“Getting jealous just because you can’t do it? And there are so many bricks—do any of you really think you could move them all?! He’s just a part-timer and he doesn’t come every day, so stop dreaming about that stuff.”

“Shove those rotten ideas away or don’t ever return!”

Unbeknownst to the contractors, Liu Dezhu had appeared behind them and promptly yelled angrily when he heard that they were intending to swindle Lin Fan.

“Start moving those bricks, or get lost right this instant!”

“It’s always those rotten ideas with you lot!”

Amidst Liu Dezhu’s barking, the contractors all scattered, afraid to say anything else.

They would be stupid if they tried their swindling now. Moreover, they never intended to do it, since someone had merely mentioned it offhandedly…

Meanwhile, having scattered the contractors, Liu Dezhu turned towards Lin Fan who was happily moving bricks over on the other side, his body tilting and shuddering.

“Did the kid take some strength pills or something? It’s crazy…”


Liu Dezhu, who was almost shaking in shock when he saw Lin Fan carry five bricks at once, saw Lin Fan picked up ten bricks at once just then!!!

“What the hell?!”

Liu Dezhu’s eyes almost popped out.

The heck… ten bricks?!

Wouldn’t that be almost eight hundred catties? Is that even humanly achievable? Not even the world’s strongest could do that, could he?

Most importantly, the man would almost be King-Kong sized even if he could do it. But what about Lin Fan? He was just a scrawny kid!

Unable to hold back any longer, he called out to Lin Fan, stopping him after he had moved the bricks he was carrying.

“Xiao Lin…”

“Bro Zhu?” Lin Fan had an innocent look.

At the same time, he was thrilled inwardly.

He had not reached his limit at all, even if he was moving ten bricks at once! In other words, his hands could now carry over a thousand catties, could he not?!

Then what about his punching strength?!

If he ran into those thugs before, wouldn’t a punch make them crap their pants, clearing their bowels at that?

In that very moment, Liu Dezhu’s feet shuddered.

“What… what’s up with you?”


Lin Fan promptly came to his senses, grinning. “Nothing. I’m fine—I’ve just gotten a little stronger. And, well, you know I’m born in a farm, so I have nothing else aside from my strength.”

Liu Dezhu: “(⊙o⊙)…”

What do you mean, you were born in a farm so you have nothing else aside from your strength?

Who here did not come from a farming village?! And do any of us have your strength?! We are shaking in our boots from looking, let alone having it!

Virtually having a stroke, Liu Dezhu asked, “Wouldn’t you be kidnapped and sold off to a research center for abnormal humans to be dissected?”

Naturally, Liu Dezhu was not sure whether such a center existed, though he said it just to calm things down.

Indeed, it was primarily because he was afraid!

If that somehow rubbed Lin Fan the wrong way and Lin Fan decided to have a go at him, wouldn’t he be on his knees begging for mercy?

Most importantly, it did not matter whether or not he wanted to kneel— he would have to!

How could Liu Dezhu not be afraid?

Still, he realized just then he should not be joking about that.

After all, Lin Fan was stroking his chin and nodding thoughtfully, as well as scanning him from head to toe…

Oh, no.

Is he thinking about silencing me? So that he wouldn’t get kidnapped and taken in for research?

That was when Lin Fan spoke.

“Bro Zhu, you’re quite right…”


Lin Fan really wanted curse his foolishness just then.

He had been too obsessed with testing his strength that he did not think of hiding it at all due to his excitement.

Well done, now over a dozen people had seen him. It was no big deal if there was no evidence like a video, but what if there was?

It would be weird if his display of strength did not catch any attention.

“I can’t work here anymore.”

Not coming back!

It was not as if Lin Fan did not want the money—in fact, it was the opposite. He had estimated that he could earn up to three thousand per day, and was that not good enough? It was amazing!

The problem was that he was not being very subtle!

As a matter of fact, after the earlier exposure, he felt that he should not return to this construct site anymore.

While the ‘research center for abnormal humans’ Lin Dezhu spoke of might not necessarily exist, Lin Fan was convinced that something similar might!

And while he had a little ability now, it was clearly a foolish move if he obtained the attention of such organizations.

That was why he must never return.

Even if he had to ‘hold back’ in the future and refrain from revealing his strength, he would get a lot of attention if he remained there because he had already been exposed.


“Can’t you think about this?” Liu Dezhu suddenly found it a pity.

A super ‘specialist’ at moving bricks not coming to help, just like that?

Once again, he felt like slapping himself as soon as he said that, even as he showed a smile that looked worse than crying.

“I think you’re quite suitable for this line of work…”

“Maybe, but I’ll be busy soon, so I really can’t come.”

Lin Fan felt a little helpless too.

If he used his full strength, he could earn several hundred thousand in a month.

It was a shame that it was impossible.

“Well, that’s a pity.”

Liu Dezhu breathed an inward sigh as a look of regret showed on his face. “Well, everyone has their own dreams, and you are, for better or worse, a student researcher. To a brighter future, and a broader horizon!”

“Alright, I’ll pay you right now…”

Liu Dezhu took out some cash.

Lin Fan realized something when he saw Liu Dezhu’s shenanigans.

Doesn’t it feel like… he did not want him to stay either?

“Right… since an abnormal human like me could cause all sorts of trouble.”

“But how am I supposed to make money now?”


Leaving the construction site and boarding a bus, Lin Fan stroked the hundred-dollar bills in his pocket.

“I’ll have to find a new source of income soon… I wonder how much money I have left. Could the wastrel have spent all my money?’

At that thought, Lin Fan opened his payment app to check its balance.

“Over five hundred?”

He averted his eyes after a glance. “Well, guess she did not really spend much this time… hold on!”

Suddenly, Lin Fan noticed something out of place.

His mouth widened even as he took another look at the balance.

“One digit, two digits, three, four, five…”

“Fifty thousand and three hundred dollars?!!!”


Lin Fan was instantly stupefied!

Since when have I made so much money? I had no idea!

“Did she earn it?!”

Lin Fan soon realized what happened, because there was only one explanation!

“But how did she make fifty thousand in just three days?!”

“Could she have robbed it?”

He felt chills all over his body right then…

First, she stole food, now she stole money?!

But she could not have stole so much so quickly!

No, wait!

Suddenly, Lin Fan shivered.

There was another possibility.

Could it be…

“That tigress didn’t want to work so she used my body to have fun times with a rich woman or something along those lines…?!”