Chapter 130: Chapter 130.

“I know how much you’ve suffered because of my wounds and how much I made you suffer. Now, I know it all.”

However, after a long time, she didn’t turn around.

“Sun…” He called her name again.

She turned and glared at him with resentful anger and then slapped his face.


“It’s too late. I told you I’ve already forgotten you!”

Her shouts echoed all over the street with tears in her eyes.

It was so painful as his face reddened, but he furrowed his brow because of the pain in his heart.

Sun slapped his face hard, but it was because she was in more excruciating pain.

Gyeonhui approached her without saying anything.

He reached out and looked at her palm.

Her white, trembling hand was swollen and red.

“You knew it would hurt you more, why did you do that?” He asked with a calm voice.

She pushed him away and tried to hide her hand from him. However, Gyeonhui pulled her hand toward him and hugged her.

“Let go of me.”

Hitting his chest hard, she tried to push him away from her.

Gyeonhui closed his eyes and held her more deeply.

“… I’m sorry…”

His voice flew to her ears. He opened up a little space and looked down at her.

“Please give me a chance. Please let me love you and your pain this time.”

His sincere voice laid down on her heart.

At that moment, she felt something that had been suppressed just burst out at all once.

A cry burst out from her mouth.

“I’m very sorry…”

He hugged her while she cried like a child with all his power.

He hugged her like he was going to bear all of her pain.

You’re after even a dog.

How long had time passed?

The tears that she couldn’t stand eventually subsided.

When she calmed herself down, she pulled herself together and realized her current situation with him.

She pushed him away and turned against him. She exhaled a slight sigh, wiping her tears.

“I really don’t know what to do…”

Closing her eyes, she mumbled to herself. However, he soon approached her and held her hand instead of answering.

“… ow…”

Her trembling hand was in throbbing pain.

When he saw his hand, he looked at hers.

Her white hand was swollen and red.

“Wait for a second.”

He left her in the park and started walking.

Watching her back moving away, she plunked down on the bench.


She dropped her head and sighed for a long time.

After a while, she heard him returning to her.

He sat beside her and took out an ointment for a bruise from the medicine case.

“Give me your hand.”

He reached out to her.

“… I’ll do it.”

“Give it to me.” He pulled her hand toward him carefully.

When he rechecked her hand, he put the medicine on her hand.

His soft touch stroked her sensitive hand gently.

He anointed the ointment on her skin as softly as he could, but she frowned because of the throbbing pain.

“You’ll feel better soon.”

She glanced at him, putting the medicine on her hand with a firm expression.

His face was so severe, and his hand was meticulous and soft.

After a moment, her hand started to feel tingly because of the medicine.

“How are you feeling now? Feeling better?”

Hearing his questions, she nodded forcefully.

“Please loosen up your face. Somebody would think that I abused you if they saw you.”

Gyeonhui said it playfully and declared that he was innocent on purpose.

When she exhaled a shallow sigh, she saw the doll on the bench.

“… Did you go to Jeongsun to get the doll?

Gyeonhui slowly nodded.

‘You told me that you’re going to love me and my pain!’

She recalled what he just said and closed her eyes.

“I’ve heard that you met the vice president today at the company.”

She felt sorry for him after calling his own mother as the vice president.

“… I did.”

“Didn’t she say anything to you?”

“No… not really.”

She recalled Mrs. Shin’s cold voice and tone. However, she didn’t tell him that she had met her. She had no idea what was going on with the two of them, but she was still his mother.

“I’m sure it must have been nerve-racking.”



Gyeonhui exhaled a hefty sigh toward the sky.

“I think it’s time to talk about sharing our wounds with each other.” He said with a sunken voice.

“You don’t need to tell me if it’s hard.”

She said with worry. However, he shook his head slowly.

“I want to tell you everything before it’s too late.”

He caught his breath with a bitter smile and started speaking slowly.

“.. when I was young, my dad passed away. With a shallow sigh, his face showed that recalling the memory of his father wasn’t a challenge for him. “The vice president left me behind at the orphanage, telling me that I’ll be able to meet her after I go to college.”

Gyeonhui smirked with an outraged feeling before continuing to speak.

“It was okay until then. Although I was young, I tried to understand her. She was also going through a hard time. However, I found out later that the reason why she did it to me was only for herself. ”

His face sunk heavily.

It was only old memories, but he was still hurt and felt the pain of what happened at that time.

“My cousin, whom I had met for the first time, told me that I’m just an offering for the vice president. I didn’t quite understand what that meant at that time, but I found out the meaning in the dictionary later. She was… she sacrificed me, the one who was the only heir to the family to gain the chairman’s money and properties. After that, I realized that I could be abandoned anytime she thought that I was no longer of use.

“Gyeonhui…” Sun looked at him in sympathy.

“I’m fine. It’s all in the past.”

He smiled, pretending like he was okay. However, she could see the wounds hidden behind his smile.

After all, she knew what was going on inside his head more than anyone.

“You’re not okay… you’re still hurt.”

Feeling sad for him, she said, biting her lower lip.

“… I can’t hide it from you anymore.” He smiled bitterly and started speaking again. “…. It was like a battlefield. My family tried to drag each other down and use them as a ladder to move up. It was like the law of the jungle or standing on thin ice. However, I endured. I only wanted to take everything she had and have my revenge.

He said, squeezing his fists tightly.