There are so many changes!

For a while, all kinds of shocking horror and "miracle" news appeared one after another on the Internet, making netizens too busy to see it at all!

Longhushan earthquake! The ancient bell tolls, and the Taoist priest uses the golden light mantra collectively, and the mountain is even more innocent! 》

the miraculous view of thunder fire refining hall reappears in Jinding, the golden hall is bright, the Taoist master of Wudang has thunder in his palm, and Lei FA is now in the world!? 》

in the mountains of Sichuan, some people suspect that the sword immortal was born?! 》

on Huashan Mountain, there is purple air coming to the East for 3000 Zhang? 》

《…… 》

there are so many related news that people can't see it at all.

This directly let countless netizens crazy for it!

"Horizontal trough, horizontal trough, horizontal trough!"

"How can I have no culture, a line of sleeping trough in the world!"

"Don't lie in the manger. In fact It's already in my imagination. "

"May I ask your name

"I'm not talented. I'm a ten year old bookworm. I've already guessed it!"


"Really, the world is going to change, and it's going to be a big change. It's really amazing to see these news and visions. But in fact, we should also have some psychological preparation?"

"In terms of psychological preparation In fact, there are! "

"That's right. After all, the residents' happy life department has publicly confirmed the existence of immortals. Since all of them exist, it's not hard to accept even if these fantastic things happen?"

"That's right, but it's amazing."



With more and more news coming out, people know more and more things

For example, people in Qingshan town are beginning to get younger!

If you are young and middle-aged, the change is not obvious, but those old people are obviously much younger.

White hair back to black!

Even the teeth that had already fallen out grew out again

Once wrinkled, long lost elasticity of the skin, again become tight, white and tender.

The yellow eyes recover as before, black and white, full of luster.

Bent back, straight again

These changes can be seen by anyone, especially after many news media disclosed it, which is more suitable to shock the whole country!


All over the country, countless newspapers, we media people, anchor It's all crazy!

"Come on, go to Castle Peak!"

"Still going to Castle Peak? It's too crowded. Obviously, Longhu Mountain and other places are starting to change. We'd better go to Longhu Mountain! "

"I must rush to Wudang before everyone else and get the first-hand news resources!"

"Shushan Is it hard to say that there are also sword immortals who can fly the sword? "

They rush to all over the country, Qingshan town is no longer the only "holy land"!

At the moment, Qingshan town is too crowded.

Fortunately, after the upheaval in other areas, people no longer cling to Castle Peak Town, or even

Because there are too many people in Qingshan Town, it has been "spurned" by people, which also makes Qingshan town recover its former calm quickly.


Another night passed.

With a large number of news media, anchor people's news and mining, more terrible news spread all over the network!

Longhu Mountain, Wudang Mountain, Huashan Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain

Almost all the famous Taoist mountains named on the name have been changed!

One by one, old people become young again, as if they were teenagers overnight!

It's not just appearance, their physical quality is also good, I don't know how much!

Wudang has a Taoist priest who is more than 90 years old. Under the live camera of tourists, he can fly up and down like a monkey. He also dances a sword with two hands of more than 20 kg to create a strong wind!

Not only that!

There are middle-aged Taoist Masters practicing Taijiquan in groups!

At the moment, Taijiquan, which seems to be soft and soft, can even play a terrifying vigorous wind. Even when some moves are applied, the black and white Tai Chi diagram can be seen to flash away. It is just like adding special effects to them.

But it's not a movie, it's reality!

In Tianshi mansion

One after another Taoist Masters cast golden incantations in public.

They didn't avoid people's eyes and cameras. This is the daily practice. What's the matter?!

This is amazing, so that countless young people, even middle-aged and old people yearn for it.

But Relatively speaking, the changes that have taken place in these famous mountains, great rivers and great religions are relatively easy to accept.

After all, in the minds of the Chinese people, there are all kinds of amazing legends in these famous mountains and rivers, famous sects and great religions. Some of them are amazing, and they are reasonable!But in addition, there are some related news, amazing, incredible!


A young man in the mountain picked up a sword by accident. He learned how to defend the sword without a teacher. He was able to defend the sword within 10 meters!

At the moment, the boy is trying to fly the sword!



A local youth was sketching in the mountains at the time of the upheaval. Suddenly, he found a cave that collapsed and revealed a hole!

Then he went into action and found a secret book.

After that, he learned the legendary Huashan Zixia skill. When he used it, he felt purple all over his body.


Qingcheng Mountain, there is a just graduated female college students, accidentally found that she can "shine"!

In the case of no one to teach, no teacher, with "special function"!


Deep in Changbai Mountain.

Someone photographed a tiger, even galloping and leaping in the tree, like a wild monkey in the mountains, extremely flexible.


Too much, too much.

As if in a day, there are a lot of supernatural events happening!

It is easy to accept the changes in famous mountains, great religions, and the appearance of friars. However, those few people are undoubtedly regarded as "the son of heaven" and "God chosen man"!

Especially under the influence of various network novels, in fact, young people's brain holes have been very big!

After the analysis of these results, many people are convinced that this is the precursor of "Reiki recovery"!!! The world is about to open!

At the same time, some people have pointed out that these "son of heaven" and "God selected people" will be the strongest and most top-notch people in the future!

Because they have a deep chance, and they have already "entered the road" at the first time, slowing down the others more than one step!

In this case, as long as they keep their own advantages and keep moving forward, they will be able to get rid of everyone and become the top group in the world.

Why is this inference?

Where is the evidence?

No evidence!


Under the rational analysis, this is the case.

Besides, there are all kinds of novels for netizens to do "reference"?

However, different opinions have been raised.

"The novel is only a novel after all. It is written by human beings and can not be consistent with reality."

"I think so, but I can refer to it because Reiki recovery has already appeared, hasn't it? "

"You fight! Keep fighting. The more fierce the fight, the better. I've bought a ticket and am ready to go to the old forest of Shenshan to find my own chance

"Ha ha, there is one who wants to cultivate immortals and wants to be crazy. If there is a fairy fate, the immortal will come to you naturally, but there is no fairy fate? It's futile to do anything! "

"Say Isn't it agreed to set up a course of cultivating immortals and a training class for cultivating immortals? Why not start yet? "


"I am also in or problem, quick, go to the official message area of the Ministry of residents' happy life to leave a message!"

"I'll go too!"

"I have left..."



Reiki recovery

These concepts are very familiar to the young people in China. At the same time, we all yearn for them.

In other words, no one in China has much resistance to the word Xiuxian.

Who doesn't want to have thought of cultivating immortals to find a long life, with blood flowing freely, stepping on Lotus waves to wash sword bones, and building holy souls by virtue of virtual imperial wind?

Before, that was no chance!

Now, the opportunity is in front of us, and it's the beginning of the great change. It's the best time and opportunity to cultivate immortals

Who doesn't want to hold on to it?!

As a result, more and more people are taking action while they are paying close attention to the convulsions and all kinds of news related to immortals!

Do you have severe patients at home?

To the land of Reiki recovery!

It's not long for an old man to die?!

To the land of Reiki recovery!

Want to cultivate immortals?

To the land of Reiki recovery!

Because, many cases have shown that the place of Reiki recovery, or Reiki, can make the severe and even incurable diseases disappear, and can make the elderly young overnight, until they return to the middle-aged state!

Turnover rate is rising!

In today's society, there is too much pressure on employment and survival.

Many people, graduated from famous universities, seem to have unlimited scenery, have a good job, but in fact, just to live, is already doing their best.

High house prices, skyrocketing betrothal gifts, soaring consumption and Non rising wages

Before, there was no choice!

Now, the opportunity is in front of you, and naturally someone will want to seize it at all costs!Xiuxian!

People can't help thinking, if they enter the immortal gate, maybe everything will have a turn for the better?

After all, it's a fairy!

Too much unknown?

Hehe, we Willing to try!

Escape from the city to well-known mountains and rivers!!!

It's almost the theme of young people.

Many middle-aged and elderly people also want to "move", but they are afraid to act rashly because they have families, senior citizens and junior employees, and they are under greater pressure.

But even so, they are also making various preparations

Buses, trains, airplanes However, it is difficult to get a ticket to those places where the spirit has been revived.

The highway is congested!

In addition to private cars, there are many people who spend a lot of money, including taxis


"So far, more than five million people are known to have left their jobs..."

All these changes are well known to the residents' happy life department.

At the moment, the seven vice ministers are listening through video

The second vice minister recited all kinds of data. Finally, he put down the document in his hand: "this is the current change. Generally speaking, within the scope of the think tank's prediction, it has not exceeded our expectation."

"But there are some problems that need to be dealt with right away."