The auction process is going on.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than two hours passed.

In the past two hours, more than 40 auction items have been completed.

During this period, Qin Zha took part in the auction for a fifth level spirit fruit which is said to have a very good taste. He spent more than 4000 top-quality spirit stones to buy it back. He did not encounter anything else that interested him.

At the main auctions, there are many miraculous objects with peculiar functions.

People like him who nibble on the fruit and eat the flesh of the spirit beast have little need for these peculiar effects.

Qin Zha was only interested in lingguo and some things that could be used to harm others.

There are not many of these two things at the auction.

Lingguo, a total of about 50 pieces, only two pieces appeared in the auction, and Qin Zha took one of them.

There is nothing that can be used to harm other people, except for the first insect queen.

After watching the auction for nearly three hours, only two pieces were sold. Qin Zha couldn't help but feel dull.

It's boring to have money in your pocket but nothing to buy, isn't it?

Seeing that the time in the morning had passed and it was about noon, Qin Zha couldn't help thinking of leaving.

On the one hand, you Lian is alone in the hotel, and he is not quite at ease.

On the other hand, he is still waiting for Ruan Xiao's news. If he missed it, it might be more troublesome.

Just as Qin Zha hesitated to say goodbye to Murong Yanyun, another auction was put on the main stage of the auction.

When the cloth was uncovered, a piece of white jade was revealed.

The white jade is not big, and its shape is very delicate.

The most rare thing is that it has a natural flavor.

Even if you peep through the wide screen display in the secluded room, you can see that white jade is not vulgar.

At the same time of Bai Yu's appearance, Murong Yanyun, who was sitting at the head of the bed, was shocked, and his spirit became tense.

Qin zheyou was attracted by the white jade, and then he caught a glimpse of Murong's strange cloud and asked.

"Yanyun, this white jade is the ancient jade you said earlier?"


Murong Yanyun nods and stares at the white jade on the wide screen display. He doesn't move a cent, as if he is identifying something.

Qin Zha wanted to ask Bai Yu what was special. Seeing her like this, he could only shut up.

Baiyu, it's really good.

But across the screen, he couldn't see much.

At this time, the middle-aged person in charge of the auction site opened his mouth.

"The 54th piece of this auction is a piece of white jade with a long history. It's a heavyweight piece."

Then he cleared his throat and continued.

"This white jade is not a spiritual thing, but it is natural. It contains the rhythm of the great way and can be used for Enlightenment during practice. No one can understand what can be learned. Provide the information provided by white jade seller, this jade has a long history, and its holder can even be traced back to thousands of years ago. Anyone who has ever dealt with white jade is an important person in the history of the Dragon kingdom for thousands of years. There is reliable evidence that these characters have more or less learned something from white jade... "

Before he finished, a loud howl broke in at the auction.

"Host! How did you say something deceiving all night? You said that this white jade has a long history, and we can recognize it for the time being. After all, this white jade is really unusual just by looking at it. But if you want to say that the holders of white jade have participated in some things, I'm afraid you don't treat everyone as idiots! It's only a hundred years since the recovery of this world's aura. Not to mention a thousand years ago, even a hundred years ago, there was no one who practiced it. How can we understand it without practicing it? "

In the secluded room, Qin zhegang barely heard something. Seeing that someone interrupted the host at the scene, his face turned black at that time.

The point is, he knows the voice.

This loud voice is the one who interrupted when the host introduced the first piece of heart burning color spot at the beginning.

This guy is a real prick.

I don't know how many times he has intervened in the auction process. Every time he intervened, the "personality" host would no longer introduce the auction items and directly announce the beginning of bidding.

If it wasn't for this person's questioning and reasonable reasons, Qin Zha even wanted to doubt whether this person was specially cooperating with the host to speed up the pace of the auction.

However, to Qin Zha's surprise, the host was not affected by this man's interruption, and he continued with a kind face.

"You can't understand without practice? Who set it? I just didn't seem to say that all the things that Bai Yu's previous holders have learned are related to the practice of Taoism, right

The man who cut in at the scene noticed that the host seldom paid attention to himself. It seemed that he was a bit surprised, so he opened his voice and yelled.

"Tell us about it! What have the white jade permanents learned? Since the history of Baiyu can be traced back, there must be a lot of information from previous holders for reference! "

As soon as this remark came out, many people at the scene followed suit.Most of the people in and out of the black market are restless owners.

Before that, the host was very willful and announced to start bidding when he met with the interruption. They were busy judging whether the auction was worth bidding from their personal point of view, and had no chance to follow suit.

Now that we finally have a chance, how can we let it go?

The scene is noisy, which is projected to the wide screen display in the secluded room through live video.

In the face of the chaotic scene, the host finally showed his "ability to control the market" that an auction host should have.

He smiles, raises his hand and turns his head to a big man standing in the corner of the auction site with both hands on his back.

"Long Jiu, look at who's bluffing under the spot, find out and throw people out directly."

This speech, the auction site immediately quieted down, even the harsh voice is no longer squeaking.

A "hard core" control of the field successfully stabilized the scene, and the host made a satisfactory tour around to ensure that there was no lengtouqing who did not take his words seriously.

"I'm afraid that only the person concerned knows what he has learned from those who have dealt with Baiyu. However, as I have said before, the white jade holders are all important figures in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, and their achievements are enough to leave a strong mark in history. "

With that, the wind turned.

"Due to the limitation of the auction process, there are still many auction items waiting to be auctioned. If it's too detailed, I can't give examples one by one. The buyer who gets Baiyu through bidding will get the accurate tracing information provided by the seller afterwards. What I can tell you on the spot is that one of the masters of this white jade is Murong Tiangang, a person familiar to all of you in the modern history of the Dragon kingdom. "

Voice did not fall, because presided over the hard core control field just quiet for a short time on the scene "boom", all the people began to talk.

Murong Tiangang, who knows who doesn't?

Was Bai Yu's last master the martyr who made great contributions to the cultivation of the Dragon kingdom?