Chapter 294 - Zoey Means Life

There was this air of inexplicable confidence in his voice. Zoey got nearly deafened when she heard his words. 

"Three dates." Matthew Xi added, still bearing his self-asserting smirk while he arched his right brow for a second. 

'Three dates...' Zoey muttered internally. Those words felt so familiar to her that it made her heart pound uncontrollably. 

That's how Zoey had seduced him. She had proposed to him to date her three times. But now, he was the one saying the same thing. 

For some reason, Zoey's mind couldn't function properly. She couldn't shrug off the idea that he must have known that they time travelled. After all, whether it was the thirty-year-old Matthew Xi or the twenty-three-year-old Matthew Xi, Zoey was certain he wouldn't propose this kind of ridiculous set up. 

Why? They just met today in this lifetime. Also, why did his kiss feel so intense as if he had longed for her? Zoey couldn't understand. However, making assumptions of her own was the last thing she wanted to do, this time around. 

She needed reassurance, confirmation, and clarification about certain things. Still, deep down, she hoped he would say that he remembered everything from their previous life. 

"What do you say, Miss Zhou?" Matthew Xi arched his right brow, slightly tilting his head to the side. 

"Ah?" Zoey was baffled for a second, forgetting what he had been saying this whole time as she was lost in her own thoughts. 

"I'm asking: do you want me to drink this wine?" Since Zoey seemed like she was not listening to his proposal, Matthew Xi took the easiest route and asked a question. 


"Then, I'll take that as a 'yes' for dating me. From now on, you and I are dating." Matthew Xi let her go, stretching his lips upward as he placed the wine down. 

Slowly, he strode back to the lounge seat. As he plopped down, he cocked his head to the side, gesturing for her to take the seat beside him. 

"Today is our first date." He mused, snapping Zoey back to reality as she seemed lost for a moment. 

"Oh..." Zoey blinked her eyes multiple times, shaking her head as she cleared her muddled thoughts. 

"What date?" When Zoey's mind was back on track, her face distorted as she peered at him in disbelief. 

Matthew Xi shrugged his shoulder, his eyes told her the literal meaning of what he was pertaining about. He then patted the empty space beside him, "Come." He invited with a low tone. 

"First date... uhm, I'm sorry, Mister. But, I'm actually busy tonight saving the world." Zoey shook her head, lying through her teeth without even trying to conceal it. 

"Also, we already kissed and... that's how the first date usually ends." Zoey rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders as she turned and began walking away. 

She couldn't stay longer no matter how her heart wanted to. Heck, she would even cling to him and be lovey-dovey with him all night. However, Zoey needed to compose herself. 

The more she breathed the same air as him, the longer she stayed in the same room with him, the more her resolve to fix her issues first waned. Therefore, as much as she hated it, Zoey had to bid her farewell before she would make another bad decision in this lifetime that she would regret later. 

"Take care, Z." When Zoey heard him, her tracks came to a full halt as she turned to him. He was smiling... not stopping her from leaving. 

"Jeez... stop reminding me of my husband!" Zoey clicked her tongue and without a second thought, Zoey berated before stomping her feet away. 

"Husband?" Matthew Xi frowned as the amusement in his eyes instantly turned deadly. "She's married?" He murmured, before the side of his lips curled into a sly smirk. 

"That's better." Slowly, Matthew Xi tilted his head back and looked at the ceiling. For some reason, he couldn't understand himself either. 

His aggressiveness earlier was out of his character. However, he couldn't stop himself. He found her interesting, yes. But deep down, there was this strong desire to have her. 

The reason he proposed the most ridiculous deal he had ever made in his life. Matthew Xi, himself, found it silly. But, what else could he do? He didn't like being indecisive and he wanted to know why he was reacting the way he did towards that woman. 

Moreover, why did she care so much? Never in his life he could remember meeting her. His security was always alert — unlike Kenneth Bai's guards who couldn't stop a lady from intruding this party. Therefore, it's safe to consider she wasn't a stalker.

Matthew Xi could only find out if he dated her. Get to know her better, and figure out what she and he wanted. 

"Zoey..." Matthew Xi held up the bottle of milk she had thrown at him earlier. ���Zoey means Life in Greek. What a nice name." A glint of gentleness flashed across his eyes as her name truly had a nice ring. 

Matthew Xi's anger towards her disappeared like magic. After all, if not for the love drug in his drink, Zoey wouldn't appear.

Matthew Xi recalled how she forced her way in, and how she aggressively talked Kenneth Bai down. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. However, he remembered how Zoey changed her expression upon laying her eyes on Enzo Li. 

The way she looked at Enzo Li, Matthew Xi was irritated. It wasn't the same as the way she looked at him, but it was still annoying. With those awful thoughts in mind, Matthew Xi fished his phone out and speed dialed Paul Qian. 

"Zhou Zoey. Make a background check on her and... I want her phone number tonight." Without further ado, Matthew Xi ordered. 

"Yes, young master." As usual, Paul Qian didn't question his boss's orders.. When the brief call ended, Paul Qian immediately executed the order just to be surprised to see the person's photo which looked similar to the lady he bumped into.