Chapter 228

Lin can also leave the cast and return to his hotel.

Gu Ziming and his flamboyant red Ferrari are just outside the hotel.

"Where do you want to eat? Chinese food or Western food? I'll have a reservation made in advance. " Gu Ziming said lazily.

Lin Yike snorted and raised his voice subconsciously, "what kind of food do you want to eat? Why are you still here! After staying abroad for a long time, I can't understand Chinese.

? I don't think you beat me too lightly last time. You owe me another beating. "

Gu Ziming looks at Lin Yike and gets angry. He suddenly feels that her abusive look is cute. After Lin Yike finished yelling, he said lazily, "I went back to reflect on it. I think we are still too unfamiliar. It's really hasty to get married now."


"So, Lin Yi, love first." Gu Ziming naturally replied.

Lin Yi: "I'm not sure."

She suddenly found that there was a language communication barrier with Mr. Gu. Tell him to go away. He doesn't seem to understand.

Since words don't work, it can only be put into action. Lin Yiye moves his wrist a few times and waves his fist. After a few fists, Gu Ziming finally left.

Lin Yike sums it up and finds that Gu's eldest grandson owes a beating.

Lin Yike goes back to the hotel room. Milan is shocked to learn that she has beaten Gu Ziming.

"That's the eldest grandson of the four big families. You beat people away like that."

"What else? I'm still hanging on him if I don't have this idea? " Lin Yihui said.

"So it is." Milan nodded in agreement.

It's just like Lin Yi's refusal to Han Chen. Since there is no result between them, it's better to refuse them thoroughly as soon as possible, so that they can't leave a little space for fantasy, so as not to delay each other.

The kind of people who don't want to commit themselves for life, but also have endless ambiguity, is the most shameless.

"But that's Gu Jia, the head of the four consortia. Do you really not think about it?" Milan look like a pity.

"Think about what? If I jump on a high branch, I will look down on myself. " At the same time, Lin also looks down on the scum man, and naturally he doesn't look up on that kind of woman.

When she was studying, she was also fascinated by martial arts for a period of time. Among the martial arts, Lin Yi's favorite is Jin Yong.

Mr. Jin Yong said: the most ideal love should be: love at first sight, from one end, grow old together.

Lin yie doesn't believe in love at first sight, but it's the beauty she yearns for to grow old together. Therefore, both men and women should treat their feelings sincerely and specifically.

If you can't, you'd better do it alone. Don't harm others.

"I'll take a shower and order a takeout for me." Lin Yike walks into the bathroom with a change of clothes.


At the same time, Gu Jingting also knows that Gu Ziming took Lin Yiye to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a license.

Gu Jingxi also asked Gu Jingting what happened.

Gu Jingting didn't speak. He was always tired of explanation for his egotistical character. On the contrary, Gu Jingxi was very angry.

Ruan Qi has always been the most gossip, and now he's watching the fun.

As soon as they walked out of the meeting room, Ruan Qi came to Gu Jingting and said, "I just heard that your old lady promised to transfer 1% of Gu's shares to Lin Yiye as long as she could marry Gu Ziming."

"Well." Gu Jingting finished listening and answered calmly.

Mrs. Gu's contract is drawn up through the legal department, which is his person. Before the equity transfer contract was sent to Lin Yiye, Gu Jingting knew about it.

"Well, what? Jing Ting, can you give me some reaction? Your women are going to be pried away. " Ruan Qi is not satisfied with Gu Jingting's indifference.

"It's not surprising that the old lady has nothing left in her hand but to leave it to Gu Ziming." Gu Jingting's tepid reply.

"The 10% shares of Gu's consortium, the old lady's offer is so good, can't Lin be moved? Jing Ting, if you don't hurry up, she will follow Gu Ziming and shout to your uncle Ruan Qi added oil and vinegar.

Gu Jingting suddenly stopped, gave him a cold glance, and threw the report he had been carrying on him. "This business plan is not up to standard. Go back and redo it."

Ruan Qi is holding the plan, with a hard face. Facing Gu Jingting's back, he yelled: "Gu Jingting, this is revenge for the public, revenge for the public."

"You're out of your mouth." Fu Chendong came over from behind and patted Ruan Qi on the shoulder. He added, "I'll use this plan tomorrow. Please hurry up."

"Damn, let's live." Ruan Qi couldn't help cursing.

Two people stood at the door of the president's office. Then they saw Gu Jingting coming out with his coat. Pass them and walk straight into the elevator.Ruan Qi looks at the descending number on the screen at the top of the elevator, and finally stops at the underground parking lot on the first floor.

"Isn't it overtime tonight? President Gu is now openly opening the window."

Fu Chendong nodded and gave him a sympathetic look.

Gu Jingting returns to his apartment. Unexpectedly, Lin Yiye is also there.

Sister Zhang said, "I've just come back. I'm taking a bath in my room."

Gu Jingting pushed open the bedroom door and heard the clatter of water coming from the bathroom.

The big bed was strewn with clothes and skirts that Lin could change, as well as a handbag. The handbag was half open, in which the share transfer agreement stood out.

The hotel room is obviously not safe at home. It's better to leave this time bomb at home.

Originally, Lin Yi was planning to come back in two days. Suddenly, he received a notice from the deputy director. Because Zhou Lina is out again, the crew will stop work for half a day tomorrow.

Lin Yi likes to go home as long as he doesn't start work. The water in the bathtub of the hotel has been put away, and the takeout of Milan has also been delivered. Lin Yi resolutely drives back to the apartment.

After the shower, she came out of the bathroom with a towel in her hand, wiping her wet hair.

Then, she saw Gu Jingting who suddenly appeared in the room.

He was dressed in a dark suit, well cut, with a straight shoulder and long legs. I'm a little chilly.

He stood there, tall and tall, crystal light shining on his head, casting a faint shadow, inexplicably added a bit of gloom.

Lin can also see that he is holding the share transfer agreement that Mrs. Gu gave her.

"The 10% shares of Gu's consortium, according to the market value of yesterday's US stock market closing, also have more than 1 billion. Mrs. Gu is really willing to give it to you." Gu Jingting's tone was mixed with a hint of coldness

ridicule. He bowed his head and lit a cigarette. His dark eyes were fixed on his fingertips. The whole person looked even colder.

Lin can also tie up his wet hair with a belt. He goes to Gu Jingting, grabs the cigarette between his long fingers and throws it into the recycling bin.

"How about a sense of crisis?" Lin Yi also didn't get angry because he flipped her things without permission, but his tone was a bit of ridicule.

If she was really afraid that he would know, she would not bring it home.