Morton's words with fear and uneasiness, slowly out of a secret, it is no one knows the top secret "archives.".

"It is recorded that in the summer of 327 BC, Alexander the great, attracted by the rich Indus Valley, left Bactria and led about 30000 troops to invade the upper reaches of the Indus River along the kaufen River (now the Kabul River) through the Khyber Pass."

"In April 326 B.C., the Macedonian Greek expeditionary army arrived at the hidaspace River from the city of bukfala in the northwest of the South Asian subcontinent, and confronted the army of the kingdom of bolus across the bank.

After that, Alexander led his army to cross the river and destroyed nearly 20000 soldiers and 3000 cavalry soldiers of borus, forcing king borus to surrender.

The expeditionary army continued to March eastward and reached the banks of the river hefasis.

At this time, the epidemic disease was prevalent in the army, and the war weariness of officers and soldiers increased. Alexander was forced to stop the eastern expedition and withdraw his army in October 326 BC.

He divided his troops, both by land and by water, along the Indus River, and by three routes near the mouth of the Indus: by sea into the Persian Gulf through the Arabian Sea to the mouth of the Euphrates; by land, one went westward along the coast of the Indian Ocean, led by Alexander; the other went northward to arakhosia, and then joined Alexander westward.

In the spring of 324 BC, Alexander returned to Babylon, and the eastern expedition ended... "

At this point, Morton's dark color was even more uneasy, even with some panic: "but, in the first half of the record, there is no problem, but no one else knows that they once joined forces again after their three-way division!"

"No one knows that the eastern expeditionary army, which has joined forces in one place, has been marching northwestward from India "

" no one knows that Alexander's expeditionary army carried many "paladins"! "

Morton sighed.

"It is well known to all that Alexander's eastern expedition was extremely brave. Once the Macedonian square array came out, it was easy to defeat ten with one enemy. But no one knows that the reason why it is so powerful is because the paladin has made great efforts. "


Bob was stunned: "did paladins appear in that period? But why is there no relevant record? "

"What's more, what does it have to do with immortals?"

Morton breathed, speechless and angry, and said, "are you really the president of the capitalist Income Protection Union? Don't even know that? "

"Well, I'm actually a businessman." Bob showed up.


Excuse me, who's the face? He never cares about this, only whether he can make enough small money to ensure the interests of these capitalists.

Morton's eyelids were jumping

"Stupid!" He yelled.

"In 326 BC, the army was withdrawn because of the plague. Do you know that in that period, there was a rich and powerful land in northern India?"

"Do you know why the powerful Alexander the great suddenly withdrew because of the difficulty?"

"You don't know!"

Morton sighed: "at the beginning, Alexander personally led a 50000 army. Even if he met a 500000 army, he could break it!"

"But the state of China in that period was in the Warring States period. Later generations called them the seven heroes of the Warring States period?"

"Qi Chuyan, Han Zhao, Wei and Qin Any one of them has hundreds of thousands of troops and is a well-trained division. "

"But if this is the case, Alexander the great, with the assistance of the paladin legion, can still win the battle and even take possession of the vast and fertile territory."

"However, the great emperor was always cautious. Instead of attacking the city rashly, he led his subordinates all the way through the city to explore the real and the virtual..."

"As a result, it came to the Qin Dynasty at that time..."

"Forget it, even if you say that, you certainly don't understand, but you only need to know that the state of Qin at that time was one of the most powerful periods. Although it had not yet unified the whole country, it corrected the old Qin people, the great master of hundred battles, and the strong wind was blowing and the arrows were like rain!"

At this point, Morton's face became more alarmed and frightened.

Although his father told these things, not saw them with his own eyes, there are some things that can be imagined to be powerful and terrifying without seeing them.

For example, the monk he saw just now exploded the meteorite with one blow.

With fear, in the eyes of Bob, William and others, Morton continued to explain: "as soon as the war started, the emperor's ordinary soldiers were immediately killed and killed, so they had to send the paladins to fight immediately. At the beginning, they really broke through the barrier of arrow rain..."

"But when Alexander the great was so excited that he was ready to charge himself, he felt a terrible scene!"

"A man, out of the formation, a long halberd, in a moment all paladins! Only one of the guards escaped because the guard was around the emperor

"It must be noted that the paladins at that time were many times stronger than those who did not set in the sun, but even so, under that man, they were just like insects and could be killed at will.""Later, we learned that the man Call Bai Qi

"After that, the emperor was frightened and ran away with people. However Except for a few of the paladins, who were lucky enough to escape with the emperor, the rest stayed in the state of Qin... "

"Plague? Hehe, there is plague, but that's because a "Taoist" appears. After waving his hand, other people, except paladins, have no strength to escape. Even paladins are also weakened, affected by unknown things, and their combat power is greatly reduced... "

"That man, he didn't even chase after him!"

"The great emperor fled back in a panic, but he did not dare to face the failure directly, so that people could not write down this history, let alone spread it abroad. At the same time, the reason for the withdrawal of the army was the plague."

"But in fact

"Later, the emperor has been thinking about his elite, so he has sent people to investigate secretly."

"I went to many people and finally got back some news, but this news made the emperor ill."

At this point, Morton was just Bob, and the fear and anger in his eyes were so strong that he said, "the barbarians with golden hair and blue eyes came from the southwest, and they didn't understand people's words and didn't listen to enlightenment, so they were trapped."

"Do you understand what it means?"

"The great emperor's elite helped him sweep all the countries with one enemy and ten invincible elites. In the state of Qin, it was just a trivial remark, and even didn't bother to write it into the historical records! Because it's too weak! "

"Later, my ancestors learned that there were a group of immortal practitioners in the mysterious oriental country. They were so powerful that they could move mountains and fill the sea."

"That is to say, after a period of time, the cultivator never appeared again, so that the paladin could play an important role at that time..."

"Now, do you understand?"

Morton no longer spoke, but the meaning of the words was very obvious.

In particular, the ancestors of our paladins were many times more powerful than we are now. When we met the immortal cultivators, they were all instantly destroyed and could not hurt each other!

Now you want me to fight the immortal?

You want me to die!

Do you think I'll go?

Bob: "it's just

William: "and

They were terrified

As capitalists, the most important thing they care about is how to make money. Naturally, they don't know much about history.

But they have heard of Alexander's expedition, but most of them don't know.

But in the impression, there is absolutely no mention of paladins and immortals.

However, judging from Morton's words, it turns out that the historical records are covered up. In fact, they all the way to China, and then they are killed by others?

Those elite Macedonian phalanxes, which are talked about by later generations, have only received a remark that is irrelevant or even ignored?

The barbarians with blonde hair and blue eyes came from the southwest. They did not understand people's words and did not listen to enlightenment, so they were trapped.


This special

It seems a little scary!

Bob was still a little incredulous, so he tried to persuade him, "Mr. Morton, maybe the legend is wrong? And even if it is true, you are the descendant of the paladin, but the immortal cultivator must also be the descendant of the immortal cultivator, and his power is certainly not as strong as the original one. "

"There is no such possibility!"

Morton laughed angrily: "this is the ancestral precept of our paladins handed down from generation to generation, and even there is an unknown one in our Paladin's iron law!"

"That is: if you encounter a cultivator, regardless of any mission or reason, you must give up immediately and escape at the first time! At the same time, there will be no punishment. "

"Do you still think it's a rumor?"

"What's more, can't you see that video?"

"So terrible meteorite, he blew up with one blow. You want me to fight him? What can I fight him with? "

Morton really wanted to curse her.

It's so special. Just like a psychopath, that person is also the descendant of the immortal cultivator, not as strong as the original ancestor?

I don't know if he has a strong immortal cultivator thousands of years ago, but I know that if he punches me down, I won't even have any slag left. Isn't that enough?!

Bob finally understood.

"You go

"Don't come to me again, I will live in seclusion immediately. The power of the immortal cultivator is not me, nor can you fight against it!"


Bob and his party were driven away.

Until they got on the departing helicopter, they were still confused and despairing at the same time.

"Immortal cultivator Isn't it terrible? "

They were frightened.

The well-known Paladin Legion was directly scared of being beaten and even left the ancestral precepts. When they met the immortal cultivators, they would run away without being punished. No matter if this behavior led to the failure of any mission, they would not be punished!"Falk, what are you going to do now?"

Bob couldn't help cursing: "paladins don't dare to fight. There are more and more immortal practitioners in China, and they need to recover their aura. What should we do?"

The crowd was silent.

No one could answer his question.