Chapter 270 - I'll End Him

Despite her strong, unfaltering front, Zoey's grip on his chest tightened. "I don't worry about my brother... I am worried about what Zachery will do to Cora." Her eyes softened in worry, more concerned about what would happen to her friend if Zoey wouldn't intervene. 

On the other hand, Matthew Xi froze momentarily. His ears couldn't believe what he had heard as his mind slowly processed these words that struck him out of the blue. 

Zoey did mention getting trapped in a morgue before and then her disappearance as a child. So this was why? Was this the reason? 

But why? Why would Zachery Kwan do that to a child? It just doesn't make sense if the Kwans looked for Zoey relentlessly. Also, why did she come back to them despite knowing Zachery Kwan wanted her dead. 

Regardless, aside from those questions, Matthew Xi's cold hands trembled as his russet eyes reddened — itching to end someone's grace that very instant. 

"Why?" His throat felt parched, trying to sound calm but failing miserably. He had never had that strong killing intention before until this moment. 

"Love, when I say you know too little of me... I mean being an illegitimate child of Zachery Kwan and my complicated relationship with him...." After biting her lower lip, Zoey breathed in and out heavily before she started explaining how complicated her relationship with Zachery Kwan was. 

She even explained that her biological mother was violated by Zachery Kwan, causing her mother's relationship with her husband to go south in an instant. After bearing a sin from Zachery Kwan's action, nothing good happened neither to Zoey or to the couple whose life Zachery Kwan had wrecked. 

They all just fell apart with no chance to fix by the severity of the sin. Zoey didn't receive love neither from the parents she grew up with, nor her biological father who wanted to erase his sin: Her. 

It was too much information for Matthew Xi to take in, he couldn't listen anymore because it was breaking his heart for Zoey. Staring at her worried front, where it seemed that she had accepted the past and moved on, Matthew Xi felt the need to embrace her and never let her go. 

The world was cruel, indeed. His wife had a tough life... how could her past not break his heart? He loves her, and her past was his. Her heartache was his. Her life was his life line as well. 

He couldn't let it go easily. He just couldn't. 

Pulling Zoey in his embrace, Matthew Xi said nothing but Zoey could feel the pain in his heart. "I'm fine now." Forcing a smile on her lips, Zoey rubbed his back gently. 

She had moved forward. Also, Zachery Kwan wouldn't hurt her because Zoey wasn't that vulnerable child from before. Still, although Zoey could now stand for herself, she was still worried about Cora Ma. 

"I'm not." Matthew Xi murmured, burying his face on her shoulder. Slowly, Matthew Xi opened his eyes and revealed his piercing gaze that none wouldn't dare to stare back at him. 

"I can protect myself... It's maybe a bit weird to give that creep — Niko — the credit but he taught me how to defend myself. I'll just have to keep a close eye on Cora — that's all." Trying to cheer up the dreading aura that was emanating from Matthew Xi, Zoey awkwardly remarked which didn't incite comfort from him. 

"I'll protect you — no one else." Not a bit pleased by hearing Nikolai Silvestri's name out of nowhere, Matthew Xi's cold voice without a trace of human emotion tickled her ears. 

"Your brother, your friends, your business... I'll protect them all. I'll protect you — no one can ever touch you ever again." His tone was cold, yet they bore such severity that made her feel moved, secured, and threatened at the same time. 

"Thank you." Accepting his offer, Zoey rested her head on his broad chest as she closed her eyes. "You're enough for me." She whispered, trying to ignore the different aura he was emanating that Zoey had been familiar with all the dangerous people she had been in the past. 

Little did they know, Zion Kwan's lips paled while he leaned his back against the wall outside their room. They failed to close the door completely and left a small gap. Hence, he heard everything... Everything from the start how Zoey explained her real relationship with him and how Zachery Kwan was involved in her disappearance. 

He could feel his heart tremble uncontrollably, unaware if it was because of the shock or the disbelief that his father could do such things. After all, aside from the current issue, Zachery Kwan was a perfect father in his eyes.

How could that happen? How could his father do that to Zoey's mother and to his innocent illegitimate child? How could Zachery Kwan attempt to eliminate a whole family that did nothing wrong to him? 

This was just absurd... but Zoey, Zion Kwan trusted her. No wonder she never talked about why she disappeared and came back. 

'Z...' A glint of dismay flashed across Zion Kwan's eyes as his hand balled into a fist. Yet, instead of going inside, Zion Kwan just left with a heavy heart. 


An hour passed by and Zoey finally fell asleep. Checking if his wife was completely in her slumber, Matthew Xi dragged himself up and took his phone with him towards the balcony. 

Dialing Paul Qian's number, it was immediately answered despite how late it was. "Young master?"

"Make an appointment with the Kwans later." Without further ado, Matthew Xi ordered. "I'm dreading meeting the head of the family, Zachery Kwan." Yet, his tone made Paul Qian gulp a mouthful of saliva as he could feel the horrifying chill run down his spine despite not seeing his boss. 

"Yes, young master." Out of habit, Paul Qian bowed his head as if Matthew Xi was just standing before him before the call ended. 

As Matthew Xi put down his phone, a heavy exhale slipped past his lips. "I'll end him.." He whispered, his russet eyes glowed crimson red by the bright beam of the moon.