Soon arrived, Xia Wan looked at the sign in front of her. It was a bar called "Xie Xie Jiao". The pink blue light made a bright halo, reflecting Xia Wan's indifferent eyes. She frowned, pushed open the glass door and went in.

The bar is very noisy, the lights are ambiguous pink, walking on her slender body, the sound of rock music in her ears, let her feel very uncomfortable. Flash in front of her eyes again and again flashing, stabbing her eyes a little pain, but still insist on looking for Fang bin in the crowd.

As she apologized, she stood on tiptoe and looked at the shining stage.

People around looked at the masked woman with curiosity, surprise and slight contempt.

Maybe it's the ugly girl who ruined her face!

"Beauty, how about dancing with me?" The restless hand touched her mask and wanted to take it off, "don't be so cold! Let me see. What do you look like? "

"Get out of here." She said faintly.

When Xia Wan pats the hand of the little gangster who comes to chat up with him in disgust for the third time, a familiar voice rings behind him——

"If you dare to touch her, I will abolish you..."

When Xia Wan looks back, he sees that Fang bin is in a mess. His white skirt is also tinged with light yellow by beer liquor. He looks slovenly, It was clear that his fists and feet were soft, but he still scared the little gangster white.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'll never dare to..."

What a paper tiger.

Xia Wan looks at the little gangster with no expression and runs away in embarrassment. Fang bin turns to her and smiles: "ha ha... Xia Wan, I drove away the bully... Don't be afraid."

She noticed his dizzy drunkenness and frowned slightly: "what's the matter? Why do you drink so much? "

"Where is it? Just a little... "Fang Bin said indistinctly, using his index finger and thumb to draw a very short length, turbid wine spray on Xia Wan's face, she frowned, held her breath, and stepped back," OK, OK, don't say it, I'll take you home. "

"Good." Fang Bin said vaguely. Xia Wan put his hand on his shoulder and helped him out of the bar step by step.

Finally arrived at home, summer evening turned on the light, let Fang bin lie on the sofa, oneself ran to lock the door.

"Wow Fang bin suddenly called, head down a tilt, spit all over the floor, with the stench of the emission, summer evening cover his nose, look slightly stiff, but still patience to deal with the mess on the ground clean.

She's really sick now.

She has a slight habit of cleanliness, but she still tries to resist her unhappiness, clean up the dirt, sprinkle disinfectant on it and spray air freshener in the room.

"Fang bin, wake up." Xia wantui, the unconscious man lying on the sofa, finds that it is useless at all, so he has to take him to himself, stumble and take him upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Well, you can go to bed now and have a sleep." Xia Wan whispered, put him on the bed, wiped his face with a hot towel, patiently took off his shoes, carefully covered the quilt for him, turned and left, "I'll help you wake up."

Xia Wan looks at Fang bin who is sleeping, sighs in a low voice and goes to the kitchen.

She doesn't know what happened to Fang bin.

He doesn't usually get so drunk.

In the light green porcelain bowl lies a spoonful of green tea, which is infused with fresh water and emits steaming heat. Then the fragrance of tea is diffused. Xiawan carefully carries the bowl to the bedroom, which is still slightly hot, but it can still be imported.

Xia Wan lifted Fang bin up and handed the bowl to his lips: "drink it quickly."

Fang bin looked up at her, lowered his eyes and drank it slowly. Xia Wan decided that he was clean now and was ready to turn around and leave. However, Fang bin suddenly got up and hugged her with a faint voice: "Xia Wan..."

He breathed wine, held it so tightly, and the temperature between his fingers was so hot, There is also such a kind of intimate address, which makes Xia Wan feel uncomfortable. She frowns: "what's the matter?"

"You saw Dongdong today. You saw Gu Chengyuan today. I'm so worried. I'm so scared." There was a slight tremor in his voice, like crying.

"I'm fine." Summer evening low voice appeases a way, "I just played with Dong Dong today for a while, with Gu Cheng Yuan what also didn't happen, you don't worry." She looked very calm. "Well, go to sleep."As she was about to say something more, Fang bin suddenly put her body in the right position and gently exerted downward pressure on her closed pink lips.

His tears fell on her chin. It was just a shallow kiss. Xia Wan's brain was blank. She suddenly realized it. She pushed him away and slapped him in the face.

Fang bin was pushed to a stagger and fell to the ground.

Fang Bin's face is a little red, but it doesn't swell up. Xia Wan's hand is not heavy, but it's just good to beat his face to one side.

"Is that what you want to tell me?" Xia Wan spoke with hoarse voice, like an old man in his twilight years.

"Today is Dongdong's birthday. I want to be a mother. Don't you even give me this chance?" Summer late Leng Leng ground asks, brow dead ground lock, "then you so willful ground let me come back to accompany you? Just to do it? "

"Fang bin, you are so selfish!" Xia Wan gave him a cold glance.

"Summer evening, you listen to me to explain..." Fang bin holds her, but is forced to shake off by summer evening, she stood up straight body, angry and said: "you let me go!

"Summer evening, I like you." Fang bin suddenly blankly opened his mouth, eyes do not know where to look, "the first time I saw you, I like you. I am willing to use my life to protect you

"I don't mind if you're a mother of a child. We can take Dongdong with us if you like." Fang bin looks at Xia Wan's slender figure, his voice is very light, his eyes are full of tenderness, "I will treat Dongdong as my own son, give him everything he wants, I will get along with Dongdong very well, I believe I will be a very good father, you are a very good mother, Dongdong will become our pride, we will be a very happy family."

His vision of the future is too good.

He never knew what she wanted.

"Fang bin, you are drunk!" Summer evening light way, turned round to leave Fang Bin's bedroom.

Summer evening to see the sky is late, simply wash, in order to avoid Fangbin big midnight drunk run out, then sleep in the living room.

She thought of Fang Bin's kindness to herself for so many years. In order to take care of and protect himself, he insisted that Xia Wan move to his home, take care of her daily life, cook for her, care for her, help her, and let her stand up from the shadow. She had regarded him as her brother, respected him, respected him, and understood him. So many good, she all remembered in the heart, can no longer forget.

She doesn't know, she just... Doesn't know how to face the deep feelings of people she doesn't love.

She was even a little afraid of the constant affection.

Refuse? Can she refuse?

But she was afraid to see Fang Bin's eyes, miserable, helpless, wet, over and over again to tell his mind.

Her love for each other is like treating relatives, not intimate lovers. She loves him not because she wants to have a new sweet relationship with him, nor because she wants to create a crystal of their love with him.

Xia Wan doesn't love Fang bin. I won't fall in love with Fang bin at all. She knew this very well, and Fang bin didn't know it. He was just like a dying man. He always wanted to seize this wisp of hope and treat it as the last straw to save his life.

As long as Xia Wan leaves Dongdong... As long as she doesn't see Dongdong... As long as she doesn't recognize Dongdong... It's possible for her to be.

He has been so good to Xia Wan for so many years. Since he is sincere, he must be open-minded.

Even if he used such despicable means to call her over and accompany himself, he would do such a thing.

He loved her so much.

He wants to have her forever, thoroughly and completely.

Fang bin opened his eyes slowly. The light sunlight fell on his lips. He noticed that Xia Wan was no longer in the room. He got up gently, put on his shoes and went out.

It's a pain in the head, a pain in the heart.

What did he say yesterday? What do you think? What did you do?

He confessed to Xia Wan

He kisses Xia Wan

Then Xia Wan said he was drunk.


Fang bin gave a bitter smile. What he said last night was true. He loved summer evening. He sincerely wanted to give her a warm home. He didn't want her to give up her beautiful and brilliant years for revenge every day.

How he hoped that he could show a beautiful smile to himself like seeing Dongdong at the end of summer.

That's enough to make him happy.He Fang bin and Xia Wan have lived for so many years. Can't she see her mind at all? Doesn't she know she likes her? Can't she understand his kindness and care for her for so many years?

Does she really just think that she's just drinking and talking nonsense? But she didn't know that there was a saying called "tell the truth after drinking"?

Xia Wan quietly lies on the sofa, with a white face and delicate and picturesque eyes, but she is always unsmiling, with a touch of coldness. Her mystery, her indecisiveness and her intelligence make him feel that he likes her.

In the daytime, she always looks expressionless. She looks cold and hard to touch. But in fact, this woman is also a kind-hearted person. She will take care of the poor homeless animals and give alms to the beggars on the roadside. She always looks cold. In fact, her heart is very soft and kind. When she sleeps, her mouth will relax gently and draw a smile, So beautiful that people dare not breathe for fear of waking up the sleeping fairy.

I don't know what kind of dream I had. Did I dream about Dongdong?

Dream, there will be their own shadow?

Thinking, Fang bin shakes his head and grins bitterly.

It's absolutely impossible.

Her breathing is very light, maybe because the temperature is a little low. She curls up into a small ball, her nose moves slightly, her eyelashes shake slightly. Fang bin takes a quilt from the room of Xia Wan and covers her body.

Action is extremely gentle, for fear of waking her, perhaps, he greedy want to see her sleeping face, even if the smile, not toward him.

He would, too.

be most willing to.

Summer evening always sleep very shallow, feel the quilt is covered to the body, she suddenly opened her eyes, see is Fang bin after Leng Leng, a time brain blank.

Now, she really doesn't know what to say to Fang bin. Is it time to say hello or tell him coldly, "Fang bin, I don't feel like you at all, don't be so sentimental"?

Both are OK, but neither is suitable.

Fang Bin's face suddenly turned red. He took back his hand, but neither did he. The two men were deadlocked. Xia Wan felt embarrassed and coughed, then he broke the silence.

Fang bin suddenly took back his hand as if he had been shocked. After a long time, he said softly, "I'm sorry, I drank too much yesterday. I didn't mean it."

Xia Wan blinked her beautiful eyes, sat up and looked at him, with unspeakable feelings in her eyes: "I'm the one who should say I'm sorry." She took a deep breath and thought for a long time. Then she said softly, "after all, you are a man and live with me every day for so many years. It's because I'm not good, I'm not considerate, and I don't care about your feelings, which causes you trouble. " She stood up and gave him a deep bow. "I apologize."