Xia Wan gave him a white eye, "if you don't look for me, who dares to come first?"

"What's wrong with this picture?" Fang Bin's reaction is fierce. Xia Wan didn't expect that he would react so much. He was surprised for a moment. With a little hesitation, Fang Bin said, "now that you've been separated for such a long time, I say you should be looking for one. Sooner or later, when you're finished avenging, you'll be able to live with your right son!" The rise of Fang Bin's theory seems to have seen that picture.

"It's not as easy as you said," said Xia Wan. "The real name of the emperor is not reliable at all."

"It's not a matter of saying whether it's reliable or not," Fang Bin said.

Looking at his indomitable appearance, Xia Wan couldn't help feeling headache“ I really didn't meet someone I like. Don't... "

"Did you pursue you?" Fang bin asked.

Summer late Dun live, she some can't understand Fang bin brain circuit, their topic is how crooked pull into such?

Looking at her pause, Fang bin fully understood another meaning. He said excitedly, "really? What do you look like. If you have any photos, please show them to me first. I have a hunch that this is the one for you

Xia Wan was speechless. "You didn't even see me. How do you know? Fortune telling depends on palms, too! "

"That's true!"

Fang bin was determined and excited.

The summer evening helps the forehead, the God feels this topic to be unable to carry on. How on earth did they do that?

Fang bin is still looking at Xia Wan with expectant eyes. Xia Wan can't help it.

"You think too much. I don't have that person with Ben. I've been busy abroad. I don't have time, let alone one night stand. People are scared to death when they see my face. Most importantly, I don't have that idea at all!"

See summer evening is about to blow up, Fang bin returns to normal in a second.

He reached out and touched the scar on Xia Wan's face. He couldn't help admiring, "I've heard that South Korea's plastic surgery is particularly powerful. This one really deserves its reputation. It's really not a waste of huge expenses for a scar to think so."

Summer late summer late some not used to his action, back to hide, "without this, I dare not so aboveboard back."

Yes, enough to confuse the true with the false, but although the scar on her face is false, the scar in her heart really exists and will never disappear. Only revenge can restrain her pain!

Fang bin did not care, and said, "summer evening, do you still remember your cousin Feiyu and your aunt Tang Qingcheng?" Fang bin asked.

"Cousin Feiyu?" Xia Wan nods without hesitation. How can she not miss her? Cousin Feiyu and aunt Tang Qingcheng are the best people for her. She misses their kindness when she is in pain.

"But why do you ask? Could it be that... "Thinking of a possibility, Xia Wan's heart sank, and he couldn't help getting anxious.

"Don't worry, they're OK." Know that he is to fork in, Fang bin quickly denied. Also he didn't say clearly, almost let summer late misunderstanding, in order to remedy, he quickly first determined the safety of two people.

"That's good." Xia Wan was relieved. It was OK. She didn't dare to imagine the possibility that either of them would have an accident. She didn't see them again. But if they lost one, she was afraid that she would not hold on.

Fang bin also knows the importance of the two to Xia Wan. He said, "in recent years, both of them miss you very much. When you had an accident, they were hit hard. It took them a long time to recover."

Xia Wan smiles from her heart. She feels guilty that she has nothing to do but doesn't contact her relatives to report their safety, which makes them worry about themselves. But soon, she will wait. When she finishes what she should do, she will go to the two of them to apologize.

"My cousin and aunt are the best to me all the time!" Xia Wan said, "I want to see them now."

When Xia Wan finished speaking, she thought of something, and her expression cooled down. In fact, every time she talked about Gu Chengyuan, her expression would fade down. In recent years, she has been living in pain, and every time she thought of Gu Chengyuan, it was an unforgettable pain. How much she loved at the beginning, how much she hated now. She really didn't understand how much Gu Chengyuan hated himself at the beginning.

At the beginning of the treatment, she thought about this question every day, but she often died of no illness. She asked herself if she was sorry for Gu Chengyuan. At that time, she just gave birth to a child. Gu Chengyuan started too fast, and there was no wireless. She thought for a long time, but she couldn't understand it. She once wanted to rush to Gu Chengyuan and ask him if he had ever loved her, Later, all the thoughts were faded, and she was still alone.

Later, she was tortured by pain for a long time, she finally wanted to understand, what is love, what is not love, what Gu Chengyuan wants is his own life.She began to hate Gu Chengyuan, all the pain into hate, transferred to Gu Chengyuan, so that she can be better.

Gu Chengyuan.

It's really a name I haven't seen for a long time. Xia Wan thought, I really want you to taste what I suffered!

The cheerful atmosphere in the carriage disappeared.

Fang bin also calms down. He understands that Gu Chengyuan is Xia Wan's villain. Once he mentions this name for so many years, the topic can't go on any more.

"The most important thing now is Gu Chengyuan." Xia Wan said that there was a smile on her face. Half of her side was as beautiful as heaven, but the other side was a completely different scene.

"Only when Gu Chengyuan gets revenge, can I put everything down and go to see cousin Feiyu and aunt Tang Qingcheng. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll indulge in their warmth and lose the spirit of revenge." What Xia Wan was more afraid of was that he would hurt them with hatred. So she can endure, endure to the end.

Two people are not talking, quiet down in the car, quiet down in the car, summer evening open the mobile phone, bored for a while to see a message.

Gu Chengyuan posted the news on the Internet, with a photo attached, which is a photo of Xia Wan long ago. The attachment says that he is going to recruit a temporary mother for his son's birthday.

Xia Wan has some shaking hands. He greedily looks at the photos and imagines his son thinking about himself. She couldn't help missing her son.

Dongdong lost his mother when he was born. I don't know how the child got along. Is there anyone bullying him? Will he be rejected? How can Gu Chengyuan take care of Dongdong?

Xia Wan kept guessing about her son. She wanted to see her son very much.

"Fang bin, if I apply, can I succeed?"

"What?" Fang bin is stunned, reaction comes over what she says again, flatly refuse, "no, you can't go, in case was discovered by Gu Chengyuan how to do?"

"But Gu Chengyuan thinks I'm dead. He doesn't think about Xia Wan. At most, he thinks I'm similar to her!" Xia Wan refuted him, but she couldn't help it. Originally did not see Dongdong has nothing to do, but now with this speculation, she can no longer restrain, years of Miss flooding, keep pounding her heart. Clamor for her to come back to Dongdong.

"Xia Wan, you should be sober. I know better than you what kind of person Gu Chengyuan is. Even if he doesn't think about Xia Wan, if he starts to doubt you, he will never let you go! He's the one who would rather kill a thousand people than let one go! " Fang bin anxiously said that he was really worried about the summer evening. Gu Chengyuan had been so cruel to the summer evening. If he found that the warm bridge was not dead, he would definitely do it again! He never doubted that Gu Chengyuan was very spicy.

"If you think about our plan, Dongdong will come back to you as long as it's successful. You can make it up to him any way you want! No one will stop you then. " Fang bin says anxiously that he doesn't want Xia Wan to be in danger again. He almost scared him to death a few years ago. Thanks to nuanqiao's life, he escaped. How can he watch Xia Wan step into the fire pit again.

"But it was his birthday!" Xia Wan felt guilty. "Dongdong didn't have a mother since he was a child. I've been sorry for him for several years. I can't imagine how much Dongdong missed me in these years. When other children of the same age were still in his mother's arms, he was so small. If he didn't miss me too much, he wouldn't let Gu Chengyuan publish the news on the Internet." Warm bridge believe, Gu Chengyuan that appearance, want to be egotistical, how can you put down your position to care about his children.


Seeing what Fang bin wants to say, Xia Wan interrupts him, "I think clearly, Fang bin, I have to go."

"Summer evening, do you really think about it?" Fang bin reconfirmed that he still didn't want to let Xia Wan risk. It's too dangerous to be afraid of just in case for one night, and they can't afford it any more.

"That's it, and if I succeed, it's a good way to Approach Gu Chengyuan!" Xia Wan insisted.

Fang bin sees her a pair of resolute appearance, can't help but wry smile. He knew that he had no way to stop Xia Wan, so he had to do his best to eliminate all the dangers for her and try his best to make her safe.

In the twinkling of an eye, October passed, and the sky became more and more distant. Occasionally, when you look up, you can see groups of migratory birds flying slowly towards the warm hometown in the south. The sound of flapping wings is clearly discernible in the vast and quiet sky. There will be no more sudden downpours in summer. Everything rolled forward so peacefully and peacefully.

Gu Chengyuan, as always, stood beside the huge French window of the company, staring at the colorful outside the window. A month ago, he was a powerful president, but Feng Shui took turns. Today, he is heavily in debt, and many of the company's employees have been laid off by him. Gu Chengyuan even doubted whether his company was going to fail. Would years of hard work be wasted?Gu Chengyuan once wanted to wait until the weather became comfortable, so he asked for leave to take Dongdong on a good tour. He has been in the city since he was born. I haven't even seen the sky outside. I haven't been on a plane. Dongdong also asked Gu Chengyuan to take him to the places in the paintings more than once. He likes to show off so much, but he has no chance to tell his friends where Dad and he went to play again.

But nature always does this to people. Each of us is played with by it, but we can't break free. No matter how much wealth you have, no matter how strong your physical fitness. In front of it, walking like a little poor mole ant, a little bit unhappy, it will hit the disaster on your head. You can't live, you can't die.

The economic crisis has exposed Gu Chengyuan to the public. People in the street are more or less guessing whether Gu can survive and how much money he has lost.

It's always easy for people to haggard first in the face of crisis. Although the heart is not willing to yield, but the body is always the first step. In a few days, the gray rose to Gu Chengyuan's sideburns, and his body complained to him about his hard work with the fine lines at the end of his eyes and eyebrows.

Gu Chengyuan sighed deeply. In the face of the economic crisis, the huge Gu family turned out to be a mole ant. Days of hard work made him tired. Sometimes I really want to quit. But if you don't work hard, why give your son the best life.

However, Mr. Gu did not know how to deal with the social and economic situation by himself. Gu Chengyuan skillfully lit a cigarette, the original smoke shrouded in, really can make people awake a lot. Just surrounded by the smell of disgust, people's heart has no reason to get bored.

"Buzz..." Gu Chengyuan looked at the shaking mobile phone on the table. Flying past, it's muted.