Chapter 148 - Full-blown Romance

Matthew Xi stared at her, embedding every word she spoke. This was probably the first time Zoey didn't look at him in the eye while uttering such words. 

From the time he had known her, Zoey would tease him naturally at every chance she could. She could bluff while looking at a person in the eye. Not to mention, she proposes marriage without hesitation in her aura. 

Alas, right now, she couldn't. Matthew Xi wondered. Was it because her words were rather vicious and without any remorse? She was relieved to lose her parents? Was it because she took advantage of the Kwan's conscience?

Matthew Xi didn't consider that Zoey couldn't care less about his guesses. That the reason she couldn't bring herself to look back was because she was afraid that his reaction would disappoint her. 

"Your parents... you hate them?" Bearing a low tone, it made it harder for Zoey to distinguish his feelings as there wasn't much change in his voice. 

"Hmm... you can say that." Shrugging her shoulders, Zoey pressed her lips into a thin line and slowly raised her head. 

To her surprise, the look in those pair of orbs wasn't shock or disdain. If anything, it seemed he was curious and sought to know more. 

With that, her eyes softened as she heaved a faint sigh of relief. It may not be the reaction she wanted from him, but it wasn't the response she feared either. 

Regardless, this was better. Truly, her instincts were often right. And it proved its judgement today. 

"Did they hurt you?" Never once looking away from her, Matthew Xi inquired. 

In his perspective, Zoey's point of view would be understandable if she was a neglected child. If she was abused or was in a stressful environment as a child, no one could blame her. 

After all, no one knew the Zhou Family aside from being the victims of a car accident. No one knew what kind of parents her mother and father were before the accident. Therefore, who was he to judge?

"They're bad people." 

"I see..." Matthew Xi nodded his head, setting his eyes on her once again as he raised his hand. 

Slowly, his hand landed on her head gently as he patted it. "You asked me what I would do if you told me that in contrast to everyone feeling sorry for you, you're relieved that they're gone...So, this is what I'll do." Low and still cold, Matthew Xi said as he answered her query earlier while patting her head. 

"I am not the person to judge because I know nothing, and even if I do, I wouldn't understand because I was never in the same shoe." He added, indirectly telling her he didn't mind her unrepentant attitude towards it. 

After all, he wasn't the kindest person himself. He lacked remorse about many things... Hence, somehow he could relate to her in a way. 

"Browny..." Zoey whispered, her cheeks heating up as she was enveloped by his warm words. 

"Honestly, I'm intrigued. However, that can come later." He stopped patting her head, moving his gaze and locked eyes with hers. "Come with me." He said and took a step forward. 

Since Zoey was walking ahead earlier, Matthew Xi brushed by her. As he did so, his hand suddenly held onto her wrist and dragged her with him. 

"Ah! To where?" Slightly startled by being dragged suddenly, Zoey cocked her head to the side as she hasten her pace to catch up with him.

"On a date." Without looking back, Matthew Xi briefly explained. 

"Oh..." Blinking her eyes many times, Zoey nodded her head and let him guide her to her car. 

Zoey nearly forgot that this was already their second date. After all, she didn't expect that the misunderstanding between Zion Kwan and Cora Ma would get settled that fast. 

She expected some long drama but to her disappointment, the drama was short lived. Still, she didn't mind if Matthew Xi had come up with a plan for today. 


An hour later, Zoey glanced towards the driver's seat where Matthew Xi was perched. They'd been driving to god knows where but till now, Zoey had zero clue where he was taking her. 

"Browny, where are you taking me?" Zoey asked, looking at the road they're driving on. 

They had already exited the city thirty minutes ago. Hence, Zoey wondered if they were going to a romantic countryside. 

She had thought of romantic scenes. In her mind, Matthew Xi might be taking her to a beach to watch the sunset together. She also considered a romantic picnic, or they might go hiking where they would be trapped and discover each other's true feelings!

There were just many instances to consider. Who knows, he might be thinking of eloping with her and doing a flash marriage! Perhaps, this would be the pace of the story where it'll be a full blown romance and not comedy!

"I don't know." Alas, the person she thought would share her romance fantasy gave her a flat short answer. 


"We'll arrive if I feel like we've arrived." Clueless that he just hammered her fantasies twice, Matthew Xi gave another vague explanation. 

About thirty minutes later, Zoey finally got the answer she was looking for. Matthew Xi pulled over to a rural place which she was unfamiliar to.

The place, it seemed it had fallen behind the city's fast progress, almost everything was fields. Zoey could not even see a romance spot where they could be lovey-dovey. 

"Whenever I have many things in mind, I always drive away from my place, away from the people to a location where no one knows me and take a long walk." As Matthew Xi unbuckled his seatbelt, he explained which made her disappointed eyes twitch. 

"That night, the night you saved me..." Turning his head to face her, Matthew Xi cast her a knowing look. 

"You were taking a walk back then...?" She continued with a questioning tone. 

"Mhmm," he hummed a tune as an answer, which made Zoey scoff in disappointment. No wonder his place was far away from the area where he got robbed and stabbed. 

"Let's take a walk." He said, glancing at her as he slowly departed the driver's seat. 

Meanwhile, Zoey's face distorted. "Just when I thought this story would start its full-blown romance.... jeez!" Muttering to herself, Zoey dragged her heavy body out of the car reluctantly.