountered it!

Unbeknownst to Lin Fan, however, Qi Zixiao’s cultivation really was that simple…

Innate Qi release?

Was that not exactly accomplished with a whoosh and a bang?

Right now, Lin Fan was scratching his head.

“So, Innate Qi Release is actually achieved by circulating Innate Qi through the veins and nerves, and firing it outside the body through the pressure points and hair pores…”

“And the whoosh was actually the ‘feeling’ and ‘sound’ when Innate Qi exits the skin?’

Whoosh, whoosh-whoosh…

Lin Fan began to steer his Innate Qi and let loose.

“Well, it really does whoosh!”

“So, the bang would be…”

“The sound made when using Innate Qi to attack, or when it dissipates?”