Chapter 123 - Romantic To Horror Real Quick.

Matthew Xi stared at the ceiling while Zoey fell asleep just like that. Turning his head towards her, a short chuckle escaped his lips. 

Slowly, he moved his body and laid on his side, facing Zoey's peaceful sleeping front. "Do you know why I want to go home?" He paused, studying her delicate and exquisite features.

"Because I don't know what to do with you if I'm near you..." his hand gently stroked the strands of her hair that dangled on her cheek. 

Matthew Xi wasn't a hard drinker. Hence, he watched his alcohol consumption earlier. In normal parties, he wouldn't mind drinking a little more. 

Those were the days when he had no foreign urges. Even the strongest temptation wouldn't break through his defenses. However, everything changed when Zoey suddenly came into the picture. 

He knew deep down how strong his attraction towards Zoey was. Thus, he was uncertain about his actions if he drinks the same amount of liquor as hers. 

After all, Zoey has always been reckless with her words that seem to repeatedly provoke his nature as a man. Moreover, her actions were unpredictable. More reason for him to be wary of his own condition. 

He was afraid that he would snap and do the unspeakable. Although Zoey had been very bold, Matthew Xi didn't want that to happen under the influence of alcohol. 

He, at least, desired for them to go deeper if their feelings for each other were certain. Rather, he was certain what she was to him and his importance to her. 

"Browny... handsome browny..." Deep in her sleep, Zoey murmured. Matthew Xi could just meekly smile as it seemed even in her sleep, she was teasing him. 

"Sleep tight." Patting her head, Matthew Xi carefully pulled his arm that was under her nape. "Don't sleep with strangers so peacefully. You would hate me if you do." He added, glancing at how deep her sleep was that she didn't notice his movements . 

With that said, Matthew Xi stared at her for another minute before tucking her in and left the room. As soon as he left the room, he let out a deep sigh as he leaned his back against the shut door. 

"She makes me feel hot..." He whispered, breathing heavily as all his energy was used in restraining himself while laying down next to her. 

When he calmed down, Matthew Xi headed to the bathroom to cool his body down.


The next day...

The golden ray of the sunset shone down on two figures standing on the shore. Zoey slid her hand on his and both hands intertwined as they watched the sun go down. 

The ocean breeze kissed their cheeks, as the waves created a harmonizing atmosphere. It was so peaceful... and romantic that it filled their hearts with contentment.

"Zoey, I love you." Matthew Xi whispered, cupping her left cheek gently. "Will you marry me?" Looking at her straight in the eyes, he proposed. 

There was nothing grand in his proposal. There were no flowers, love letters, balloons,pictures, or anything that was associated with the term 'romantic'. However, he filled her heart with nothing but happiness. 

"How can you confess to me and then propose immediately?" Biting her lip, Zoey placed her hand on top of his that was cupping her cheek. "Can I think about it first?" She said, the corner of her eyes welling up. 

He smiled, "Mhmm," nodding his head as he agreed to her request. 

"Yes!" Just as he nodded, Zoey immediately replied with a grin. Same with her gleeful smile, the corner of his lips curled into a gentle smile. 

"You won't be alone anymore, Z. I'll protect you, love you, and grow old with you." Matthew Xi wiped the little tears from the corner of her eyes before slowly pulling her into his embrace. 

"Mhmm...!" Nodding her head, Zoey rested the side of her head on his chest. "Let's do that..." she whispered softly, staring down at their beautiful shadow. 

"Darling... will you run away with me?" As they relished in each other's warmth, Zoey's eyes softened while still staring at their shadow below. 


Upon hearing his answer, a weak smile formed on her lips. "How I wish you were this expressive in real life." Zoey murmured, realizing that this wasn't real and all just a dream. Still, it felt nice having a glimpse of the Matthew Xi she wished to meet. 



"How can you forget about me?" Zoey knitted her brows as she was puzzled at what he was talking about. 

The next second, his embrace grew tighter. "Darling! Ah!" The gentle embrace slowly felt suffocating like a snake forming a constriction coil around its prey. 

Zoey attempted to wriggle away with all her might. However, no matter how strong her force was, she felt weak in this dream. 

"Stop! You're hurting me!" Zoey shouted, wriggling away from him. For some reason, Zoey managed to break free from his and pushed him away as she took several steps back. 

Slowly, her gaze full of disbelief raised up to him. The instant Zoey's eyes met that pair of hazel orbs, and not those dangerous yet gentle russet eyes, she gulped and took a step back. 

His plum cupid bow lips curled into a smirk, arching his brow giving her a knowing look.

"F*ck..." Zoey murmured, staring at the person in disdain. 


"F*ck — ah!" Zoey abruptly opened her eyes along with her shouts. However, upon doing so, she felt a painful strike to her throbbing head. 

"Ahh... my perfect dream..." Zoey grumbled, recalling how her romantic dream with Matthew Xi turned into 'horror'. 

She rolled around the bed like a wasted person she was for drinking too much and waking up with a terrible hangover. Shortly, Zoey was akin to a burrito with the blanket wrapped around her. 

As Zoey rolled around, worsening her hangover unknowingly, she realized that the bed was not hers. Looking around, Zoey blinked her eyes hard as she realized she was in the hotel room she 'probably' booked. 

Just then, memories from last night starting from the party and bits of pieces after that, flooded her mind. "Browny!" Despite the overwhelming memories, Zoey's concern was Matthew Xi. 

He wasn't around and Zoey wanted to know if he stayed for the night or what. Hence, despite her aching head, Zoey languidly unrolled herself from the blanket. 

ALAS! Just before she could completely remove herself from the blanket, she stopped upon noticing something. Slowly, Zoey looked down and peeked at her body beneath the comforter. 

Seeing her naked body in all its glory, her eyes widened in disbelief as she gasped loudly.