"It's not very good."

Lin Fan whispered: "the light and waves are attracted to the people nearby, right? Even people far away will notice it? "

"In that case, I have little advantage."

A Wu heard the words and then responded: "this wave is approaching the final wave before the treasure is born. It can be described by everyone as well."

"In the Wanyao tomb, you can see clearly, and even the whole immortal cultivation world, the existence of strength above Sendai, will also be detected."


Since this period of time, Lin fan is no stranger to this realm.

Sendai is the realm after the Mahayana period.

Many people think that after the Mahayana period, it is the realm of immortality, but in fact it is not the case. If you want to become an immortal, you have to climb the "Sendai"!

Sendai can be regarded as the last nine steps of becoming an immortal.

Each step is a brand-new realm. For example, Mo Daolin is in the seventh stage of Sendai, which is called the "quasi emperor".

After that, the emperor!

After the emperor, it is for the immortals of the world!

Hongchengxian is the corresponding name of the Ninth level of Xiantai. If you continue to break through, you can become a real immortal

In order to reach this level, they can be called "immortals". They can go to the real "fairyland" instead of competing in the realm of cultivating immortals.

However, all this is too far away for Lin Fan and even for the "big size" Qi Zixiao.

But now, can you feel it in Sendai?

"I'll have to be quick. If I can get it before the others arrive, it will be the best result."

He accelerated.

In less than half an hour later, he avoided many dangers and finally arrived at the place.

However, a figure that arrived earlier than him was very eye-catching.

That shining forehead, even if the light in the demon tomb is not bright, it still seems to be reflecting, some dazzling.


"Here you are, your highness."

The diviner turned around, folded his hands, and

His sad discovery, his heaven and earth big Yan skill is not working again!

"So, sure enough, I can't see through the existence of the relationship between this variable and my current cultivation and my understanding of the great derivation of heaven and earth."

Sad urge!

Before he was related to Qi Zixiao, he was well-known. I don't know how many people came to him to "measure words and fortune and seek marriage" Well, in fact, it's the future, bu Jixiong, etc.

But what about the relationship?

Get it!

Now there are no customers, not to mention the customers, even their own experience, have been unable to see through.


A generation of divine operators, as long as they encounter things related to "Qi Zixiao", nothing can be calculated. Is this still a divine operator?

Directly "weakening" his greatest advantage and most powerful ability? No, it should be "cut off" directly!

Thin blue, mushroom.

Shensuanzi, with his shining forehead and no hair on his head, gently clasped his fist to Lin fan.

"Do you count?"

Lin Fan opened his mouth, but it was not so surprised.

Qi Zixiao has said before that shensuanzi has left the holy land. Judging from the name of this product, it is not surprising that there are treasures to be born here.

"Here we are Half. "

It's hard to say.

How do you say that?

Do you think I was thorough before you came, but I couldn't figure it out after you came?

"What did you find?"

Lin Fan didn't think there was any problem, half of it? Isn't that normal?

In his opinion, no matter how good a fortune teller is, there must be a degree, isn't it? Can you really count everything clearly?

Naturally, this guy would not have thought that shensuanzi had nothing to do with himself.

"It is true that there is a treasure to be seen in the world, and its location is just a few miles ahead. Just then, the light is rising from there."

Shensuanzi did not hide: "but what is the treasure, but did not see."

"Maybe it will take some time before we are really born."

Lin Fan nodded to show that he understood.

At the same time, this guy is also secretly murmuring.

"These fairyland, fantasy world and so on are really" routine ". When these treasures are born, they are not only for special effects, but also for fear that others will not know about them."

"Is it not good to be born honestly and then to be known by those who are predestined?"

"If you look at it like this, I even suspect that the purpose of these treasures is to arouse people's struggle?"

Think about all kinds of works I have seen before

Isn't that what it is?

It's the same with the magic weapons and unique skills in the world of martial arts, or the treasures of cultivating immortals and illusory world.If you don't pay attention to it, there is a river of blood, and even a deep blood feud is buried. For example, the protagonist's parents get the treasure and are killed. The protagonist rises to practice again and kills the enemy for revenge.

Therefore, this is not a "conspiracy" of heaven to "control population" or something?


In the end, Lin Fan decided not to think too much, otherwise he would have a headache, and these things, no matter right or wrong, are not what he can participate in now.

In that case, why do you think so much?!

"Why don't you try to find the treasure?"

He suggested.

"There is a boundary."

Shensuanzi shook his head and sighed: "very strong. According to my observation, even the Mahayana monks can't open it."

"Is it?"

Lin Fan touched his chin.

Can't open it?

Hey, the bus ride can't be opened. We're not. But We have a plug-in!


The sky watching mirror on the waist suddenly blooms with divine splendor. Nearby, thousands of laws converge in an instant, and countless chains of order are interwoven in the sky, as if to bind them

Shensuanzi widened his red eyes, and his face was full of: (?)????)


A divine light straight into the sky, as if to break everything!

With the injection of Lin Fan Zhen Yuan, the view of the sky mirror for the first time in front of Lin Fan reveals the terrifying power of emperor soldiers!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

After all, although the tuba is on at the moment, the cultivation of Tuba is too far away from the emperor, which can only be pushed by force.

But even so, the terrifying power is just a moment, which makes the place full of wind and clouds, just like the earth shattering!

"To urge the emperor's troops, the real yuan is really terrible."

Feeling the crazy passing of Zhenyuan in his body, Lin fan is speechless. At the same time, he opens the super spirit gathering array with Phoenix hairpin on his head

Hula la la la!

In a flash, the aura nearby gathered madly towards Lin fan, as if there was an ancient fierce beast Taotie here, devouring everything!

Shensuanzi was frightened and didn't dare to say anything at all.

Lin fan has been concentrating on the response.

It was not until Zhenyuan was almost sucked into his body that the mirror could finally be controlled by him.


At this moment, the sky view mirror is suspended in the sky above Lin fan, blooming endless divine light and guarding it.

Lin fan, however, sighed.

"Since ancient times, such treasures have been born with a lot of blood. My heart is kind, but I don't want to see corpses everywhere."

"So I had to do something to take it away in advance."

"Only in this way can we avoid the occurrence of bloodshed..."

"Shensuanzi": "

That makes sense.

If we have this ability, we will take it in advance, OK?

He thought.

Lin fan is not vague, the idea of a move, just in an instant, the view of the sky mirror will be a huge shock, scattered in the mirror, there is an inexplicable God condensed into a beam of light!

To where the light had risen before.


Shenhui's speed is extremely fast. In an instant, it breaks through the sky, and a large number of rules are wiped out. Then, it penetrates the ground in an instant, and I don't know how many miles deep into the ground.

Then, it seemed to calm down.

It seems that nothing happened, but the deep pit on the ground is very conspicuous.

And then


The whole demon mound is shaking!


Countless skeletons scattered, broken and even smashed!

More than 100000 monks who were on their way in the Wanyao tomb all turned pale. They thought that there was a fierce attack, and they were ready to fight.

But the next moment, they were confused.

Just then the direction of blooming light, suddenly There is more magic light, crazy to the outside world "spray"!

There are so many colorful lights in a balloon, but suddenly the balloon is punctured and all these lights are sprayed out.

"The treasure is coming out!"

The friars of all sects turned pale and exclaimed.

"No, I'm waiting too far away!"

"Come on, get there!"

"No one else can beat you!"

They were on their way crazy, speeding towards the place


On site.

Lin Fan put away the sky glass and blinked: "this feeling Why is it like venting the pressure cooker

"So much colorful light, gas and so on. What's the situation?"

"Here, extraordinary!"

A Wu Jie's voice resounds through Lin Fan's mind."Even if under your control, the power I can play is not as great as that in the heyday, but the emperor's soldiers have the law of the great emperor, and they can't resist it under the emperor's approval!"

"But the border is just a gap. If you expect it, it's not a treasure, but Secret place

"Secret place?"

Lin Fan pondered: "is it not the grave of some old monster?"

A WuJie: "I'm sorry."

"It's possible!"

What is this place?

Wanyao tomb, originally, is the "Tomb head" of many monsters. But in the depths of Wanyao tomb, a secret place suddenly emerges?

In any case, it is more like the tomb of some famous "old demon".

"Whatever he is, it must be right to go in and have a look..."

Lin fan doesn't delay any longer. Whether it's a treasure or a secret place, isn't it a first come, first served one?

He sprang up to meet the "Qi Er" which was constantly blowing out and rushed into the boundary.

"Your Highness, I will help you."

Shensuanzi also followed up. Although shocked by the changes at the moment, it's OK to follow up and have a look or drink some soup.

Soon after the two entered, more and more people followed the accident and arrived here