Real dragon!

Pure blood dragon?!

Well, Qi Zixiao doesn't know whether it's pure blood, but judging from its appearance, it's clearly the legendary dragon on the other side of the earth!

That is, the "real dragon" recorded in the immortal world and the world of heaven.

It is by no means the kind of "dragon" or "Jiaolong". It is also different from the Dragon transformed by the Dragon five.

At first, Qi Zixiao thought that the Dragon transformed by dragon five was the "real dragon", but now it seems that there is a huge gap between the two sides.

The most intuitive is the body shape, strength, spirit, and···

Obviously, it looks similar, but it feels different everywhere.

If we insist on making a difference, that is, the "dragon" transformed by dragon five is like a "cottage", and the dragon in front of us is a real body of flesh and blood!

It's too big!

Just a head, just like a Tianshan Mountain blocking in front, just compared with the huge eyes, Qi Zixiao three people are as small as ants.

"I... my God."

Blue caier screamed: "I, all the poisonous insects in my body are shaking. It seems that they want to leave me and run for their lives. I can't control it."

"Hold it!" Ji chutong was also frightened, but at the same time, he was also startled by LAN caier's words.

If all the poisonous insects and toxins in her body run out, Qi Zixiao and herself will be in big trouble at such a close distance.


What if the "real dragon" in front of them mistakenly thinks they are attacking? Isn't that over?

"Calm down, calm down!"

Qi Zixiao whispered and shouted calmly: "it hasn't started yet. Let's do it a little..."



The real dragon opened his mouth and the sound of dragon singing spread all over the star sea.

Just at this moment, the three felt a huge tremor of the tympanic membrane, as if it was about to crack. In the distance, there were many giant animals that could not name directly burst!

All kinds of blood flow, and there are broken meat everywhere. It's terrible···

"My God."

Qi Zixiao also gave a strange cry.

Calm down, ghost. At this time, calm down?

This is not only a real dragon, but also terrible. Even if it is not equivalent to the existence of Da Luo Jinxian, it must be the top leader in the Jinxian level!


The three turned and ran.

However, Hoo!

The real dragon just snorted, and a gust of wind came from nowhere, blowing the three back to where they were, and they couldn't run away at all.

Qi Zixiao: "(Ω) Д Ω)?!”

Ji chutong: "O (╥﹏╥) O ··"

Blue caier:_( ¦ 3」∠)_···”

All three are crying.

However, the real dragon didn't attack again. At the same time, many immortal beasts in the distance didn't dare to come at all. Even looking from a distance, they were already trembling. Obviously, this is a bully in the star sea.

At the moment, the real dragon has a pair of huge eyes and looks at the three "little dots" in front of him with great interest. There is a humanized color of curiosity in his eyes.

"He's curious about us. Haven't he seen humans?"

"Not really. Although this place can be called a restricted area of life and few people come, it's not that the existence of this strength has never seen anyone?"

"Leave this alone." Qi Zixiao interrupted the voice transmission between Ji chutong and LAN caier: "Lan caier, you pit goods, can you build a space channel?"

"If you want to run now, you can only rely on you."


Blue caier was about to reply, but he saw that the huge eyes turned slightly and looked at himself with the center of the pupil.

"Ah, this?"

"It can hear us!"


Almost at the same time, the dragon body also came out of the water, and the Dragon claws seemed to crush the sky, so they were suspended not far away.


The three people only felt cold all over, and LAN caier shouted, "senior... Don't get me wrong, we didn't do anything. Show mercy."

"You humans have a delicious feeling."

Finally, the real dragon opened his mouth. Although he breathed and breathed the sound of dragon singing, he delivered his own words.



It's delicious when you open your mouth?

So your curiosity at the beginning is not that you haven't seen humans, but why do we look so delicious?!!!

"Former... Senior!"

Qi Zixiao knew that he had to do something, otherwise he would inevitably be reduced to eating today.

No way out!

She said to herself: "although no dog thief in my family can fool, she is more skilled than this pit goods and 'dead duck'. If she can't fool today..."

"Elder, show mercy."

Qi Zixiao looked sincere and said, "look, senior, we are just three small humans. Compared with you, we are not even as good as ants."

"Even if you eat it, it's not enough to fill your teeth. If you're hungry, the three of us can catch some pure blood immortal animals for you. It must be delicious and enough. What do you think?"

"What do these beasts have to eat?"

When the real dragon opened his mouth, he glanced at the immortal beasts in the distance, and the color of contempt was reflected in his words.

"Or do you look better?"

Whew, whew.

It sniffed.

It also showed an intoxicated color: "it's so fragrant. Why are you so fragrant? Tell me, I want you to leave your last words. "

Look at that!

Fairy beasts are not delicious!

I went to my dog thief. After I peed, the wall didn't help me, so I helped you.

Also, what do you mean by a lump of saliva at the corner of your mouth?!

Qi Zixiao had goose bumps all over.

LAN caier and Ji chutong hid behind her in an instant···

"You two pit goods!"

Qi Zixiao couldn't laugh or cry and said, "senior, we're really not delicious. Maybe you smell it wrong. You don't know, we people..."

"Well, we don't take a bath!"

Ji chutong: "(⊙ o ⊙)··· Σ( ⊙▽⊙“a?!”

Blue caier: "yes, yes, we don't take a bath. My body is still poisonous..."

Ji chutong: "... Well, yes, I don't take a bath either."


The real dragon shook his huge head: "you are really delicious. I won't smell wrong. Moreover, eating you will be good for me..."


Three people turn pale.

As we all know, it's really hard to deceive this time.

As the owners of the foundation of heaven, they understood the intention of the terrible real dragon in front of them for the first time.

It is aware of the foundation of the heavenly way, but it may not know what the foundation of the heavenly way is, but it can feel that swallowing itself is good for it?

"Something's wrong!"

At this time, the voice of sister a Wu also came.

"I just tried my best to explore many nearby worlds. The final answer is that there is no record and news of this terrible real dragon in front of me!"

"It... Has never appeared, or anyone who has seen it has been eaten."

"But I prefer the former."

Never showed up?

This sentence, Ji chutong and LAN caier didn't think there was anything wrong, but Qi Zixiao was instantly surprised.

"What about its strength?"

"I haven't seen many big Luo Jinxian, and I don't know what kind of state most of the 'beast' Jinxian are, but from the previous feeling, I'm afraid they are stronger than the leader of taixuan Jiuqing palace!"

A real dragon that has never been exposed, at least the strength of Da Luo Jinxian?!

Where did it come from?


Or a legacy of ancient times?

Unfortunately, this is not the time to study these. Life protection is the first element.

Qi Zixiao said: "senior, we are really not delicious. Moreover, these immortal beasts are much better than us."

"If you don't believe it, let the three of us cook a fairy beast for you. You can try it again?"

"If it's not delicious, it's not too late for you to eat us again?"


The real dragon was silent for a moment, like thinking, but soon, it shook its head slowly: "you're still better."

"You haven't eaten!"

Qi Zixiao was speechless for a while.

"Forget it, since you won't say it, I'll eat you first. There's no last word."


The real dragon moved.

When the endless star Haydn broke out, there were terrible waves. I don't know how many immortal beasts trembled and crawled on the water, and didn't dare to take off at all.

At this time, it opened its terrible mouth and swallowed it.


The three suddenly changed their faces.

Want to run, unfortunately, this mouth seems to have a great power, which directly suppressed the three people and made them difficult to move.

All means are useless.

Ji chutong instantly communicated with the sword left by the sword master in the sea, but found that even the sword that can cut Jinxian is dim at the moment···


"I can find you a female dragon!!!"

At a critical juncture, Qi Zixiao used his unique skill.


The wind was blowing and the smell of fishy smell.

The gleaming, chewable fairy's teeth stood in front of him, but at least they stopped.

Qi Zixiao three people were sweating and almost paralyzed to the ground.

It's horrible!

When facing the palace leader, the other party didn't fight, but was playing. They dared to raise their swords and even give them swords.

But now I found that such existence is so terrible. If I try my best, I don't even have the qualification to resist···


The huge teeth are receding.

Then, tongue and mouth···

Until the whole dragon head appeared in front of the three people.

At the moment, the real dragon's expression seemed to be a little tangled. He looked at Qi Zixiao and said almost word by word: "can you really find the mother dragon for me?"

At the same time, Ji chutong and LAN caier stared at Qi Zixiao's back. Both of them were stupid.

The staring eyes seemed to say: I didn't expect you to be like Qi Zixiao!

"... it will take some time." Qi Zixiao could only bluff: "elder, you should know better than me that there is no accident to the real dragon in this era. It has long been rare. It is not easy to find a mother dragon."

"Lie to me?"

"No such thing!!! Master, if you don't believe it, give us a month. Within a month, we'll catch you a female dragon. Er... Of course it's not a real dragon, but it's also a dragon. "

The real dragon's expression is more tangled.

Seems to be thinking carefully, whether to eat the three people in front of them, or wait for them to catch a female dragon for themselves?

Qi Zixiao didn't even dare to breathe.

After a long time, he nodded slightly, "OK, I'll give you a month."

"Don't worry, sir, we will do it!"

Qi Zixiao breathed a sigh, which can be regarded as fooling!

It seems simple, but in fact, it almost burned all brain cells.

In fact, there are not many legends and records about the "real dragon", but there are as many legends about the "divine dragon" on the earth.

Among them, what is dragon nature···

Combined with the heavens, there is no trace of a "real dragon" in the world. That is a legend of the "archaic era".

Therefore, this is a 'unique skill'!

Not only that, Qi Zixiao also vaguely felt that there should be some amazing secret on the real dragon, but that secret could not be revealed by himself at the moment.

Moreover, the real dragon doesn't seem to know much about the world of heaven, otherwise he won't know the foundation of heaven!

After all, it's been so noisy before, isn't it?

Since it doesn't know, it proves that it really doesn't know about the outside world. However, whether it knows or not is not too important, as long as it wants a companion···

Then there is talk.

Qi Zixiao arched his hand, and a huge stone reluctantly fell to the ground in his heart: "senior, the three of us will leave for the time being and go to find the mother dragon for you immediately."

With that, she wanted to run away with them.


The Dragon said again, "you just said, cooking?"

Qi Zixiao, Ji chutong, LAN caier: "......"


He also said that we should change our way of life, give up the burden of the virgin and do something bad. As a result, we started badly. You are the real pit!

Isn't it clear that 'I want it all'?

My heart is full.

But there is no way. The situation is stronger than people. The three can only nod repeatedly: "cooking is to cook the ingredients by various means to make them taste better and delicious."


"You can try."


The real dragon suddenly stretched out a 'finger' and pointed to a strange fish like immortal beast in the distance: "come here, bleed and wash yourself."

Qi Zixiao: "?"

Ji chutong: "??"

Blue caier: "??"

The three were stunned.

What the hell?

What else?

Why don't you just say you can kill yourself, wash yourself and stew yourself? People are immortal beasts, and they all seem to have the strength of Xuanxian stage. How is it possible···

I haven't spit out all the grooves in my heart.

They were shocked to see that the strange fish really came trembling, and then···


Its belly exploded directly and blood flowed like a flood!

Not only that, all internal organs directly "fly out by themselves", and the sky will clean them up with clean water.

Almost at the same time, the strange fish died and became cold.

Qi Zixiao, Ji chutong and LAN caier looked at each other and were all confused.


Rao is Ji chutong and LAN caier have excellent cultivation. At the moment, he can hardly help being rude···

This scene is really amazing.

An immortal beast whose combat power is almost equal to that of Xuanxian. Under the command of Zhenlong, he "cleaned himself up" and then killed himself···

Tell me, who believes it?

But now it happened in front of us.

"Cooking, I'll try."

The real dragon opened his mouth, and then half of his body was underwater and half of his body was above the water, towering like Tianzhu Mountain, and even picked up his arm···


Ji chutong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded again and again, and looked at the super strange fish that was more than ten miles long next to him.


"I won't."

"I won't... Either." blue caier raised his hand weakly.

They were saints since childhood. Well, so was Qi Zixiao.

In fact, according to normal development, they can't cook. They don't have to cook in person. They eat all kinds of spiritual fruits and drink spiritual dew on weekdays.

Like the most favored princess in the palace, where can I cook?

"I knew I couldn't count on you."

Qi Zi Xiao make complaints about it, especially when she finds the change of the dragon's expression. She even says, "I will, I will!"

The restlessness of the real dragon gradually subsided···


According to the original development, Qi Zixiao could not cook.

But Qi Zixiao crossed it~~~

Although she still hasn't cooked, at least she has seen it, but there is a big difference.

On the other side of the earth, she has seen a lot of cooking, including cooking on TV and on-site cooking. For example, in the stall, she has seen the boss stir fry crayfish and bullfrog.

But the strange fish in front of me···

How do you do it?

She hasn't operated it!

I've eaten a lot, but I haven't cooked. However, I'm more familiar than these two goods.

But I can't help it. I can only say yes.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be over? Maybe the real dragon will come down directly and everything will be over.

"The immortal beast in the sea should be 'seafood'? And very fresh? "

"According to the analysis of the situation in the immortal cultivation world, even the fierce beasts, most of them are the stronger their strength and the more delicious their meat is."

"So... As long as you fool it, it should be all right?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have seasoning."

"Oh, it's hard!"

Her mind turned sharply and she had decided what to do.

"Let's make roast fish!"

"Grilled fish?" The two women said they were confused and had never heard of it.

"Say you won't..."

"Ji chutong, you use your real tens of thousands of swords to pierce more 'needle eyes' for the fish. It will taste better later."

Ji chutong: "···"

My big move!

My most powerful 'big move', you let me use it to cook, to 'prick the eyes' of the fish?!!!

"Blue caier, you

"Forget it, you'd better not touch it, lest you inadvertently add some material to it, and we'll all be cold."

Blue caier breathed a sigh of joy and said, "OK."

"Why are you so happy? It's all your fault. "

Qi Zixiao muttered for a while, but LAN caier didn't care. He just stepped aside and looked at it.

"Well, I'll do it myself and have plenty of food and clothing."

With a wave of her hand, Xianyuan broke out and swept a large area of sea water.

Then, raise the temperature and start boiling sea salt.

There is no seasoning, but it is not difficult to get some salt by the sea. As for the two steps of purification and filtration, it is Pediatrics for Qi Zixiao in the immortal realm.

In this realm, all kinds of operations have long been meticulous. With a move of mind, many impurities can be separated and easily.

And the other side.

Ji chutong also began to enlarge his moves with a sad face. Tens of thousands of swords attacked the strange fish that was more than ten miles long and three or four miles high.


Bang, bang, bang!

After a round of attack, the flying sword burst one after another, but the strange fish was unharmed···

Ji chutong looked at Qi Zixiao with an ignorant face.

"What do you think I'm doing? Continue scraping! "

"Isn't this strange fish too defensive? Now it's a corpse. You can always break the defense by scraping a few more rounds. "

Ji chutong: "···"

"I shave!"

Several rounds down.

Ji chutong was almost exhausted and collapsed. At last, he succeeded in scraping. He pricked the strange fish all over with "needle eyes".

However, before he could hear the news, Qi Zixiao said again, "let's have a fire!"

Ji chutong glared:

"What are you looking at? My Taoist fire is not as powerful as you, and this is an immortal beast. Can ordinary fire be tested well? "

Ji chutong said that the beautiful girl was speechless···

When the medicine was restored to the yuan yuan, the sacrifice of the fire was burned to the huge monster fish. At the same time, Tucao couldn't help but make complaints about it. "I see it, you two are pit goods."

"I caught your way!"

"Pit goods."

"Well." Blue caier stuck out his tongue and didn't dare to say anything.

Qi Zixiao turned his eyes and said, "if I don't save you, you've been eaten and still have some goods. Come on, the danger hasn't been completely relieved yet..."


Roast fish over a fire.

If it is an ordinary fish, it will have to be burned into ash in an instant, and then even the ash will be burned clean.

But the fish is strong and roastable.

After Tucao, the season make complaints about blue and blue.

Qi Zixiao... Really?

LAN caier's worry is relatively less. She doesn't know much about Zixiao, but Ji chutong needs to know a lot.

I've never heard that Qi Zixiao can cook!

In fact···

Qi Zixiao's cooking is really bad, or not at all.

It is said to be roast fish. In fact, it is to control the strange fish with Xianyuan, maintain a relatively good height, and bake it with a fire all the time.

Then, keep 'rotating'.

Good end a roast fish, Leng is played by Qi Zixiao into a "roast whole sheep".

Even, she was still thinking that the grilled fish she had eaten before seemed to be paper wrapped fish and tin foil grilled fish.

That's it. Is it delicious?!

Unfortunately, no one can give Qi Zixiao the answer.


Good luck.

After a period of time, the skin of roasted fish is golden, and there is melted animal oil falling down the eye of the needle, which is delicious!

"Fortunately, the bet is right. Good ingredients are good!"

Strange fish almost equal to Xuanxian's combat power!

Let's call it Xuanxian. How good should the meat be and how much "divinity" is contained in it?


Qi Zixiao saw that it was ripe, so he began to sprinkle salt.

It's natural not to think about what's tender in the outside. When it's ripe and sprinkled with salt, it's already "good cooking".

Moreover, although Qi Zixiao has never cooked, he has also heard a saying on the earth that eating meat requires no less salt. If there is no strange smell, the salt is enough and the flavor is natural.

Right or wrong, she hasn't verified it.


Try it.


The crystal salt sprinkled on the grilled fish doesn't smell much change, but it's enough.


Ji chutong received a fire and almost collapsed.

However, I still couldn't help but have a play of "two women swallowing saliva".

Blue caier was even more frustrated, and her stomach kept cooing.

They are calm now. Judging from the golden appearance and attractive aroma, the taste must not be bad!

On the contrary, Qi Zixiao was very nervous.

She knows how many pounds she has.

Look back···


So what's a big lump of sticky liquid falling from the sky?

Looking up, I found that the real dragon had already been unable to help himself. I didn't know how much saliva was flowing.

"Ready to cook?"

Seeing Qi Zixiao, he was very eager.

"Well, sir, you try?"


No answer at all!

With a sound of sucking, the huge roast fish rushed up into the sky and didn't enter its mouth.

Creak, creak···

The real dragon chewed a few times and immediately narrowed his eyes with great satisfaction. He even shivered all over his body.

Then, Gollum.

A swallow, the long tongue even licked a wave of lips!


The Dragon opened his eyes, full of excitement and... Hunger!

Not enough!

How big is it?

Although the strange fish is more than ten miles long, compared with it, it is a matter of one bite. Can it eat enough in one bite?

There is no such reason!

Seeing its appearance, the big stone in Qi Zixiao's heart really fell to the ground. She knew that the lives of the three members of her team were temporarily saved.

As for whether her cooking is really so good that Zhenlong shivers all over after eating, she is skeptical.

After all, the first time I do it, I don't understand the heat. I just bake it and sprinkle some salt. Is this good cooking?

Even if it is so delicious, it has a lot to do with the ingredients. Then it is obvious that the real dragon has never eaten cooked food.

Although "animals" are used to eating raw food, it makes sense that raw food is better than cooked food?

It is likely that he has never eaten cooked food. In addition, the reason for the top ingredients is that he is so satisfied with the real dragon.

But anyway, satisfaction is enough.

However, Qi Zixiao didn't wait to speak.

The real dragon immediately waved his paw: "you... You all come and wash yourself!"

In an instant, the claws of the real dragon crossed dozens of immortal beasts!

Their size is even larger, and their strength level is at least true immortal, and the strongest one even reaches the level of terrible golden immortal.

But no matter how strong they were, they didn't dare to resist. They all came shivering and took care of themselves.

The three were almost scared to death.

In this scene, if the immortal family takes care of the house, I'm afraid I'll be scared to death!

What exactly is the real dragon in front of you?

It's hard for them to calm down.


The real dragon looked at Qi Zixiao, who was speechless, and Ji chutong, who looked desperate and collapsed.

Ji chutong: "····"

This is going to kill me?!

Seeing her pale collapse, Zhenlong seemed to understand and said, "you are too weak!"

Then, the real dragon's claws pulled out in his mouth, like picking his teeth.

After a moment, throw out three balls with a diameter of more than one meter···

Dental calculus?!

Qi Zixiao is covered with black lines.

Fortunately, it is not a real tooth stone, but the "inner alchemy" of some kind of creature. The fairy light is shining and extraordinary.

"Swallow her and bake again!"

One for each person.

Although lancaier didn't help, Zhenlong still gave her one.

"With your strength, you still want to help me catch the mother dragon... If you really meet the mother dragon, she will swallow it."

Qi Zixiao, Ji chutong, LAN caier: "......"


Is the clown myself?

But this thing···

They caught the unknown inner alchemy. After a little feeling, their hearts surged.

"What an amazing fairy yuan!"

"After refining, our strength

The three looked at each other and were all excited.

Big chance!

"If you don't die, you will have a blessing." Blue caier looked up, and his white neck was slender and beautiful: "let you say I'm a pit goods?"

"Although you got the chance, you are still a pit cargo."

Qi Zixiao make complaints about him.

Ji chutong followed: "pit goods!"


"Ignore you, I refined it first."

LAN caier held a huge internal alchemy and didn't dislike it. She began to refine immediately, but the speed was very slow. After all, her cultivation was still in the realm of the great emperor.


Ji chutong is a little tangled.

Should I take some medicine and continue to bake, or should I refine this internal alchemy first?

"Improve my strength first, and I'll bake it myself!"

The real dragon seemed to see through her entanglement: "you can starve me to death with your speed!"

Ji chutong: "···"

Woo woo.

At least he is an immortal. As a result, being a barbecue master is despised as too weak and roasted too slowly???

"You, teach me to bake."

The real dragon looked at Qi Zixiao again.

"OK, sir, can you spit fire?"

Qi Zixiao holds the inner pill with Xianyuan and looks at the Dragon eagerly.


In response to her, it was a mass of terrible dragon inflammation.

Hula, Hula.

Dozens of ferocious beasts that have prepared themselves are instantly charred, even those with golden immortal strength are no exception.

What terrible strength!!!

Qi Zixiao's eyebrows jumped: "......"

"Well, the fire is too big. Can you turn it down a little?"

Zhenlong doesn't like it.

"Come again!"

It waved its claws again and died in a mass of immortal beasts.

Looking at their dead appearance, Qi Zixiao muttered in his heart: "if you kill them like this, the beast Xinghai will become a dragon Xinghai in a few days..."

This roast is another half day.

After burning several waves of ingredients, Zhenlong has mastered the essentials and can roast fish normally.

Qi Zixiao was responsible for spreading salt.

Dozens of immortal beasts went down, and the real dragon belched with satisfaction. He looked at the remaining two, looked at Zixiao, and pointed out his claws.

"You eat!"

"All right!"

Where does Qi Zixiao have the reason to refuse?

I already wanted to eat···


Qi Zixiao tore off a large piece of meat from the "roast fish" in the Xuanxian realm. Without eating a few bites, he felt flustered and uncomfortable.

Then, it was a glow in the mouth, and the whole person was full of immortal light.

Make it up to spray out!

"Delicious, really good."

Qi Zixiao wakes Ji chutong and LAN caier up. They share. Halfway through the meal, she takes out a lot of immortals to get drunk.

"Elder, this is the wine made by my friend. Would you like to have a drink?"



"Then try."

The wine gourd is too small for the real dragon, but it doesn't have Xianyuan, so you don't have to use your claws to get it.

Xianyuan gets drunk with dozens of gourd immortals and pours them directly into his mouth!!!

At this scene, Ji chutong's eyelids jumped, but he didn't say a word.

It should be noted that the immortal refined by fan Jianqiang is drunk. It seems to be installed in a small gourd, but these gourds are all space magic tools!

The space inside is enough to fill the next big family!

These dozens of gourd immortals get drunk, which is almost equivalent to an ocean···

She knows that immortals are drunk.

It is because of knowing that I am so stunned.

At the same time, he couldn't help glancing at Qi Zixiao and said secretly, "you are so brave..."



The immortals in dozens of gourds tilt down drunk, just like dozens of waterfalls, pouring into the mouth of the real dragon at the same time.

But it doesn't refuse to come. The more it drinks, the faster it drinks.


"It's delicious!"

Gollum, Gollum, Gollum···


Gudu, gudu, gudu···

"Comfortable! Is this wine? How comfortable! "

Gudong, Gudong, Gudong···

"Hahaha, it's delicious!"


Finally, the real dragon's eyes were blurred and he was confused. He didn't think there was anything wrong. He just swallowed dozens of wine gourds into the water, and then lay on the water and slept.


LAN caier was eating the roasted fish. His whole body was glowing and his skin was red. It was' hot '. It was too nourishing!

Seeing Zhenlong asleep, she looked confused: "drunk?"


Ji chutong is also a little confused.


So who is fan Jianqiang?! The refined wine can even get drunk?

Qi Zixiao was relatively calm. He just muttered, "if you don't lose, you're going to lose."

Then she took the two women: "don't be surprised. This is our chance. Come on, get ready to slip away."


"Or what? Still roasting fish here? "

"... yes."


The three were light handed and ready to run away, but···

Most of the remaining grilled fish and the sea monster as big as the hill could not fall like this. They put them into storage bags and took them away together.

Left the real dragon range.

All three hesitated.

"Can we go out?"

"Many fairy beasts..."

"It seems difficult."

However, without waiting for them to make a move, once they got closer, those immortal beasts immediately dispersed and even seemed to be running away!


"This?" Ji chutong stared.

"We should be contaminated with Longwei." Qi Zixiao guessed.

"Yes." Blue caier kept nodding: "such existence must have its unique flavor, which we can't feel, but these immortal beasts are very sharp."

"This is the best. Let's hurry."

They ran away.

This flight was a full half day. Even if it was full-scale flight, it was not until now that it finally flew out of the scope of the sea of beasts and stars.

This is based on the premise that many immortal beasts spread out one after another and dare not stop them.

"Finally out!"

Out of the sea of beasts and stars, the three stopped, and each face was filled with happiness and the rest of life.

This trip is really dangerous. It almost becomes the rations of the real dragon. The teeth are in front of us!

Fortunately, in the end, they not only solved the danger, but also got many benefits. Whether it's naidan, or "grilled fish" and "Grilled sea monster", they have amazing power, which is enough to let them at least improve to a great level after completely eating and refining!

Blue color children can improve at least two great realms.

"When misfortune comes, fortune lies on it, and fortune lies on it."

Qi Zixiao shook his head: "let's slip first, lest Zhenlong suddenly wake up and no one can go."

"Find a place to stay, improve your strength first, and then..."



The three turned pale at the same time and began to run away quickly.

However, it is still a step too late.


At one place in the sea of beasts and stars, the real dragon straightened his head again. Even here, you can see it from a distance. It's huge!

It opens its mouth and there are bursts of dragon singing.

And look exactly at the place where Qi Zixiao three people are.

Locked by their eyes, they suddenly felt numb and stiff, as if they might explode and die at any time.

This is terrible!

Qi Zixiao even shouted, "senior, we are looking for a mother dragon for you because we see you are asleep and time is tight."

"Don't get me wrong, master!"

It's terrible!

With this feeling, it seems that even if it is so far away, life and death are always in the hands of the real dragon. Qi Zixiao can only find a way to deceive.


But it seems useless!

Where the real dragon is, there is a terrible wave that explodes, and then···

The space was broken, and a piece of golden light pierced through a long distance in an instant and came to "nail kill" the three of Qi Zixiao!


Three people SA Yazi ran wildly, but they still couldn't run.


The golden light flashed away in an instant, smashed the void, broke the surrounding void, and stopped Qi Zixiao.


"A dragon scale?!"


The real dragon went to sleep again.

But at the same time, a voice came.

"You are too weak. Finding the mother dragon is also a dead end. Take my dragon scale."

"If I find a female dragon and take out the Dragon scales, I will naturally know."


The three people's rigid bodies gradually softened.

"My God." Blue caier put her hand on her forehead and was covered with cold sweat.

"It means that we die when we die, but before we die, we should take out the dragon scale and let it feel the mother dragon?" Ji chutong was speechless.

"That's what I mean."

Qi Zixiao had no choice but to stand up.

What else can I do? If people are strong, they are overbearing.

Just now, I didn't want to kill anyone at all, so I scared the three of us to death. If I really do it···

Dare not think, dare not think!

"Let's go."

Ji chutong shook his head: "this time we survived, but I think we can't just run."

"Of course not. What do you think?"

Qi Zixiao said faintly, "you don't really think the real dragon is a fool, so it's easy to deceive? The purpose of giving dragon scales is not only to find the mother dragon, but also to locate it! "

"After taking the dragon scale, it can sense where we are all the time."

"Still want to run?"


"Then we can only find a mother dragon for him?" Blue caier cried, "let's change our way of life, that is, from a saint to a matchmaker?"

Ji chutong is also full of uncomfortable color.

"Why don't you change your mind?" Qi Zixiao said quietly, "what's the matter with the matchmaker? The real dragon is powerful and generous. We also get benefits. "

"Just be careful and don't go wrong. For us, there are only advantages but no disadvantages!"

"Even if you're really a matchmaker, don't people give you a gift?"

"If you say so, I won't feel so bad." Ji chutong sighed faintly.

"Of course not."

"Moreover, if you don't want to be positioned by it, it's not impossible." Qi Zixiao smiled mysteriously.

"What can I do?"

"Throw the dragon scale to the Kunlun heavenly palace and let Kunlun just follow it!"

Ji chutong: "···"

Blue caier: "......"

What if you pick up 'life money' or something ominous on the road? Of course, throw it into the merit box and let the Buddha just follow him!