Chapter 256 - Regal Party III

Meanwhile, outside the Dazzling Hotel, Matthew Xi turned towards Zoey as they had been sitting in the back passenger seat for five minutes since they arrived. 

"All good?" He asked, his tone was patient as Zoey was breathing heavily as she composed herself. 

"Well, I'm nervous." Speaking her mind, Zoey forced an awkward smile on her lips. 

On the way here earlier, Zoey felt her drumming heart inside her chest almost break away from where it was. Her nervousness grew stronger and stronger the closer they got to the place. 

And now that they're here, she had to ask Matthew Xi for them to stay for a while for her to breathe. After all, inside this establishment, Zoey would meet people that were far from her normal circle.

Although she has multi-millions in her name, Zoey knew that the Xi Family guests had more than wealth. They have strong connections which made them powerful in different areas in life. 

Moreover, despite that her husband has the same influence, perhaps, more than that, it only gave more pressure for her. After all, they would expect someone as remarkable as him with a clean track record and influential backings as his wife. 

Yet, she only had her messy background and nothing commendable than her will and shamelessness. Also, would they believe that she just lured Matthew Xi by seducing him everyday in two months?

"They don't bite." Matthew Xi humored to lighten the mood. "I mean, they do... but so do I." He shrugged his shoulders, briefly explaining the reason why they wouldn't even think of harming Zoey in the first place. 

Matthew Xi could bite back and when he does, all the merits they had built for years would disappear almost instantly. Therefore, Matthew Xi was confident that no one would be foolish enough to touch his bottomline. Little did he know, Vivian Xi invited a few foolish people without telling them.

"Jeez..." Chuckling at his last remarks, Zoey exhaled a deep sigh as she cleared her throat and nodded. "I think I'm ready. The event will start soon." Zoey smiled. 

With that being said, Matthew Xi exited the car and jogged around the other side of the door. When he reached the door where she was sitting, Zoey already opened it. 

Thus, Matthew Xi courtly offered his hand which she took while holding her dress to avoid stepping on it. "Thank you," Zoey glanced at him as she let her dress flow down. 

"My pleasure." The corner of his lips hooked up, acting as a gentleman as his gaze traveled down to her exposed collarbones. 

Just then, Zoey felt her purse vibrate due to her phone. "Wait," smiling, Zoey halted as she checked who was calling her. 

Upon laying her eyes on the caller, Zoey scoffed as she ended the line. "Mr. Silvestri?" Matthew Xi inquired, catching the glimpse of Patrizio Moretti's name on the screen. 

"Well, he's just being extra again." Lifting her head, Zoey slowly put her phone inside her pursed as she smiled. 

However, even before she could place the phone back in her phone, it vibrated again which caused her brows to twitch. "What does he want this time?" Through her gritted teeth, Zoey rejected the call once again. 

This time, Zoey immediately turned her phone off as this was an important moment for her. She was about to meet her husband's family and Zoey didn't want Nikolai Silvestri reminding her of who she was in the past. 

That manipulative freak, he was probably watching her through his men. Thus, he was trying to sabotage her clear-headedness. Too bad for him, Zoey didn't have time to spare and play with him. 

"No bother now. Let's go?" When her phone was successfully turned off, Zoey placed it back on her purse as she smiled brightly. 

"Mhmm," Nodding his head, Matthew Xi hummed a tune as they began to enter the hotel. However, just as they entered the establishment, Paul Qian approached. 

"Young master, Mr. Silvestri has called and has asked for you to call back." Despite the roller coaster ride Matthew Xi put him through, Paul Qian acted as if that didn't happen. 

Still, he didn't dare linger his eyes somewhere else especially to the woman on his side as he didn't want Matthew Xi to misunderstand. Indeed, it might not show on the surface but Zoey's existence was akin to a threat to Paul Qian. 

"Omo! Mr. Handsome Qian, it's been awhile~!" Seeing the dashing Paul Qian, Zoey's eyes automatically twinkled as this has been a bad habit of hers. 

However, the second Paul Qian heard what she addressed him, his back and forehead broke sweats. He witnessed the glint that flashed across Matthew Xi's eyes which made Paul Qian to gulp. 

'Please Miss Zhou, stopping calling me that!' Paul Qian nearly wept internally as he just returned to his normal life after Matthew Xi's jealous rampage several days ago! 

Truly, Zoey's existence was not just Paul Qian's curse, but also her mouth. "Youn — young master?" Despite hearing Zoey loud and clear, Paul Qian decided to pretend deaf and treated her as a ghost whom he shouldn't look at. 

"Handsome —" Just before Zoey could speak another word, Matthew Xi's face hovered in front of her and bit her bottom lip gently. 

"Don't call anyone like that in front of your husband." Bearing a threatening gaze, Matthew Xi whispered as Zoey gulped as she gestured to zip her mouth and nodded. 

On the other hand, Paul Qian coughed as he didn't see that coming. For some reason, he felt that his boss purposely did that in front of him to claim his sovereignty. 

"Tell Mr. Silvestri I'll call him back in the morning." Slowly, Matthew Xi drew his head back from Zoey as he ordered. 

"But Mr. Silvestri said it's urgent." Paul Qian hesitatingly informed as Nikolai Silvestri was an important person, after all. 

"Darling, why don't you go ahead first?" Upon hearing Nikolai Silvestri's message, Zoey proposed as she awkwardly cleared her throat. 

"No." Alas, Matthew Xi was quick to reject as he wouldn't let his wife talk to another person; especially to someone who was obsessed with her. 

"But darling, he wouldn't stop unless I talk to him. Don't worry, this is the last time I will talk to him." Coaxing Matthew Xi, Zoey beamed him a sweet smile which was his weakness. 



For a good one minute, Matthew Xi and Zoey just stared at each other before he sighed. "Five minutes." He said, conceding defeat despite his reluctance. 

"I only need two minutes to curse his existence." She giggled, patting his arm as Zoey only planned on ridiculing Nikolai Silvestri's whole existence for him to back off. 

"Paul will assist you to Alice's room." Checking his wristwatch, Matthew Xi prompted towards the room where the debutante was waiting as he didn't plan on going straight to the function hall. 

"En..." Waving her hand, Zoey smiled as she watched Matthew Xi leave her before he looked back at her for the last time and cast Paul Qian a warning glare. 

As soon as Matthew Xi's figure was out of his vicinity, Zoey turned on her phone, "Mr. Handsome Qian, I can manage no need to wait for me. I'll be back in five minutes." Zoey excused before heading out so no one would hear her swearing the life out of Nikolai Silvestri. 

"But...." Even before Paul Qian could finish his refusal, Zoey already scooted away in a flash.