Chapter 169 - Introduction

[Z Image Group Headquarters]

"Hey Mel, what did Boss Zhou say about the designs? Were they approved?"

"Ah, not yet." Without averting her gaze away from her screen, Melanie Xue shook her head.

"Not yet? That's weird." Luigi Chan mumbled as he raised his brows. Normally, Zoey would have approved or rejected the design within two hours of submission. After all, it was an urgent matter. 

"Boss Zhou is being weird lately. I told her to get a personal assistant to tend to these minor things and stop using us all as the ones to occupy the post." With a sigh, Melanie Xue muttered to which Luigi Chan, another colleague in the art department, agreed. 

"You know what? I think we should persuade Boss Darling. Maybe he could talk to her about it." Luigi Chan suggested, glancing at the current project he was working on. 

Everyone in the Z Image Group would probably unite with this idea. After all, Zoey's schedule could be pretty hectic. Hence, trouble often comes whenever she is around as her employees have other things to worry about. 

"I don't know Lu. We might not see Boss Darling in the future." Shrugging her shoulders, Melanie Xue sighed deeply as she recalled her request to Matthew Xi the other night. "I still regret not knowing his name, though. He's the first man Boss Zhou introduced to us." She added, making Luigi Chan sigh before he returned his focus to the monitor's screen. 

Just then, Melanie Xue and Luigi Chan from the art department heard their other colleague call out, "Boss Zhou!" 

As soon as they heard that, both unconsciously turned their heads to the direction of the voice. As their gaze landed on the colleague, both shifted their gaze to where he was jogging to. 

There, Melanie Xue perked up upon laying her eyes on the figure walking behind Zoey: Matthew Xi. "Boss Zhou! Boss Darling!" Melanie Xue called out, jolting from her seat as she hastily grabbed a few folders from the side of her desk. 

"Alright people, calm down!" Raising both her hands, Zoey figured that her company was about to blow up with her day of absence. 

Well, this often happens whenever Zoey goes MIA without a word. Although she only did it once in the past. Still, she knew her lesson and often kept in touch and posted at the company's status. 

"Before you piss me off with loads of bad news, I want to introduce my assistant to you." Clapping her hands to get everyone's attention, Zoey stood in the middle of the office as she relayed the news. 

However, their reaction was not relieved just like what she expected. It was rather silly to see their shocked expression plastered across their faces. 

"What?" In unison, they asked as they unconsciously darted their gaze from Zoey to Matthew Xi. "New assistant...?"

'Is her first sentence really necessary?' On the other hand, Matthew Xi glanced at Zoey's smirking side profile. 

"Yes, you heard it right. All important and minor affairs can go through him first and he'll do the rest; organize my schedules, business affairs, separate major and minor issues. He'll be the first to see your failed designs since you guys have a habit of doing crap the first time around." Zoey paused, scanning the faces of their guilty countenance. 

"In other words, he'll bring sunshine to your lives and lessen the time of me questioning your existence!" Zoey resumed, simplifying how she viewed this introduction to their favors. 

"What an introduction, Miss Zhou." With the corner of his lips twitching, Matthew Xi murmured as he could clearly see the variety of expression on their faces upon hearing Zoey's ridiculous remarks. 

Alas, by the looks of it, some accepted it as the truth while the rest bore the eye of disbelief for exposing their bad habit. 

'What a bunch of weirdos!' He thought to himself. 

"Well, mind introducing yourself properly?" Turning to face him, Zoey cast him a knowing look. 

"My last name is Xi, Xi Matthew. Looking forward to working with you all." Matthew Xi slightly bowed his head as he introduced himself. 

However, he got nothing but silence in response. It was as if the whole office was deserted as none of them talked. 

"Boss D, your name is Xi... ha?" Blinking her eyes many times, Melanie Xue stuttered as she turned to the mutually shocked Luigi Chan. 

"Yes, the Xi Matthew of XI Corporation." Taking advantage of their bafflement, Zoey nodded her head and added more confusion. "The Xi Matthew who owns the giant company." In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey added as she traveled her gaze across her employees and heard some of them gasp in disbelief. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi knitted his brows as he glanced at Zoey — equally surprised as everyone else. Alas, his puzzlement immediately vanished upon the sight of the mischievous glint that flickered across her eyes and her impish smirk. 

"Wh — what's going on...?" Luigi Chan stuttered as his widened eyes peered at Matthew Xi's imperial visuals. 

"Lu, what's going on is all of you are asleep." Because of the utter silence, even Luigi Chan's murmur was clearly heard by Zoey. 

"Wake up, people! We don't tolerate no common sense here — you're all smart and rational people! Why would the backbone of the giant XI Corporation work in Z Image, eh? Obviously, I'm kidding to stimulate your minds and I'm gravely disappointed at the outcome." Clapping her hands once again, Zoey brought them back to reality as she peered at them in disappointment one by one. 

"Jeez! You've been working hard and working overtime. No overtime tonight — go home and rest." Shaking her head in disbelief, Zoey ordered as she checked her wristwatch. It was about time that everyone should prepare to leave. 

However, since they messed up big time, almost everyone stayed late and arrived early to meet her orders. Still, since Zoey saw that they're almost reaching their quota, she could let them off just for tonight. 

Or else, they would have to leave their minds somewhere else if they continue not having rest. "That's all. Mel, Lu. Tomorrow's meeting will be moved after lunch." With that, Zoey turned to Matthew Xi as she cocked her head to the side. 

"Let's go," Glancing at Matthew Xi, Zoey cocked her head to the side as she strode towards her own office.

'Cutting them bit by bit and then bringing them back to life... that's Zoey's way.' Matthew Xi nodded his head, as he felt sorry for her employees who were now his colleagues in this part time job of his. 

"Yes, ma'am...." Watching the two head to the CEO's office, everyone had mixed emotions about the announcement and criticism from their boss.