Chapter 267

Name:White Dragon Lord Author:笑筱笙
At night.

Winter is not far away, the overseas islands are still a little cold in the early spring, the lights in the city of okee go out early, and the residents can't wait to get into the warm quilt.

The cool moonlight shines into Lord white dragon's bedroom and sprinkles on the floor, as if the ground is covered with a layer of white frost. The cold weather has no effect on Lord white dragon. He curls up on the big round bed and infers repeatedly the result of his dialogue with Felicia.

There is no doubt that the kinship between the four dragons and the belief in the queen of the dragon are the two most important feelings in Felicia's heart. When discussing the belief between the Lord of the white dragon and the sister of the dragon, we must be careful to avoid the cracks in the feelings between the four dragons.

Felicia's character is similar to that of the traditional five color dragon, arrogant, greedy and cruel. However, it is gratifying that the concept of kinship instilled by the White Dragon Lord to the Dragon brother and sister from childhood also occupies an important position in Felicia's heart.

In addition, the White Dragon Lord led the four dragons to achieve their present achievements, so Felicia has always been willing to accept the advice of the White Dragon Lord, which is the advantage of the White Dragon Lord.


All of a sudden, Lord Bailong sensed that Felicia, who had been sleeping for a long time, got up and went to the restaurant. He knew that Felicia, who had just woken up, was going to have dinner.

After a little thought, Lord Bailong also stood up, pushed the door open and walked to the restaurant.

When the White Dragon Lord walked slowly to the restaurant, the White Castle chef on duty had lit the fire of the stove and put the prepared food into the pot, while Felicia sat on the oversized chair and tapped the rectangular gilded table with her fingernails.

Perceiving her brother's arrival, Felicia looks back and continues to tap the table in a daze.

Lord white dragon went to Felicia and sat down. He spoke directly.

"My dear priestess, tell me about the teachings of the empress of the dragon."

Smell speech, Felicia suddenly raised her head, a face incredible.

"Oh?! Amos! The sun is coming out in the West?! How can you ask me to understand the teachings of the empress dragon?! Yes? You want to... "

White Dragon Lord opens his mouth, yawns, shakes his paws, and interrupts the excited Felicia.

"So much nonsense, do you want to talk about it or not?"

Felicia said it with a serious face.

"The great empress of the Dragon teaches us that we are born strong. We are born supreme, and other creatures are only worthy of being slaves of the dragon."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

The White Dragon Lord raised his paws and looked strange.

"I have a question. Do other creatures only deserve to be slaves of the dragon? Is this really the instruction of empress dragon

"Although the empress dragon did not say that, she said that our dragon family is supreme, so of course other creatures are only worthy of being the servants of the supreme dragon."

White Dragon Lord pretends to be curious.

"Then are humans only worthy to be the servants of the dragon?"

After receiving a positive reply from Felicia, Lord white dragon continued to ask.

"So Merlin Tianli is also a human being, and is he only worthy to be the servant of the dragon?"

Felicia choked.

Because of her elder brother, who is a member of Parliament, Felicia has also come into contact with some secrets of nordhill. She knows that Merlin is powerful. She is a super strong dragon who surpasses her ancestors. I'm afraid only a few Dragon Kings in the whole dragon family can win Merlin.

After choking for a long time, Felicia choked out a sentence.

"The Dragon... Is supreme."

Amos shook his head.

"Felicia, you may have misunderstood the teachings of the empress of the dragon."

Felicia frowned.

"Misunderstanding? Amos, I'm the real priest of empress dragon. Do you think I misunderstood the teachings of empress dragon? "

In fact, the Lord of the white dragon did not know whether Felicia misunderstood the doctrine of the queen of the dragon, or whether Tiamat himself was so arrogant that he dared to put the supremacy of the Dragon into the doctrine.

But Felicia is the priest of the queen of the dragon. Once she thinks that her Majesty's doctrines are wrong, it will affect her future practice, or it will be abandoned by Tiamat and lose the power of the priest. This is an unbearable blow for Felicia.

Therefore, the teachings of her Majesty the queen of the dragon can't be wrong. What's wrong is Felicia's understanding. Lord white dragon continued.

"Even the empress dragon does not dare to say that she is supreme. Although empress dragon is a powerful and powerful person in the multiverse, there are also some things stronger than empress dragon in the multiverse."

Without thinking about it, Felicia felt that the White Dragon Lord was right, because there was something stronger than the queen of the dragon in the multiverse.

After the Five Dragons - tyamat is only a weak deity. Even with the identity of the dragon race, tyamat's fighting power is only to touch the threshold of higher deity, and there are so many higher deities.

Besides, there is great divine power above the higher divine power, and the only great divine power mansion is the God of light and justice - Norda mountain, which is the most undisputed one.

So in all kinds of senses, the dragon race can't be supreme. The truth that she always believed in has been broken, and Felicia's heart is very confused.

"But... But the empress Dragon said..."

The White Dragon Lord saw Felicia's evasive eyes and knew that he couldn't fight it any more.

"Yes, the empress dragon did say that, but I think most dragons misinterpret the meaning of the empress dragon. The empress dragon wrote in his doctrines that the dragon is supreme, not that the dragon is really supreme, but that we want to cultivate the pride of the dragon, but the vast majority of the dragon have become proud."

According to the understanding of Lord white dragon, if tyamart is not arrogant, then he wrote the supremacy of the Dragon into the doctrine, just to cultivate the pride of the dragon. Just like in previous lives, if people were asked which country in the world is the greatest, a large number of people would answer their motherland.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, just out of love for their motherland.

Felicia frowned.

"Is... Is that so?"

Felicia instinctively felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't find the fault in the White Dragon Lord's words, because the White Dragon Lord's words were completely logical.

The White Dragon Lord perceived the doubt of the Dragon sister and pretended to sigh.

"Well, the greatness of empress dragon is not something we can guess, but your understanding of the teachings of empress dragon is wrong, isn't it?"

The White Dragon Lord's praise to the queen of the dragon made Felicia feel better. At the same time, she also recognized the fact that the dragon clan was not supreme.

"Go on, tell me more about your understanding of the teachings of the empress of the dragon."

Felicia nodded, but she had a little doubt about her past understanding. Her interest in preaching to her brother was not as high as it had begun. But since her brother spoke, she had to go on.

"The queen of the Dragon teaches us that greed makes the Dragon progress, because only when we have more, can we have the power to become stronger."

White Dragon Lord nodded, a look of listening.

Encouraged, Felicia breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that her brother would find out his own irrefutable mistakes. Then she, the priest, would be too defeated. She continued.

"... cruelty frightens the enemy,..."

At this time, a dozen jackal waiters, in pairs, carrying a plate of roasted sheep, came out of the kitchen and carefully placed the roasted sheep on the dining table.

When a group of jackals push roasted sheep in front of Felicia, the white dragon is acutely aware of their movements.

Among the four dragons, the White Dragon Lord also maintains the etiquette towards his subordinates. Willy and Elena don't care about the waiter's minor mistakes. Felicia's temper is much hotter. If she is not careful, it may lead to a reprimand.

So the waiters were always careful when they served Felicia.

The White Dragon Lord did not move the roast sheep in front of him. He turned his head and looked at the back of the waiters.

"Felicia, I smell fear in them. They're afraid of you."

Felicia raised her eyebrows, picked up a roast sheep at random, threw it into her mouth, and began to chew it with bones.

"What's so strange about that?"?! Cruelty can not only frighten the enemy, but also keep the weak in awe. "

The White Dragon Lord nodded.

"Do you think I'm cruel?"

Felicia frowned slightly. Among the four dragons, Felicia was the second most intelligent. Otherwise, in her childhood, she would not have been able to beat Elena and Willy.

It has noticed that the elder brother's words and deeds are abnormal today. The elder brother came to talk to him specially, but it doesn't know what his purpose is.

In the mind slightly ponders, Felicia still did not want to understand, then did not think much, it believed that the elder brother will not harm it, since does not harm, that thought so many why.

"E... elder brother, you are cruel to the enemy, but kind to your family. You don't mind releasing your kindness to strangers."

Lord White Dragon nodded.

"Is your own behavior cruel?"

Felicia continued to chew the delicious food in her mouth. Spices and oils stimulated her taste buds, but at this time, she was not in the mood to savor her favorite delicacy.

"Except for the three of you, other creatures are nothing to me."

The White Dragon Lord sighed.

"Yes, other creatures don't matter, so your attitude towards other creatures depends entirely on your mood."

Felicia frowned.

"Amos, what are you trying to say?"

"Felicia, don't you notice? In terms of attitude towards other creatures, I, Elena and Willy are totally different from you. In other words, we have great differences in behavior. "

Lord white dragon sighed.

"Your style of doing things is getting further and further away from us. I am worried that one day, due to the conflict of ideas, you will leave our group."

Felicia stopped to eat, frowned and thought about the White Dragon Lord's words, her fingers raised and fell, and her nails pounded on the table.

When she thought about it, Felicia understood that what her brother said was right, but she didn't think she had done anything wrong. It was just that the behavior of her brother and sister-in-law was right, and her heart was in a mess.

Felicia frowned more and more tightly, and the White Dragon Lord understood that the Dragon sister had entered the dead end.

The change of thought can't be completed in one day or two. The White Dragon Lord gives Felicia an enchantment of calmness.

Calmness is a kind of magic used by mages to eliminate the interference of external environment. It can let people get rid of distractions and concentrate.

Felicia felt a sudden chill in her head and woke up with a start.

"Felicia, are you ok?"

The elder brother's concern warmed Felicia's heart.

For decades, it has been used to the days of four dragons together. Powerful and rational elder brother, nervous and silly Elena, and hard-working Willy all make it no longer lonely.

Thinking of her impression on other brothers and sisters, Felicia felt a little lost.

Brutality? Lazy?

This is almost certain.

Felicia raised her head just in time for her elder brother's concern.

"Felicia, you don't have to think about it, just pay more attention to it in the future."

Felicia nodded. Lord white dragon continued to communicate with sister long about the teachings of Tiamat. She said it was communication. In fact, Lord White Dragon said it. Felicia listened.

"Greed is nothing bad. I'm greedy, too. I long for more power and more wealth. I believe Felicia, you too..."

"Cruelty, as the empress dragon has said, cruelty is for the sake of awe of the enemy, so it is unnecessary to treat our own people. If we treat our own people as well as the enemy, sooner or later we will force our own people to the enemy's camp..."

"For strangers, if you can be friends, try to be friends. If you can't be friends, try not to be enemies."

Asked Felicia.

"That must be the enemy?"

Lord white dragon did not hesitate.

"Then kill him! Call me if you can't die. If I can't fight, we'll go together. If we can't, let's go together. "


Next, Lord white dragon and Felicia happily solved the mountain like food until the dragon's strong stomach felt a little swollen.

The White Dragon Lord looked at Felicia's back and sighed. I believe that after this conversation, Felicia will feel something.

After leaving the restaurant, Felicia came back to the room with a tired face. Her brother's alternative interpretation of the doctrines she had always believed in made her feel very confused by the collision of two completely different views.

Empress dragon! Which point of view is your original intention?

With doubts in her heart, Felicia fell on the gold coin bed. The gold coin was smashed by its huge volume, splashing and jingling on the ground.

Felicia closed her eyes. After rolling on the ground for a while, the coin hit an obstacle and stopped.



The bottomless abyss is a huge city that covers a vast area and can't be seen at a glance. A group of divine attendants transformed from the souls of the five color dragons patrol around the city. There are countless flying dragons in the city.

Ten thousand dragons block out the sky and the sun!

In the center of the city, there is a magnificent fortress made of five colored dragon scales. Deep in the fortress, a giant dragon with a length of 100 meters lies on the ground and sleeps. Five heads of different colors breathe out different air.

The one on the far left is a black dragon head. The dragon head is bony and skeleton like. The breath from the nostril corrodes the air.

The second dragon head on the left is blue. The dragon head and neck are covered with orchids. The electric spark moves and jumps on the surface of the dragon scale. The nose breath is accompanied by breathing and spits out a long and short arc.

In the middle is a huge red dragon head, which is one size larger than other heads. It exhales a hot breath with sulfur breath, which distorts the air.

The first tap on the right is green. The green tap breathes out a terrible green poisonous fog. The poisonous fog disperses in the air and makes people shiver.

The faucet on the far right is white. The white faucet exhales cold air. The water vapor in the air condenses into frost in front of it and spreads a layer of ice on the ground.

All of a sudden, the white tap opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in the deep diamond pupil.

"Oh? It's interesting that my doctrine can be interpreted in this way. " six