Chapter 385 - Important Person

Meanwhile, inside a lavish black car driving along the highway...

"Boss, she really got us, huh?" Jimmy Feng looked up nervously at the man sitting next to him.

"Haha!" Cecil laughed, shaking his head as Zoey's face flashed across her mind. "She did, indeed. Who would have thought?" He added, cackling at how amused he was at the most courageous lady he had ever met in his life.

"Boss," Jimmy paused, fiddling his trembling fingers. "What's our plan now? Are we really doing business with her?" He asked, his eyes searching for a clear answer. 

"Hmm," Cecil rubbed his chin, pondering for an answer as if he hadn't contemplated it earlier. "Maybe?" He shrugged, the side of his lips curling into a smirk.

"Maybe?" Out of curiosity, Jimmy spoke aloud before he knitted his brows together. That instant, Cecil turned his head towards him, causing Jimmy to purse his thin, wrinkled lips into a thin line.

"Well, I never met a woman who's as cunning as her." Cecil only clicked his tongue upon seeing that Jimmy remembered the extent of his position of asking too many questions. "For some reason, I want to know more about this sprout that suddenly bloomed in my turf. Hehe." He chuckled, still caressing his chin as if he had a beard.

"But, Don…' After a moment of deep thinking, Jimmy mustered the courage to speak up. "What if she plots something behind you? Isn't it safer if we silence her now? The dead don't speak." There was a tinge of nervousness in Jimmy's voice, but one must applaud his courage for speaking his mind despite that.

After all, if Zoey had more blackmail material against Feng Estate hidden in her sleeve, Jimmy Feng would be the first to go down. For sure, his life would end. Why? Cecil would kill him even before he could rat him out.

Jimmy's title in the public might look grand and sound powerful. Behind the scenes, it was a double edged sword. Sure, Jimmy could live in luxury, doing business, and earning tons of money with which one could live comfortably for a lifetime. However, its bad side was that Jimmy's life was at Cecil's mercy.

One word from Cecil and there's no escape for Jimmy. It's akin to the devil's contract -- a real devil contract where he had to gain money, power, and fame. In exchange, he's just a slave whom Cecil could dispose of at his will. A scapegoat to take all the blame if everything went south.

"Hah! Nervous for your life, huh?" In contrast to Jimmy's worried persona, Cecil laughed it off. "Aiya… this is the reason you wouldn't succeed if not for me." Afterward, Cecil produced a series of clicking sounds of his tongue while shaking his head sideways.

"The problem with people like you is, you're too worried; too paranoid about unnecessary problems." Cecil sighed, leaning his back against the leather upholstery. "Even if she plots behind me, why hasn't she killed me yet?" In a matter-of-fact tone, Cecil inquired as he shot Jimmy a lazy look.

"..." Used at Cecil's whim just to boost his ego, Jimmy remained silent as he stared at his boss.

"Aiya, Jimmy…" The brief time of the two staring at each other made Cecil sigh in disappointment again. "You've been in the business for a long time yet you couldn't figure out one simple reason." He surmised, sounding hopeless for the extent of Jimmy's capacity. 

If only Zoey was at the level of Jimmy, Zoey wouldn't even reach Z Image Building alive. However, since Cecil had been in the industry for too long, he could smell his fellow devils; Zoey reeked of the rotten smell of her soul being burned in hell.

"It's simple, she still needs me." Cecil rolled his eyes, shaking his head lightly as he shifted his gaze towards the window in his right. "I'm not a hundred percent certain that she could kill me if she wanted, but I'm sure she has her chances with that pretty devious mind of hers." Despite the alarming words Cecil has spoken, his demeanor remained calm.

"Having one or two person know our little secrets is not always bad." Cecil paused, the side of his lips curling into a smirk. "Just like in business, not everyone is your enemy; some could be your potential business partners in the future. At the very least, Miss Zhou understood that part." 

Cecil tapped his hand on his knees, his eyes glinting in thrill. "It's been awhile since I've met such a person who understood the laws of the legal and the dark side of the world. It would be a shame to kill her without seeing if she could be a useful ally or not. Aiya… I'm really looking forward to whether her instinct to kill me could be wavered by my wit." Cecil humored, cackling at his own joke.

On the other hand, Jimmy forced himself to laugh as well. However, it sounded so forced that no one would believe he was trying his best.

'You're just careless because you can walk out of this problem unscathed if that woman betrayed you.' Inside his mind, Jimmy scorned as his eyes glinted with malice while staring at Cecil.

In his perspective, Cecil had nothing to lose aside from his front legal business. If they were found out, all fingers would point at Jimmy Feng. All humiliation, lawsuits, and media would only look at him while Cecil would walk like a free man. Unfair, but that was what he had signed up for.

"Boss, we're here." Just then, their car decelerated as they entered a private property not far away from the central city.

Slowly, the huge gates opened. Their car stopped at the gates, rolling down their windows while the guard outside checked their faces. The inspection didn't stop there as it was followed by the K9 dogs sniffing around the car. The hood of the car was even opened and checked.

"For example," Cecil said, turning to Jimmy with a knowing smile. "The person we're going to meet turned out to be a very useful ally." He grinned, proud as his ego boosted just at the mere thought of being associated with the owner of this place.

When the inspection was done, the person standing in front of the car received the signal that the vehicle was all clear. The security in-charge stepped aside and the gates fully opened while Cecil's vehicle headed inside slowly.

"Keep your wits together, Jim." When their car stopped at the driveway near the entrance of the mansion, Cecil turned to Jimmy once again. "I'll introduce you to a very important person that neither of us can offend." He stated, his tone turned stern as this was an order.

"Important person…?" Jimmy repeated, blinking his eyes as he furrowed his eyes; his eyes scrutinized Cecil's visage.

"A very important one." Cecil chuckled, shaking his head as he checked his suit and dusted off the invisible dust that might have clung onto his suit. "You'd be surprised to know. Hehehe. I never think he'd want to meet you, but he asked specifically for you." While Cecil was busy dusting off his clothes, he explained.

"Meet me…?" Again, Jimmy inquired as he couldn't understand what that meant. Why would an important person, whom Cecil admitted that they couldn't afford to offend, wanted to meet a mere scapegoat?

"Stop asking. I don't know, tsk!" Annoyed, Cecil clicked his tongue and scorned.. After he glared at him, the driver opened the door from him and he stepped out.