Chapter 363 - Yes… I’ll Feed You.


When Matthew left, Zoey remained staring blankly at the door for as long as she could remember. She only snapped back from reality when Ivan knocked on the door and opened it without hearing her permission. "Sis," Ivan spoke as he entered the office.

However, he stopped the second he saw the ugly shocked expression plastered across Zoey. "Halloween is still a long way, sis. Don't wear your costume just yet." Sarcasm laced his tone as he could not believe this was the same person by whom he felt intimidated hours ago.

"Ah, gosh…!" Yet, Zoey ignored his ridiculing as she placed her palms on her temples in distress.

"Gosh, what?" Annoyed, Ivan cast her a poker face with a frown.

"He's such a flirt!" Slowly, Zoey moved her horrified gaze at Ivan. "How can he flirt so smoothly?!" She added with a gasp which caused Ivan's blank face to draw away in disdain.

"Right, you have so much going on with that guy. It's okay, though. He's at least a bit more decent than your ex. Anyway, if you have no more guests, I'm off." His words were spoken half-heartedly, but at the very least, there was some sincerity in it.

Ivan's eyes roved over her for a second before he sighed. He left the office shaking his head because Zoey seemed to be disturbed with her own thoughts. At the very least, he knew that there's nothing to be worried about if she entered this state of mind. With that thought in mind, Ivan didn't look back and went back to his place to rest after a long day of doing nothing.

Meanwhile, Zoey stayed in her distressed position as her mind rewinded her memories with Matthew. "Is he really the same person? He didn't have a twin, right? Like, this younger version of him was not someone else's younger version?!" Her words were breathy, slapping herself lightly to wake her up from her senses.

"This can't be happening. I'm too weak — ah! My fragile heart!" Dramatic as ever, Zoey clasped her hand on her chest as she whimpered at the foreseeable future of her giving in! "No, no, no! Zoey, you need to harden your heart!" Once again, Zoey shook her head sideways as she blinked her eyes as hard as she could in an attempt to clear her vision towards her wavering goal.


Suddenly, the scene when Matthew kissed the back of her hand with utter gentleness hovered in her mind. Zoey instantly froze, her lips pale as her eyes slowly glanced down to her hand which he kissed. Carefully, she touched the area where his lips touched, causing her to purse her lips into a thin line.

"His lips are so soft…" She whispered. Her hand could still feel the sensation of his lips touching her skin, sending butterflies in her stomach. "Where did he learn all these…?" She wondered meekly, pouting as she felt so weak with just recalling that magical memory.

In retrospect, in their previous life to be exact, Matthew teased her back whenever she teased him. He could be playful and hot at the same time, the reason they always ended up in bed together. There were days that his humor was so perverted that she was rendered speechless.

However, this timeline was different. His flirting skills were entirely different! Had he always been like this? He's just so good that Zoey couldn't even stop herself from blushing as she stopped her desires to flirt back and found his passionate flirting a little too overwhelming.

Headache from thinking too much caused her to mess her hair as she ruffled it violently. "Ughh! I hate my brittle self!" Zoey whimpered. To get those memories out of her mind, Zoey began cleaning the table where they ate before freshening herself up.

At the end, Zoey couldn't successfully shrug the previous occurrence, repeating it over and over inside her head. 


"She's gone mad." Ivan murmured, shaking his head in disbelief as he exited the establishment. "But…" When he was outside the Z Image Building, Ivan stopped as he looked back. His eyes moved upward, particularly to the window of Zoey's room.

"...she changed, she's different, for sure." He resumed his remarks. A deep sigh slipped past his lips as he shook his head once again before retracting his gaze away. "I wonder what Niko will say when he sees her." When Ivan took the first step away from the building, he muttered quietly.

Of all people, Niko knew Zoey more than anyone. He would surely see the difference with just a glance. Ivan wanted to probe and interrogate Zoey and give him some answers. However, knowing Zoey, Ivan knew he would just waste his time.

Moreover, he disliked forcing his few dear ones to fill him with details. He preferred them to voluntarily tell him. In that case, he wouldn't feel any negative emotions if they told him he was being pushy.

What's important to him was that Zoey trusts him; he could feel her utmost trust. Ivan knew, deep down, that she has a reason why she was keeping whatever she was keeping to herself. It was unfair, but that's just how life and people are.

Ivan hopped on his motorbike, wearing his helmet, and sped away. While on the road, he heard his stomach growl. "Damn…"He cursed through his gritted teeth. He hadn't had dinner yet, and now he was feeling hungry.

Although he took the snacks Zoey bought for him, Ivan didn't feel like eating anything instant. Hence, he decided to eat at the nearest restaurant for supper. Minutes later, Ivan found a restaurant. He slowed down and parked his motorbike while the monster inside his stomach kept on growling.

"Yes… I'll feed you." He frowned, removing his helmet and hanging it on the motorbike's handle. After everything was said and done, Ivan immediately headed inside the restaurant.

The second he entered the restaurant, Ivan scanned the place. It was a little packed as there seemed to be a company dinner. Just then, he caught a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes which made the side of his lips twitch: Cora Ma!

"What great luck I have." Ivan scoffed, wanting to leave the place.. However, he felt a low rumble from his stomach, so instead of finding a new place to eat, Ivan searched for an empty seat for him to have his dinner in peace.