Chapter 233 - Tian Xifeng Is Angry

Zhihao nodded as he turned to face the girl, "What happened here?" 

Kaoru pointed at Liang Feng who was on the ground and spoke up, "It seems that Brother Liang Feng wasn't as strong as he thought he was." 

Zhihao didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he heard this. 

Of course, this man wasn't strong. He had more brains than muscles. 

Kaoru sighed as she pointed up at Tian Xifeng and added, "Sister Xifeng has really sharp nails." 

Zhihao gulped as he immediately understood the situation. 

Wang GuiYing chuckled as he looked at the ridiculous fight that just looked.... Laughable. 

This hunter was different from both the other hunters. Since the gun had been thrown away from the hunter's hand, Wang GuiYing wasn't sure if this hunter was good with a gun but from this fight alone, Wang GuiYing was able to say that this hunter had not learned anything about fighting at all. This might as well be the hunter's first fight. 

Li Ling smacked Wang GuiYing on the head as he spoke up with a bit of annoyance laced along with his words, "Don't just laugh. Go and help" 

Wang GuiYing chuckled as he rubbed his hand and stretched out his hand in front of Zhihao, "The handcuffs." 

Zhihao sighed as he shook his head and took out the last pair of handcuffs that he had picked up from the inventory. 

Wang GuiYing snatched the handcuffs as he walked closer to the fight and pulled Tian Xifeng away first before going for the hunter. 

Before he could even grab the hunter's arm, Wang GuiYing's eyes widened as he felt his hair being pulled back with an intense force that almost made him go bald. 

"Ahh!" Wang GuiYing cried out as he tried to glance back at the person that had grabbed his hair. 

Surprisingly enough, it was Tian Xifeng who had a bad expression on her face as she complained, "I wasn't done yet!!" 

Wang GuiYing blinked as he tried to remove her hand but her grip was extremely tight. 

"Are you crazy?! Let go!!" Wang GuiYing shouted at her but Tian Xifeng refused to let go as she pulled him back by the hair. 

"Let go! Let go! Let go!" The poor man was left at a disadvantage as Tian Xifeng was adamant about being childish. 

Zhihao didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he saw this scene. He blinked and rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not imagining things and when he was sure that this was indeed happening, his whole face turned red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. 

"You bunch of idiots..." Zhihao cursed under his breath as he moved forward to try to remedy the situation. 

He grabbed Tian Xifeng and pulled her back but since the woman refused to let go of Wang GuiYing, the man was also pulled along by the hair. 

"Ah!!" Wang GuiYing cried out in pain as he grabbed her wrist. 

Zhihao sighed as he tickled Tian Xifeng and it seemed that this was really the best option in this situation as she immediately let go of the hair and started laughing. 

"Stop! Stop! I can't breathe!" Tian Xifeng complained in between her laughing and as soon as Zhihao stopped, there was a frown on her face as she tried to attack Wang GuiYing again, but this time, Zhihao was fast enough to pick her up and not let her get near the man. 

"Behave yourself," Zhihao scolded but Tian Xifeng continued kicking empty air as she tried to struggle out of Zhihao's hold. 

"Let me go! That b*tch is mine!" Tian Xifeng complained and whined as she strongly showed her determination to personally fight and defeat the hunter. 

Zhihao frowned as he looked over at Kaoru and waited for the girl to explain what she had left off from the initial brief summary of the situation. 

Kaoru chuckled awkwardly as she immediately understood what Zhihao wanted to know. She pointed at the hunter and spoke up, "She said some mean things about Sister Xifeng." 

Zhihao's frown deepened as he heard this, "What mean things?" 

Kaoru opened her mouth to give him an answer but before any words could roll out of her tongue, Tian Xifeng had already started shouting, "She called me a money-slut! Let me choke this b*tch to death! Let go!" 

Zhihao's eyes widened as he immediately looked at Kaoru to confirm if Tian Xifeng was telling the truth or not. 

Kaoru nodded her head with a sigh, "That's right. She called her that as well." 

"Damn it! Let me go!!" Tian Xifeng continued to struggle and for a second there, Zhihao was persuaded to let the woman go but at the end of the day, he felt that it was better not to let her go in fear that she might try to assault Wang GuiYing again. 

While Zhihao kept Tian Xifeng in place, Wang GuiYing rubbed his head and went ahead to fight against the final hunter. 

He had clearly heard what Tian Xifeng had said so when he looked at the hunter, his eyes looked to be especially colder than usual. 

The hunter clicked her tongue as she held her fist positioned in front of her face, "What are you going to do about it? I only said the truth. She's always running around in her high heels. Giggling and flirting with people to buy her new armors. If she didn't have those guys paying for her all the time, she would have definitely not got this far in the game. She deserves to be called what she is!" 

Wang GuiYing chuckled dryly as he heard this, "Is that so?" 

The hunter was silent as she noticed the mocking tone in Wang GuiYing's words, "I think you're mistaken about something here but, the one who tried to kill all of us has no right to say anything about her." 

The hunter scoffed and it seemed that she had a lot more to say but Wang GuiYing didn't bother giving her the time to speak as he grabbed her hand and twisted it around before knocking her down with his knee and cuffing her hands together to prevent her from escaping. 

"Why don't you just shut up? Nobody asked for your opinion," Wang GuiYing spoke and his voice sounded to be a bit too scary which easily managed to shut the hunter up. 

Zhihao sighed as he let go of Tian Xifeng and this time, Tian Xifeng didn't bother running forward to kill the hunter, instead, she looked at Wang GuiYing as if he suddenly looked to be a bit cooler. 

"All three down!" Wang GuiYing exclaimed happily as he clapped his hands and lifted his head. 

He noticed Tian Xifeng looking at him with surprise and broke into a warm smile as he spoke, "No need to thank me." 

Tian Xifeng clicked her tongue as she frowned, "Who said anything about thanking you?" 

Wang GuiYing chuckled but said nothing as a response and instead, turned to look at Zhihao who didn't look to be relieved at all. 

"Mastermo, why are you frowning?" Wang GuiYing asked as he tilted his head in confusion and curiosity. 

"The timer... It hasn't stopped," Zhihao spoke up as he raised his phone to show everyone the screen. 

Wang GuiYing froze on the spot as he gulped in worry. 

"Didn't the mission tell us to survive till the end? Maybe the timer doesn't stop before that?" Li Ling spoke up as he tried to reassure that this might be something normal. 

Zhihao frowned as he shook his head. 

They only had about twenty seconds left but even with all the hunters tied down, the ticking timer still managed to make Zhihao feel uneasy. 

Zhihao gulped as he moved closer to the hunter and crouched down before questioning, "The previous hunter said something really interesting but we didn't get to hear her out. Maybe you could help us?" 

The hunter didn't bother even moving as she heard Zhihao talking to her. 

Zhihao sighed as he got a little impatient and held a gun up to the hunter's head that was covered in the panda mask. 

This gun was picked up by him when he fought against the first hunter that they met and he had been carrying it with him all this while in case it could be used as a weapon in the future. 

The hunter suddenly jolted as she saw the gun being pulled out, "W-What the hell do you want?!" 

Zhihao smiled thinly as he responded, "What I want is simple. Tell me why the other one said something about you all dying if you fail to kill us." 

The hunter suddenly broke out laughing as she heard this question, "Mastermo, even if I do know the answer, why do you think I would tell you?" 

Zhihao rolled his eyes in annoyance as he had no time left to talk in circles. He pulled the safety off and put some pressure on the trigger to make sure that he got his determination clear to the hunter. 

The hunter immediately stopped laughing as she noticed that Zhihao was unhesitant to pull the trigger, "Stop! Stop! Stop!" 

"You better tell me what I want to know," Zhihao clicked his tongue.