Earth, city C.

Watching Lin Fan chattering in the video, telling himself to be low-key and "obedient", Qi Zixiao rolled his eyes.

I'm the holy girl of Zixiao. I've been doing things all my life. Why should others say so much?


(cough, cough, cough), then keep a low profile.

"Why did he change his clothes again?"

After looking at his clothes, Qi Zixiao was not happy: "this one is obviously the ugliest one. I have to change it back..."

"What's more, I saw a lot of clothes shops on the street a few days ago, so you can go shopping when you are free."

"As for going to the crime killer recognition meeting tomorrow Well, if you have money, why not

"Wu Guodong means to help solve the case."

Lin Fan detailed in the video about the next self, or qi Zixiao face the situation.

From the 50000 "trade recognition fair" and Wu Guodong's troubles.

The commendation meeting is not a big problem for Zixiao. The big deal is to go for a walk. According to my own understanding, at most, it is to dress seriously, and then say a few words with a straight face.

With a straight face, I am absolutely professional.

Speaking on stage?

In recent years, we have also talked about the holy land for many times, but the difficulty is not high.

As for solving the case, let's not talk about the difficulty, at least in Qi Zixiao's opinion, it's very interesting. It's a field he has never been exposed to.

"A skeleton from several years ago, trying to figure out the murderer? I'm afraid it's not so simple... "

She pondered slightly.

Tiandi Dayan is really powerful, but the premise is to cultivate to the highest level, but what about yourself? This is just a beginner. You want to easily figure out the murderer from a skeleton a few years ago?


"I can only do my best for..."

"Before that, go and buy two clothes you like."

Stretch out, Qi Zixiao ready to go out.

"And some good food by the way."

With more and more contact with modern people, her way of speaking and so on, also began to change imperceptibly.

What's more, the simplified Chinese characters are basically understood, but it's quite convenient.


Going out, Qi Zixiao looked left and right, and finally locked a restaurant in the town.

Lao Ma Shoushou ~!

"There are a lot of guests, and I haven't eaten it yet. Try it."

Qi Zixiao also has its own set of standards for selecting places. In short, it depends on the number of guests.

Who wants to eat something bad?

There are enough guests and the taste is not bad.


"Hello, sit down."

"How much do you want?"

The boss's words, let Qi Zixiao blink.

I understand, but what does it mean? Fortunately, there was a huge menu hanging on the wall, but she couldn't be stopped.

Because the menu says specifications and prices.

"Three Liang."

"Three Liang, old hemp or medium hemp or less hemp? There is also clear soup... "

The boss with accent words, let Qi Zixiao very hurt, more hurt is, what do you mean?


The saint of wit is on line.

The name of this shop is Lao Ma Chao Shou. Naturally, Lao Ma is the signboard.

"Lao Ma ~"


Qi Zixiao began to doubt the life of a meal.

The fragrance is really fragrant, and it is also delicious to eat. The hand copied skin is thin and the stuffing is rich, and the aroma is pungent. But the problem is that it is numb and spicy!

Qi Zixiao didn't eat spicy food before, but it was really the first time that Qi Zixiao was so spicy. So

She ate three bowls in tears.

When leaving, the boss is ignorant!


"This young man, I don't know what sad thing happened to him. He even cried while eating and ate so much. It should be venting his anger?"

Proprietress in the side deep thought Ran's nod: "estimate is lovelorn."

"It's nice to be young..."


In the town's only relatively large clothing store, Qi Zixiao "came.".

"Hello, sir. Would you like a suit or a single item?"

"I Feel free to look at it. "

It's good to watch more TV. Although boring, Qi Zixiao also has a general understanding of the law and style of life in modern cities, so it won't be too different.

But as she strolled around the clothing store for a while

Problems arise.

She can't help running to the women's wear section!

After all, it's the soul of women. Although I don't feel comfortable with modern women's wear, I still think it's more beautiful and suitable than men's wear.At the same time, she also wants to study carefully how the women's dress in this world is different from her own?

She has seen it these days.

All kinds of clothes and skirts can be seen worn by people. There are even super shorts and miniskirts Occasionally, she would think about what it would be like if she put it on herself?

There is no girl who doesn't love beauty, so does saint.

She doesn't want to be so exposed to others, but she can't help thinking about what she looks like in it

So, at the moment, the more we look at it, the more we try.

Shopping guide Miss sister is no exception, said with a smile: "Sir is to show your girlfriend clothes? Why don't I recommend you some? "

Qi Zixiao is looking at the ecstasy, directly back to the way: "no, it's their own wear."

Shopping guide little sister: (⊙ o ⊙) - -||…… Σ(⊙▽⊙“a!!!”

In three seconds, the expression changed three times.

First of all, Miss shopping guide was stunned, but then, a different look appeared in her eyes: "well, how many do I recommend to you?"


She approached Qi Zixiao and whispered, "Sir, it's not surprising that you have such needs. In fact, I have seen similar ones, so don't be embarrassed..."

"Besides, we actually have maid's clothes and some other costumes here. Can I show you?"

Maid dress?

Qi Zixiao frowned.

How can we dress up as maids?

"Is there a saint Well, are they worn by noble men

She didn't know what to say, but she couldn't say whether there was a saint's dress? Only noble people can replace the saint

"Yes, yes."

The little sister nodded, and the fire was burning in her heart: "doctors, nurses, white-collar workers, even the queen dress up..."

"Let's see ~!"

Qi Zixiao was slightly interested, and then

"Scan code!"

"This is not bad. I'll take it!"

"Scan the code!"

"Or scan the code..."

"Thank you for your patronage."

Looking at the portable bag, ready to leave Qi Zixiao, the shopping guide little sister's smile is simply brilliant to the extreme ~!

One side, colleagues sour mouth: "you are lucky, met a local tyrant, buy so many clothes for his girlfriend, or a handsome guy, alas! I'm afraid it's a thousand percent, isn't it? "

"No!" "He bought it for himself!" she said


My colleague roared with astonishment.