Chapter 52

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
Mr. Zheng left.

Looking at the gangsters who were beaten by Lao Zheng and who were still crying, I asked them, who gave the money and asked you to deal with me? I didn't expect that the ruffian at the head even kept his mouth shut.

A policeman reminded me, "OK, you should follow us to the police station."

When they got to the police station, these ruffians said: Yes, they were bribed by a woman, but they couldn't see the woman's face clearly, because she was wearing a hat and a pair of big masks, and only showed two eyes. The woman just gave them a deposit and gave the rest after it was done. From beginning to end, they didn't see the woman's face clearly, and they didn't know where she came from or what her name was.

I was very depressed. This man is in the dark, I am in the light. If you want to be bad for me, then I'm more dangerous? This time, I just met Lao Zheng by chance, but not everything is so coincidental!

However, although the gangsters were severely interrogated, they kept saying that they didn't see the woman clearly.

These gangsters want to do something wrong because they are blocking the road and robbing. Naturally, they will be left in the Bureau for a few days. But I didn't find out who was behind the scenes. I was still worried.

After I left the police station, several gangsters were still shouting that they were not convinced and that they were unjust. But when it comes to money, do you have to work in shifts?

Then I heard the police yelling“ I checked your files. They're all in the palace. Don't let me tell you that you don't understand the law? "

I drove to the garage and matched the broken glass.

Although there was no accident among the workers in lanli shoe factory, all this happened because someone deliberately plotted against me and let me into the trap, but I still found several management personnel and made a new set of workshop rules, which everyone must abide by.

I feel very tired when I am busy this day.

At 8 p.m., I was still in the shoe factory. Secretary Xu reminded me that it was time to get off work. I smile, said: "you go first, do not care about me."

I turned on my computer and searched several shoe factories that were on the verge of bankruptcy.

Thinking of my father, I called sister-in-law Li again. Sister Li told me that my father woke up and said he wanted to eat.

As soon as I heard that, I quickly turned off the computer and went to the hospital.

"Miss Song, don't come. Your father is still very weak. I'll just watch him. "

I know. The nurse Lawson hired is very responsible. But I don't want her to be too tired.

"Miss Song, if you want to come, please come at ten o'clock in the evening."


When I was hungry, I found a snack in the office.

Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang. I was stunned. Is... Someone talking about business?

When I think about it like this, I can't help but feel energetic again.

"Hello..." I try to adjust my voice smoothly and kindly.

"It's me."

I was stunned.

On the other end of the line, it's lowerson's voice.

"You... How do you know my office phone?"

"Nonsense, as long as I want to know, there's nothing I don't know."

He said, I know what I've been busy with these days.

I was silent for a moment and said, "I have something to do now. I have to go to the hospital later."

"I'll pick you up."


"I'll pick you up, and you just listen to me."

In his voice, I can't refuse.

"It's a long way here, Lawson."

I don't want to waste his personal time. As a matter of fact, I also know that Lawson is basically working overtime. He is much busier than me“ You'd better be busy with your work. "

I added.

Unexpectedly, my cold and alienated attitude made luoweisen extremely unhappy.

He began to teach me straight away.

"Why don't you let me pick you up? Do you think I don't know what happened to you during the day? Hehe... What a dangerous thing. When you meet gangsters, hijack cars and people, what will happen next? You have to be raped, shot in the head and killed in the street before you realize the danger? "

I'm in a daze.

And Lawson was right.

But such a question, it seems that I have no privacy in front of him.

How strange! How on earth did he know about it? Did you secretly send a private detective to follow me?

"It's night, and you, as a single woman, will only encounter more potential dangers than during the day! Don't talk nonsense, you are in the office, waiting for me to pick you up! "

"I... I..."

ok In addition to a few overtime workers in the workshop, I am the only one. The workers all live nearby, just a few minutes away from home. I'm different. I live in a busy city. It takes me 40 minutes to drive to the downtown even if there's a green light all the way.

I'll eat some biscuits and continue to study the case.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening, I ate up a box of biscuits, and I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Is that Lawson?

I'm not so sure.

I stood up and opened the door.

It's him!

I haven't seen him for eight days in a row. As soon as he saw me, he was stunned for a few seconds. Then he closed the door and held me in his arms.

I was held too tightly by him.

I reminded him to put me down.

With a calm face, he let me go, but he held my hand and asked me if it was tight today?

I saw that his concern was not perfunctory, and his voice was soft: "it doesn't matter."

"No, it's too far. You have to move. "

Luo Weisen told me that when he drove in, he had looked over the whole factory: "we have to change places."

I smile bitterly.

"It's easy for you to say. Don't you know the soaring land price in Xicheng? Where can I afford it? " It's not easy for me to maintain these expenses every day, because the court hasn't pronounced a verdict and hasn't recovered all the money Gu Yuanhao cheated my father out of.

Luo Weisen still shook his head: "Song Yao, didn't I say that? When something happens, you can't always stand on your own

"I'm used to it."

Lawson just looked at my desk, staring at the biscuit box I had eaten up, and frowned, "is that all you want?"

"Not bad."

"How can I do that?"

"What's wrong?"

He took my hand and said he would take me to supper“ Song Yao, don't forget that just because I don't come to you doesn't mean you and I have nothing to do with each other. "

As soon as he talked about it, I kept sighing.

"Stop it, you know? Early this morning, Xie Ying came to see me again. She told me to leave you and said you were just playing with me. I said, to be a human mistress is to play. Is it true? But I didn't think about it. Xie Ying said that I had a plan. She said that I was using my mistress's signboard as a cover, and that my ultimate goal was to marry you? Ah, the more I describe it, the more dark it is. She and I are married... "

Think of these, my heart is still depressed.

Lawson just looked at me.

"It's not surprising that she has such an idea."

I'm more anxious“ It's a matter of conscience, but I really don't have it! "

"No, no, what are you excited about?" "I'll take you to dinner first. After that, I'll take you to my apartment. Tonight, you stay for the night! "

"No, I promised to go to the hospital at ten o'clock."

"You'll go again early tomorrow morning." Lawson said that he had asked the doctor and my father's life was safe for the time being. After that, he took my hand and looked at me faintly: "Song Yao, I miss you."

I was stunned.

I dare not look him in the eyes.

I know. He said he missed me because he missed my body.

"I want you."