Chapter 244 - How He Made Them Agree.

When Zoey and Matthew Xi arrived home, a loud pop of confetti welcomed them upon their entrance on the door. 

"Congratulations!" Cora Ma greeted, bearing a wide grin on her lips. Meanwhile, Zion Kwan didn't share the same enthusiasm as his fiancee as he looked at Zoey and Matthew Xi with indifferent eyes. 

"Sis..." Slowly, Zoey's lips curled into a smile as she bit her bottom lip. All day, Zoey was in a dilemma because she thought she was being selfish if she asked them to delay their marriage. 

Little did she know, she was worrying for nothing. Although Zoey wasn't sure how Matthew Xi made them agree, what was important was Cora Ma and Zion Kwan didn't mind. 

Her brother might not show it on the surface, but Zoey knew him very well. His indifference was akin to his approval and going with the flow. 

"I'm so happy for you!" Extending her arms towards Zoey, Cora Ma embraced her tightly. "You should have said you and Mr. Xi got married earlier! This is unfair!" When Cora Ma broke her hug from her, she pouted and sighed. 

"Ah?" For a second, Zoey's mind short-circuited as she somehow didn't process her words. 

"Mhmm! Mr. Xi already told us the truth that you already registered your marriage certificate! You could have said it yourself, though." Still bearing her disappointed pout, Cora Ma cleared as she thought Zoey would deny it. 

When Zoey got the gist of what Cora Ma was saying, her gaze shifted to Matthew Xi slowly. She saw him smile innocently, as if he was innocent of any crime. 

'Heck! Of course they will agree because they have no choice!' Zoey grumbled internally, utterly surprised at this information she didn't expect!

"Hehe." Letting out an awkward laugh, Zoey's mood which was emotionally stirred changed to awkwardness in an instant. 

"I'm sorry, sis." Since Zoey didn't plan on clearing Matthew Xi's mischievous lie, Zoey apologized on his behalf. 

"It's fine. Me and Brother Zion thought about it and decided that we should settle our problem first." Smiling, Cora Ma held Zoey's hand as she patted the back of her hand like a mother. 

Although it was such a waste that they wouldn't get married soon, Cora Ma and Zion Kwan mutually understood that they were rushing things too quickly. After all, although Zion Kwan had a problem with the Kwans, they were still his parents. 

He loved them, genuinely. Cora Ma knew that defying his parents was also hurting Zion Kwan as he wasn't filial for years just because someone told him to. 

Therefore, she wished that they would get the proper blessing from the Kwans. Perhaps, Zoey's sudden marriage was also a blessing in disguise. 

It would give them time to work on their life, and try getting Sarah Zheng and Zachary Kwan's blessings. Both believed that once Zion Kwan's parents cooled down, they would finally accept Cora Ma as their daughter-in-law. 

"Thank you, sis." Smiling at Cora Ma's sincerity, Zoey then turned to Zion Kwan. "Big brother, thank you." Zoey expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the both of them. 

Zion Kwan just let out a short chuckle as he glanced at Matthew Xi who came out of the kitchen. "When will you come back?" Returning his gaze back to Zoey, Zion Kwan inquired. 

"In two weeks." Since Matthew Xi didn't detail what they would do on Zoey's two weeks leave, he gave an out answer because Zoey's thought bubble formed a huge question mark. 

"We'll be back after two weeks." Matthew Xi repeated, stopping by Zoey's side as he handed her a glass of wine since she often drinks half a glass of wine whenever she arrives home. 

"Where are we going?" Staring at Matthew Xi with eyes full of curiosity, Zoey cocked her head to the side. 

"Honeymoon." In a matter-of-fact tone, Matthew Xi answered as his eyes glinted which made Zoey's under eye twitch. 

Why does he look at her as if he could not believe she couldn't guess this obvious answer? Heck, she was too surprised to think! What does he expect?

"We will be out of the country for a week, and then spend the rest of the other week meeting my family and yours." Holding another glass of wine as he perched on the seat opposite Zion Kwan, Matthew Xi gave them a brief detail of their plan just to brag. 

"Oh..." Nodding in understanding, Cora Ma glanced at Zoey before she grinned. "I want a baby girl~" she whispered, requesting the gender of the baby in the making. 

"Don't worry, sis. I plan on forming a soccer team." Chuckling at her best friend's teasing, Zoey winked her a knowing look before she hopped towards the couch where Matthew Xi perched. 

However, instead of sitting on the vacant space beside him, Zoey sat on his lap with Cora Ma and Zion Kwan present. "Ahem, anyway, we already had dinner. We have to sleep early because your brother's new job will start tomorrow and I have a job interview." As soon as they saw Zoey clinging on to Matthew Xi like a monkey, Cora Ma awkwardly excused, before gesturing to the displeased Zion Kwan to come with her. 

"Z, have some little dignity please." Clicking his tongue in disbelief, Zion Kwan assumed that Zoey was the one who often initiated things with Matthew Xi. After all, she was being too clingy and touchy, not even thinking that she appeared to love Matthew Xi more than he loved her. 

"En... hehehe~!" Zoey giggled as she watched Zion Kwan and Cora Ma leave them alone. On the other hand, Matthew Xi leaned back as he watched her giggle in amusement. 

Shortly after, Zoey suddenly glared at him which caused his brows to knit. "Hmm?"

"Darling, how can you lie to them?" Zoey questioned, squinting her eyes as she waited for his answer. 

"I am doing them a favor... also, you could have cleared the misunderstanding." Matthew Xi shrugged his shoulders, stating facts that Zoey was an accomplice since she went along with it. 

Zoey sighed, downing the half glass of wine before placing it on the small table and hooked her arms around his shoulder. "Are we really getting married that soon?" Batting her eyes beautifully, Zoey stretched her lips into a large smile. 

"Mhmm... for now, we will register our marriage early, because apparently, mother wants to participate in the wedding preparation if you allow her." Placing his hand over her head, Matthew Xi looked at her straight in the eye as he reassured her that they were getting married. 

However, since it happened out of the blue, they were unprepared for a proper wedding ceremony. After all, Vivian Xi had been going around the city like a crazy maniac wanting the grandest wedding of the century. 

"Hehe, of course." Giggling, Zoey puckered her lips as she pressed them against his lips.. However, even before she could part with him, Matthew Xi stilled the back of her head as he deepened the kiss.