After the forbidden words, the whole world was quiet.

Qi Zixiao nodded with satisfaction, that is, at this time, the Beidou man appeared.

The two disciples were familiar with each other. Qi Zixiao thought that they were the Beidou disciples who had participated in Tianjiao grand gathering before.

"Qi shengnv."

Both of them are women. Now they appear in the array of outer gate area and greet Zixiao gently.

"Two Taoist friends, do you dare to visit us without disturbing us?"

Although he was out to investigate, he always had to do a good job on the surface. Qi Zixiao resumed his iceberg posture and spoke lightly.

At the same time, she is observing carefully.

At that time, these two people felt that something was wrong!

The result of Lin Fan's discussion with her is that these Beidou disciples are like tools without feelings.

But it's not a simple puppet. Qi Zixiao is also observing it.

But here's the problem.

Before, when they were in sanshengcheng, they were the same as other Beidou disciples. But now, they both have their own expressions.

In other words, their expressions are very rich.

One person with a smile, the other with inquiry and vigilance ·

this expression is very suitable for this situation.

With a smile, you can see that you are resourceful and resourceful. If you show your vigilance, you can say that you have no heart and can't hide your inner thoughts.

As the daughter of the purple mansion, I came uninvited, and there was no news at all. Suddenly, I came. Is this abnormal?

Don't say it's their elite core disciples. They were also on guard when they heard that yaochi saint was going to pay a visit.

Therefore, from the point of view of this moment, the two Beidou disciples, at least on the surface, have no problem at all.

Qi Zixiao's heart is more alert ·

"it can't be that they are shy when they go out, so they have no expression?"

It's late. It's fast then.

The barrage in the studio has disappeared completely at this moment. Now it is the holy daughter of the purple mansion to "pay a public visit" to the Beidou holy land. If the disciples of the purple mansion still talk about it, is it not to give others face?

Zifu's disciples are not idiots. Naturally, they will not do so.

At this time, the smiling Beidou disciple shook his head and said, "what's the meaning of Qi Sheng Nu?"

"Our seven sacred places are in the same breath. Beidou and Zifu have been friends for many years. When the virgin of Qi came, we felt the beauty of Beidou."

"Why disturb and blame?"

"You're welcome."

Qi Zixiao nodded lightly and carried out the iceberg to the end.

Because only when "iceberg" or "face-to-face" can she think in her heart without exposing her inner thoughts and changing her expression.

"Please follow me."

They open the array and invite Qi Zixiao and fan Qiangqiang to enter.

Qi Zixiao nodded and entered. Gou left fan Qiang, who was honest and honest. He looked flattered and surprised, and followed suit.

His performance made Qi Zixiao turn his eyes.

"If I don't understand it, I'll treat him as a real honest critic even if I don't understand it."


the two women took Qi Zixiao and left for the inner door.

On the way, he behaved properly and could not see any problems.

At the same time, they are also introducing themselves: "Qi shengnv, I am Bai Bing, one of the top ten contemporary Beidou disciples, and this is my younger martial sister Wang Jie."

"Originally, Qi shengnu should have been received by our Beidou saint or son, but unfortunately, both of our highness are now closed. Therefore, we two came here."

"Please don't blame Qi shengnv."

"Of course not. Don't mind."

Qi Zixiao light mouth, at the same time, is also concerned about everything around.

Within the inner gate, there is peace ·

the scenery and architecture are quite different from the holy land of Zifu, but they are all normal. Naturally, this is not the "problem".

Many of the disciples of the outer gate and the servants also looked very normal, one by one vigorous and busy.

Even occasionally, some people can be seen fighting. Whenever this situation occurs, Wang Jie will go to scold, and Bai Bing is responsible for "apologizing.".

Too normal ·

although it is different from Zifu, it is normal.

Can't see any problem!

Is there really nothing wrong with Beidou holy land?

Qi Zixiao couldn't help being a little confused.

She is not very good at sweeping with divine sense, but at least at the moment, there is no problem. Even she secretly asks sister a Wu to help her to have a look.As a result, even if a WuJie "scanned" with her own divine sense, she said there was nothing abnormal.

This makes Qi Zixiao even more puzzled.

"Did you guess wrong?"

"Nalan Yuanshu was not killed by Beidou people, but happened to be near Beidou?"

"Qi shengnv, this way, please."

When Qi Zixiao secretly guessed, Bai Bing opened his mouth with a smile and led the way: "the inner door is in front."

"Oh, by the way, I haven't asked, but what can I do for you?"

"But will you send a message to our Lord

"I'm here"

Qi Zixiao wanted to say that he came to see him on a whim when he was passing by, but he thought it was not right.

Big Dipper?

It's better to see it!

"But there are some words to tell the Lord of Beidou."

"I see."

Bai Bing nodded and said, "in this case, I will guide Qi shengnv. Please follow me ·"

she rises from the sky.

Qi Zixiao and fan Qiangqiang naturally keep up with each other, and the live broadcast continues.

Wang Jie was a little curious at the moment. She was a little behind. She pointed to the live broadcast and asked, "this is..."


Fan's strong and honest smile made Han Pi's true colors incisively and vividly: "our contemporary disciples of Zifu are still young and have never seen anything in the world, so they want to let them watch the live broadcast, so as to open their eyes and see the state of Beidou holy land."

"This fairy, this should not be in the way?"

"Just looking, of course, is not in the way."

Wang Jie's face was reddish. It seemed that a fairy called out to her heart.

The inner door is here!

Bai Bing didn't stop flying, but headed for the most central mountain. On the way, fan Qiangqiang filmed Beidou as many places as possible into the live broadcast.

Qi Zixiao, on the other hand, "widened his eyes" and looked everywhere to find out some clues.

But in the end, nothing.


Zifu palace.

Mo Daolin frowns.

The rest of the elders did not understand.

"Doesn't seem to be a problem?" The immortal Zizhu is not sure.

"At least it doesn't matter from the live broadcast." Wu Lian said in a low voice: "I went to exchange a kind of material a few years ago. I'll see you now, but it's the same as that of the previous years."

"I don't think it's a problem." Xiao Zhan also shook his head.

Then they all looked at Mo Daolin.

Mo Daolin did not speak, but frowned but never let go.

After a long time, he said, "look again."

Tian Qi suddenly said, "Zixiao is going to see the Lord of the Big Dipper. If there is a problem, even Su Pao ran... Er, even if she is Su senior sister, she may not be able to do it in time."

"And, Lord, when did you have a message for her?"

"No Mo Daolin's answer is very direct.

Obviously, this is Qi Zixiao's own drama.

When Tian Qi heard the speech, she could not help but feel sad and sad: "Zixiao, this child, is bold and careful. Since she dares to say so, she should have some assurance, and you don't have to worry too much about the Holy Lord."

Mo Daolin nods.

But don't worry... That's impossible.


along the way, I saw many other Beidou disciples in the inner gate.

In the same way, we can not see any clues, and we are no longer seeing the kind of "expressionless tool man" in the three holy cities.

All of them looked normal, and their looks and postures were different.

Even if they meet in the air, their emotions and expressions are very clear and real at a glance.

Some glared and hostile, some were curious, others were smiling and friendly.

It seems that everything is harmonious and there is no problem.

In this way, to the final place ·

the main peak of Beidou, the Seven Star divine peak!

"This is the Seven Star peak."

Bai Bing said with a smile: "it is said that the Seven Star divine peak is the ancestor of our big dipper holy land. It took off seven foreign stars and refined them by amazing means. It has all kinds of supernatural powers, but we don't have the opportunity to see it show its divine power."

"Wow! Is that great? "

Our remaining is very happy, in the back of the exclamation.

As a matter of fact, the Seven Star divine peak is indeed famous.

Although there are no big dipper soldiers, their noumenon is seven extraterritorial stars, and they are not refined from ordinary big stars, so they are particularly terrifying.

Don't say seven big, just weight, it is very amazing, if it falls down, few people can resist.

Not to mention its own mysterious powers.There is a magnificent palace group in the shining place of Seven Star holy peak, which is only covered by snow, so there is not much miraculous in the view from the outside.

But entering the palace, it is suddenly open, all kinds of extraordinary places appear one after another, compared with the Purple Palace, is no less than.

"The Lord."

Outside an array, Bai Bing takes out a jade Rune and speaks respectfully.

"I'd like to see you."

Hum ·

soon, the array is removed, and Bai Bing gently reaches out: "Qi shengnv, please."


Qi, not into the Zixiao formation.

At the moment, she was not alarmed.

Because what I saw and heard along the way is really normal. It seems that there is no problem. If so, what are you worried about?

As for Mo Daolin, he didn't let himself send a message... Can't he make it up by himself?!

Of course, this can't be made up.

This kind of news can't be said in Chuan Yin Yu Fu, but to let his disciples come not far away. Obviously, it's important news, which is afraid of being "intercepted"!