Chapter 249 - Women In His Life

An hour later, Zoey and Matthew Xi arrived at the hotel where they would spend the week. Just as Zoey exited the back passenger seat with Matthew Xi standing outside guiding her hand, she heard someone call out to her. 

"Zoey!" Standing excitedly in front of the entrance, Vivian Xi clasped her hands together as she glided towards Zoey bearing a full bright smile on her lips. 

"Auntie~!" Seeing the woman glide towards her, Zoey's arms instinctively spread as she welcomed Vivian Xi in her embrace as if meeting a long time friend. 

"How are you? I missed you so much~!" As they backed away from each other, Vivian Xi's eyes softened as she wondered how her daughter-in-law had been doing. 

"Me too, Auntie Xi. I've been great!" Zoey grinned, as they were just together days ago and yet Vivian Xi appeared as if she genuinely missed her. 

"Mom." Vivian Xi clicked her tongue, pouting as she could not help but notice Zoey still called her auntie despite marrying her son. 

"Yes, I'm sorry. I — I still can't believe that I'm married." Sounding a little uncomfortable, Zoey explained as everything that happened now felt surreal. 

After all, it has only been a few hours since she got officially married with the man she never expected to be her husband. Not to mention, Vivian Xi's overly friendly personality towards her overwhelmed Zoey. 

Therefore, she couldn't just transitioned that fast. This woman before her, staring at her excitedly as if she had many stories to tell, was after all the epitome of women empowerment. 

"It's fine, I understand." Chuckling at Zoey's honesty, Vivian Xi linked her arms around her. "Baby steps, you'll get used calling me Mom." She winked, guiding Zoey inside the grandiose hotel. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi raised his hands as he tried to reach for his wife. However, only he could do was watch his own mother take her away from him. 

Vivian Xi didn't even glance at her despite that he was just standing a meter away from them. 'I'm here...' He whispered inside his mind as he frowned at being forgotten by Zoey. 

At this point, Matthew Xi regretted letting Vivian Xi get her way. Now, he also had to compete with her for Zoey's attention. 

Recalling that Zoey was genuinely fond of Vivian Xi, Matthew Xi's frown grew uglier. Who would have thought that instead of the love rivals he thought he had, Vivian Xi would be the toughest competitor he would have to compete with. 

Having that thought in mind, Matthew Xi sighed as he retracted his hands away and placed it inside his pocket. With that, Matthew Xi followed suit as he didn't want Zoey to completely forget about him if Vivian Xi decided to monopolize her. 


[Inside the hotel's restaurant]

"So..." Sitting on the chair next to Zoey, Vivian Xi cast her a knowing grin as her brows raised. "How does it feel to be married?" She added, her ears doubled as she put her hundred percent attention to Zoey. 

"Uhm..." Biting her lower lip, Zoey briefly looked up as she could not help but smile. "I love it." Putting her feelings into simple words, Zoey answered as she returned her eyes on Vivian Xi. 

"Of course." Nodding her head, Vivian Xi's already stretched lips grew wider. "My little Zoey, my son can be a little overbearing sometimes. You mustn't let him walk over you easily." Giving Zoey a determined look in the eye, Vivian Xi pursed her lips as if she meant what she said. 

As soon as Matthew Xi approached inside, his brows twitched as he heard his mother's advice. He stopped in his tracks, casting his dismayed gaze at Vivian Xi's back. 

"Don't slander me. I'm not overbearing and I don't plan on mistreating my wife." This time, Matthew Xi voiced out his defense as he didn't want Vivian Xi to misunderstand that he was mistreating Zoey. 

Who knows what Vivian Xi had in mind if she used this excuse that he was mistreating Zoey? She might take Zoey away from him and deprive him from his wife's love. After all, Vivian Xi definitely found his love interest as a way to torture him if the situation asked her to. 

"Mom, he's not letting me sleep." As Zoey glanced at the displeased Matthew who was perching on the chair opposite them, Zoey leaned closer to Vivian Xi and whispered. Yet, her voice was audible enough to reach his ears. 

Matthew Xi nearly puke blood as Zoey ratted him out! Of all people... Matthew Xi should have seen this coming as his wife was none other than Zoey Zhou. 

"What?!" Knitting her brows together, Vivian Xi's gentle eyes turned piercing as she glared at her son across her. "Is that true?" Although Vivian Xi had guessed what they were doing at night, she still needed to act as the heroine for her little Zoey while Matthew Xi was the inconsiderate villain. 

"Yes..." Pouting, Zoey acted as if the whole world wronged her as she wiped the invisible tears from the side of her eyes. 

"Zoey..." Not a bit amused at her acting, Matthew Xi called her out through his intimidating tone. 

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" His tone was Zoey's cue to stop teasing him. Chuckling, she leaned the side of her head on Vivian Xi's shoulder sweetly. 

"Actually, Matty had been treating me sweetly, Aunti — I mean, Mom." Zoey clarified, correcting how she addressed Vivian Xi which lightened Vivian Xi's mood enormously. 


"Mhm!" Pursing her lips together while smiling, Zoey nodded her head. 

"Little Zoey, tell me if Matthew is mistreating you, okay? Mommy will surely punish him — I'm on your side." Holding Zoey's hand, Vivian Xi looked at her straight in the eye as she stressed her remarks. 

"Yes, Mommy." Her heart felt warm, feeling as if she was a doted-on princess in front of her 'own' mother. 

"Good girl." Pleased that Zoey addressed her correctly and naturally this time, Vivian Xi smiled as she patted the back of Zoey's hand. 

Meanwhile, all remaining emotions in Matthew Xi left his shell. These two women in his life.... they were acting as if they had experienced oppression and were joining forces against him.